Your weekly injection of tech news from the Doctolib team
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Happy Tuesday!

One of the core pillars of our culture at Doctolib is "Learn". We're encouraged to learn 3 new things everyday - however small or large. For example, did you know that the measurement of time, the "second", is called that because it's the second division of the hour ?

Anyway, now that back-to-school season is coming to an end, it's time to kick our learning into full gear; that's why today's edition serves a multi-course meal of articles and cool projects (plus a juicy podcast for dessert). 

But what's a meal without friends to share it with !? Let us know on Twitter what 3 things you've learnt recently...we're an open book 📖

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Javascript / React

Compound Components In React

With benefits such as reduced complexity by reducing prop-drilling and separation of concerns between parent & children components, check out Ichoku's great introduction to React's Compound Components to help you build more expressive and flexible API's to share state and logic within components.

Why Electron apps are fine

To paraphrase the author, Neils, when the choice is often between having an Electron app or no app at all, users only care that it works, not how it works. 

http-server - a simple static HTTP server

It's not a new project, but it's one we love using for testing and development at Doctolib. Especially fun is when you combine it with ngrok to securely tunnel a local server to the public internet faster than you can say  "but it works on my machine". Don't believe us ? Try it out: 
npm install -g http-server
npx http-server /path/to/folder/ -a localhost -p 3000
ngrok http 3000

 Typescript's New Homepage

Designed to more easily introduce the language and its value proposition, the new homepage is a welcomed iteration. Ironically, it also works with JavaScript disabled. 
Ruby / Rails

Ruby's Hidden Gems: Bullet

Having N+1 query problems? Wanna fix them? Discover the Bullet gem, with this detailed article, and give it a try!

Alpha preview: Rails 7 w/ esbuild + Tailwind CSS 

JS & Rails always was a love/hate relationship. Ruby on Rails 7 may come up with a lovely solution for both ecosystems to work properly together. Check that video by DHH to learn more about what's coming in Rails 7!

The Future Shape of Ruby Objects

This is a talk and the associated notes of Chris Seaton with which you'll learn a lot about Ruby's object implementation in TruffleRuby that could be applied in MRI or other implementations of Ruby. If you are fed up of the usual "in ruby, everything is an object" song and want to go deeper, this one is for you!
Engineering culture & tech tools

Five properties of a healthy software project

Last week we looked at ways to waste time in software projects, so this time let's have a look at how a healthy software project can look like. Here is a list of health indicators that your software project is healthy.

Software deploys and cognitive biases

... and if you have a healthy software project, you probably want to deploy your great work fast and often. However, often-times in bigger companies are hesitant to have very frequent deploy cycles. Charity Majors is giving a great list of common excuses or fears people have and which biases they could be based on. One of the rare articles where the footnotes are at least as interesting as the article.

Why doesn't software show up in productivity?

It seems intuitive that computers are a general-purpose technology that should vastly improve overall productivity all over the world. However, so far economists cannot confirm seeing this improvement in productivity. This article is explaining what needs to happen for us to get there.

🎙️Darknet Diaries

... and as a last little bonus link in this section, we want to share with you a great podcast many of us at Doctolib like to listen to: Darknet Diaries is a cyber-security focused show that has great storytelling and super interesting stories combined with excellent production quality. A great episode to start with is the Shadow Brokers episode, because many other stories reference this one, but generally you can't pick a wrong one.
Docto Tech Life

What does it mean and How to be an Expert developer or Tech Lead as a Women in Tech ?

The journey to being an expert developer can be daunting for women in tech. In this article, Camille shares the learnings from a great round table that happened during Sororitech. Learn more about the path to be an expert developer!

🇫🇷 Doctolib supports Rails Girls Nantes!

Mélanie Rat and Paola Carbonnel are organizing and hosting an edition of Rails Girls, on the 24/25th of september, in Nantes. Doctolib is super proud of supporting this great initiative!

🇫🇷 FIC 2021 : Doctolib et Yes We Hack à la chasse aux bugs

Around fifty cyber security experts participated to a live bug bounty during the FIC 2021 event: a french national event dedicated to cyber security. Learn more about the event and Doctolib's future plans regarding security in this article.

What did you think of this newsletter?

With your feedback, we can improve Docto Tech Life. Let us know what you think!
TechLife is brought to you by our editors:
Hélène Droal, Charlotte Feather, Eva Stolz, Tara Matthews,
Tevin Otieno, Tobi Poel, Alexandre Ignjatovic & Pierre-Adrien Buisson.

Thank you, everyone, for sharing awesome content with us and contributing to TechLife.
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