Photo by Karel Šimeček;
Dear reader,
The first EBCC conference I attended was in Kayseri, Turkey, in 2004. It left me with vivid memories; of some great birding (Radde’s Accentors Prunella ocularis and Red-fronted Serins Serinus pusillus!) and, more importantly, of an amazing conference full of learning, and new and friendly people. I did not know it at the time, but many of those people have become friends, colleagues and collaborators who I have met time after time at EBCC conferences since. The EBCC is, more than anything, a community, and our conferences are where we come together to meet old friends and make new ones, share knowledge on what we have been doing, and make plans for what we will do next.
Our next conference is in the spring of 2022, and our hosts at the Swiss Ornithological Institute have a wonderful venue waiting for us in Lucerne. Conference sessions will cover a broad range of topics related to bird monitoring, research and conservation, and we already have a great line-up of plenary speakers. I would like to encourage all readers of this newsletter to join us there, and better still to contribute to the conference. Details of the conference, of how to register, and how to submit an abstract, can be found in the links below; whilst we live in an uncertain world we are determined to make this happen. Put the dates 4th-8th April 2022 in your diary and we’ll see you in Switzerland!
All the best,