
September is Hunger Action Month. Street Life feeds our homeless/at-risk friends 5 days a week. With your support, we continue to be the lifeline to our loved ones on the street that face hunger every day.

We are also blessed to fill other basic needs and help some get off the streets. Others have more complicated needs, such as addiction and mental health issues, so we are launching a Christian recovery program called “Homeless to Healthy.” Click here to see what it’s about. We want sustainable change and opportunities for our homeless community and believe that a holistic program tailored to each person’s needs will provide the best path to success.

To help us launch this program right here in Redwood City, one of our donors issued a challenge. Raise up to a million dollars and this donor will match. This level of unprecedented generosity is necessary for us to provide help to recovering addicts by providing them with daily classes, 1-on-1 counseling, and job training. All donations will be MATCHED, dollar for dollar, doubling your impact!

Your generous actions have helped change many lives. Please pray about giving today.


We are now accepting crypto donations. Click here for more info.


Kev’s Korner

Welp, welcome to September !! August was quite the demanding month, at least it was for me. We're doing Street Life in Redwood City on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday now - as well as Last Sunday of the Month Breakfast, and First Saturday Bingo. Things are picking up a lot, and I'm seeing a lot more unfamiliar faces. The need is rising steadily, and we're meeting it head-on with a sermon and some hot food...

Kauai. It's coming. A lot of folks been asking me if I'm excited. As of today, I actually am. Spent the whole day trying to pack, and got virtually nothing accomplished. Turns out, having to pack for a trip sucks. You know you're going to forget stuff, and it won't dawn on you 'til it's too late. Pretty sure I got what I need, though. Guess we'll see, huh?

So let's get back to Street Life. Like I said, there's been a whole lot of new faces. There's a lot of folks out there that didn't realize homelessness is always hiding just around the corner. There's no definitive guidebook to help you navigate those waters, and if you don't learn to navigate them, you're going to drown. They come to us for help, and we do all we can. Maybe you need rehab - we're creating our own, called Homeless to Healthy. Maybe you need help with

paperwork - and Lord knows there's a ton of paperwork involved - we got you covered there, too. Maybe you just need to know you're not alone and could use a decent meal - we cover that daily. Street Life is a one stop shop for hope, help, and friendship. I can guarantee you're in the right place, and doing the right thing coming to us. We're here for you, pretty much every day.

Okay, this packing thing sucks. I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to make sure I don't forget anything. Too much to do AND write a column. Sorry in advance if this isn't one of my best...

Did my last Street Life for a week. Been a very long time since I went a whole week without it. Probably gonna end up with the DT's, right? Anyways, it was a real light Monday. Never ceases to amaze me that people think we take holidays off. Heck, I've been with Street Life through more Christmases, New Years, Easters, and 3 day weekends than I can even recall. We all want to be with our peeps on those occasions, and I totally agree...

Well folks, even though it's not the column you deserve this month, it's all I got. I need to finish packing and get myself together and ready to go in under 8 hours. Much love, and Aloha to you all. I'll see y'all next month. Hopefully, I can do a better column.

Father God, as always, I'd like to ask that you hold these people in Your Loving Embrace. Keep them safe, and watch over them. These are good people, Lord, and are worthy of Your Love and Affection. I ask this through Your Son, Jesus Christ, Who died for us all. Amen.

See you on the streets (or in Kauai, LoL...)


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