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Notiziario Labont n. 413 (12-18 settembre)


Festival Filosofia. Libertà
Modena, Carpi, Sassuolo, 17-19  settembre

Il festivalfilosofia cambia per tre giorni il volto delle città di Modena, Carpi e Sassuolo allestendo spazi aperti, comuni e diffusi di formazione e di conversazione. Cinquanta lezioni magistrali di protagonisti della scena culturale italiana e internazionale articolano a ogni edizione una parola-chiave che rinvia a questioni fondamentali della discussione filosofica e a esperienze cruciali della condizione contemporanea.

Venerdì 17 settembre, ore 17.30
Maurizio Ferraris, Webfare. Piattaforme, persone, valore
Lectio "Confindustria Emilia Area Centro", Modena, Piazza Grande - Sito Unesco
Maurizio Ferraris, Paolo Flores d’Arcais, Controversia sull'essere. Un carteggio filosofico su scienza, etica, politica, religione, nella prospettiva della Documanità e del Materialismo esistenziale
Rosenberg & Sellier (Torino 2021)

In filosofia il dialogo dovrebbe costituire una modalità privilegiata di indagine razionale, costringe i due interlocutori a fare i conti con obiezioni e critiche cui si è altrimenti tentati di sfuggire. Dia-logos, argomento contro argomento: nessuna diplomazia, il confronto razionale è semmai controversia, scontro, polemica (polemos, cioè guerra!). Questo fra Paolo Flores d'Arcais e Maurizio Ferraris è durato dieci anni, e affronta tutti i temi cruciali della filosofia, dal ruolo della scienza alla possibilità di fondare un'etica, dal rischio del nichilismo al rapporto tra ideologie e scienze umane, dalla "esplosione" della biologia darwiniana alla rivoluzione del web. Un confronto serrato, fatto di dieci lettere/saggi, che costringe il lettore a sottoporre a critica convinzioni consolidate, e diventare partecipe della controversia.


1. New realism e lacci ermeneutici - Paolo Flores d’Arcais, prima lettera
2. Sum, ergo cogito - Maurizio Ferraris, prima risposta
3. Ragioni e oggettività della scienza - Paolo Flores d’Arcais, seconda lettera
4. Che cosa è “cogente”? - Maurizio Ferraris, seconda risposta
5. Fatti e valori - Paolo Flores d’Arcais, terza lettera
6. Verità e normatività - Maurizio Ferraris, terza risposta
7. Essere o dover-essere? - Paolo Flores d’Arcais, quarta lettera
8. Paolo1 e Paolo2 - Maurizio Ferraris, quarta risposta
9. La morale di Homo sapiens e la nostalgia della dialettica - Paolo Flores d’Arcais, quinta lettera
10. Documanità - Maurizio Ferraris, quinta risposta

4° Annual International Multi-Disciplinary Conference 2021
University of Malta Junior College, 14-15 September 2021

In light of the considerable experience garnered in the hosting of international conferences over the years, the University of Malta Junior College is once again organising its international conference entitled: the Annual International Multi-Disciplinary Conference (AIMC).  This fourth edition of the AIMC shall be celebrating the 25 Anniversary of the College’s foundation. The Conference shall be offering both the possibility of online, as well as in presence access, at our conference centre in Malta from the 14-15 September 2021.

September 14, h. 10.30
Keynote speaker: Tiziana Andina (online session), Why transgenerationality matters
Chair: Niki Young
Complete program


L'Alfabeto del Futuro

Alfabeto del futuro: Arte
Maurizio Ferraris e Gianmaria Ajani - Rai Cultura

L’automazione può spingersi sino a investire l’ambito, tradizionalmente legato all’umano, della creatività artistica? Maurizio Ferraris in dialogo con Gianmaria Ajani, ex rettore dell’Università di Torino, Professore di Arte e Diritto, Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche del Territorio.
Guarda le puntata precedenti:
Memoria, con Maurizio Ferraris e Gianluca Cuniberti
Eredità, con Maurizio Ferraris e Tiziana Andina 
Progetto, con Maurizio Ferraris e Giovanni Durbiano 


This Week

143° Mercoledì di Nexa
8 settembre, ore 18.00,

Simone Arcagni (Università di Palermo e Faculty Associate Centro Nexa), Digital storytelling Nuove forme di narrazioni digitali: un panorama

Abstract: Le piattaforme video che ospitano audiovisivo digitale non rappresentano soltanto un business di straordinario successo, ma anche una nuova generazione di “storyteller” che stanno imponendo nuove regole di narrazione, destinata a influenzare l’industria audiovisiva e a investire con i loro immaginari l’intera società. Esiste una galassia di produzioni audiovisive che non sono più riconducibili ai modelli cinematografici e televisivi. Nuovi generi, nuove tecnologie, nuove piattaforme, nuovi sistemi produttivi e distributivi, nuovi pubblici. In una parola nuovi storytelling, profondamente legati al mondo digitale. Chi li produce? Chi li fruisce? Dove si vedono? Questo incontro vuole offrire il frutto del lavoro svolto per Rai e Anica orientato a delineare una mappa aggiornata di questa galassia fatta di webserie, idocs, contenuti transmediali, storytelling interattivi, videomapping, realtà virtuale, realtà aumentata e molto altro ancora.

Sarà possibile partecipare al seminario connettendosi a BigBlueButton a questo indirizzo

Festival della Comunicazione 2021
Camogli, 9-12 settembre

Quattro giornate con un fitto calendario di eventi tutti gratuiti: non solo incontri dedicati alla cultura, alla tecnologia e alla formazione, ma anche tanti momenti di intrattenimento con laboratori, workshop, mostre, spettacoli, concerti, rassegne cinematografiche ed escursioni culturali alla scoperta dell’Area Marina Protetta e del Monte di Portofino. Il Festival della Comunicazione, con i suoi esperti che provengono da campi così diversi e che si incontrano a Camogli incrociando i propri punti di vista, fornisce ai partecipanti un beneficio che va al di là dei modelli e delle risposte preconfezionate. 

Venerdì 10 settembre, ore 12:00, Terrazza della Comunicazione
Luca De Biase, Maurizio Ferraris, Luisa Lavagnini, Filosofia e tecnologia del mondo nuovo.

MANCEPT Workshops 2021
University of Manchester, 7-10 September

Panel: The Uses of Solidarity. Session 4: Reconceptualizing Solidarity
10 September, h 14
Carlo Burelli (University of Genova), Francesco Camboni (University of Eastern Piedmont), The Function of Solidarity and its Normative Implications

Abstract: To the many crises affecting contemporary societies many respond invoking more ‘solidarity’. Lack of solidarity is often mourned as a deplorable situation to be averted. Solidarity seems thus to be a normative value, something that we should want even if we actually do not. Yet, substantial confusion lingers on what solidarity is and for what reasons we should have more of it. The article intends to tackle these precisely these two questions. We explore the hypothesis that solidarity ought to be understood in functional terms, and conclude that we should want it because solidarity discharges the crucial function of societal cohesion.
Download the full program

Maurizio Ferraris e Tom Fletcher in dialogo sulla trasformazione digitale
Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, 14 settembre, h 18.30

Quali attitudini, competenze attive, consapevolezza aggiunta dovremo sviluppare grazie alle tecnologie a disposizione perché la trasformazione digitale sia alleata alle nostre facoltà più umane quali la capacità di comprendere, immaginare e relazionarsi con il cambiamento? A quali condizioni la trasformazione digitale può favorire l’inclusione di individui e gruppi sociali svantaggiati e favorire l’uguaglianza delle possibilità? 

Ne discutono Maurizio Ferraris Tom Fletcher martedì 14 settembre alle ore 18.30 presso la Fondazione Feltrinelli, Viale Pasubio 5, Milano.

Dialoghi di Pandora Rivista – Festival 2021
Terza edizione: “La nuova frontiera. Costruire insieme”

Bologna, mercoledì 8 – domenica 19 settembre 2021
Nel 2020 la pandemia ha sconvolto prospettive e speranze delle nostre società. Il Festival di Pandora Rivista dello scorso anno aveva come titolo “Costruire nel caos”, a indicare la radicale incertezza che la situazione portava con sé e la necessità di immaginare, nonostante tutto, un disegno del futuro. In questo anno, pur tra una perdurante incertezza, a venire in primo piano è la necessità di progettare il cambiamento. Per questo, abbiamo scelto il tema della “frontiera” come filo conduttore per l’edizione 2021. Le nostre società hanno bisogno di ridarsi un orizzonte, di costruire una progettualità, di delineare un percorso di uscita dalla crisi e transizione. Le frontiere sono, come nell’ultimo numero della rivista, quelle della tecnologia e della scienza, ma anche la sfida che la transizione ecologica porta con sé. La nuova frontiera deve però al tempo stesso essere tale da coinvolgere la parte più ampia possibile della società nella sua traiettoria. di cambiamento. In questo quadro il ruolo della cultura viene in primo piano: serve una sfera pubblica rinnovata che rappresenti il luogo in cui immaginare e costruire collettivamente la nuova frontiera.
Martedì 14 settembre, h. 21.00, II Piazza coperta Biblioteca Salaborsa

Paolo BENANTI – Teologo e Professore straordinario Pontificia Università Gregoriana
Maurizio FERRARIS – Professore ordinario di filosofia teoretica Università di Torino
Simona MORINI – Professoressa associata di filosofia della scienza Università IUAV di Venezia

In collaborazione con Prospettive Italiane Filosofia del digitale
Programma completo:

Modena candidata 2021 Media Arts Unesco creative cities network
Modena, Giardini Ducali, 15 settembre, h 18.30

Il 15 settembre 2021, alle ore 18.30, ai Giardini Ducali si terrà la serata evento all’interno del percorso di candidatura di Modena a Città Creativa UNESCO: Creativa Futura² Cultura, arte, digitale: Modena alla sfida dell’innovazione. Il Network delle Città Creative è un programma Unesco attivo dal 2004, che coinvolge una rete di 246 città, di 72 paesi dei cinque continenti. L’obiettivo del Network è promuovere la conoscenza, la cooperazione e i progetti tra le città che hanno identificato nella cultura e nella creatività i propulsori del loro sviluppo.

Ore 19.45, Maurizio Ferraris, L'intelligenza naturale come alimento dell'intelligenza artificiale

International Conference. Gestures: new meanings for an old word
Campobasso, September 16-19

On-line - University of Molise, Via Francesco De Sanctis, 1, II Edificio Polifunzionale

The conference aims to inquire into the possibilities opened up by and the problems attending a philosophy of gestures. The conference has an explicitly multidisciplinary orientation. In accordance with this, the program of interventions will be organized according to field of study as follows: sociology, pedagogy, philosophy; psychology and anthropology, communication and technology.

Confirmed speakers
Giorgio Agamben, Rosa Calcaterra (Università degli studi di Roma Tre), André De Tienne (Indiana University, Director of the Peirce Edition Project), Pierpaolo Donati (Università degli studi di Bologna), Maurizio Ferraris (Università degli studi di Torino).

David K. Lewis: Quale Eredità?
17 settembre, h 14:30-18:30

Antonella Mallozzi (Providence College), Claudio Calosi (University of Geneva), Nevia Dolcini (University of Macau), Franz Berto (University of St Andrews/Arché/ILLC), Elisa Paganini (Università degli Studi di Milano, Massimiliano Carrara (Università degli Studi di Padova), Tiziana Andina (Univeristà degli Studi di Torino/LABONT), Francesco Orilia (università degli Studi di Macerata).

Convegno organizzata da Andrea Borghini, Sebastiano Moruzzi e Andrea Oliani.

Summer School in Media Ecology e Comunicazione Digitale
Camogli, 13-25 settembre

A Camogli, dal 13 al 25 settembre 2021, torna, dopo il grande successo della prima edizione, la Summer School in Media Ecology e Comunicazione Digitale, organizzata da Frame-Festival della Comunicazione, con l’Università di Genova, l’Università di Torino – Scienza Nuova, l’Istituto di Management Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa, l’Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, in collaborazione con il Comune di Camogli e la Regione Liguria.

Sabato 18 settembre, ore 15.30
Maurizio Ferraris, Intelligenza naturale



A. Geczy, V. Karaminas, Gaga Aesthetics: Art, Fashion, Popular Culture, and the Up-Ending of Tradition
Bloomsbury (forthcoming in October 2021)
Pop art has traditionally been the most visible visual art within popular culture because its main transgression is easy to understand: the infiltration of the “low” into the “high”. The same cannot be said of contemporary art of the 21st century, where the term “Gaga Aesthetics” characterizes the condition of popular culture being extensively imbricated in high culture, and vice-versa. Taking Adorno and Horkheimer's "The Culture Industry" and Adorno's Aesthetic Theory as key touchstones, this book explores the dialectic of high and low that forms the foundation of Adornian aesthetics and the extent to which it still applied, and the extent to which it has radically shifted, thereby 'upending tradition'. In the tradition of philosophical aesthetics that Adorno began with Lukács, this explores the ever-urgent notion that high culture has become deeply enmeshed with popular culture. This is “Gaga Aesthetics”: aesthetics that no longer follows clear fields of activity, where “fine art” is but one area of critical activity.

F. Visconti, R. Capozzi, M. Ferraris, “Architesture”. Attorno all’architettura
Letteraventidue (forthcoming 2021)
In un colloquio al tempo stesso agile ma profondo, spesso ironico e a tratti perfino esilarante, Maurizio Ferraris affronta i tanti temi che caratterizzano, nella nostra contemporaneità, il dibattito sul ruolo dell’architettura nella società. Il filosofo torinese afferma di non comprendere le ragioni del successo tra gli architetti dei filosofi – in primis  il citatissimo Heidegger di Costruire abitare pensare –, ma spiega la “complicità” tra filosofi e architetti attraverso un ragionamento sulla specificità dell’Architettura in quanto disciplina in bilico tra tecnologia e umanesimo.


Labont Informs

Wir werden uns an die Hitze und andere extreme Ereignisse gewöhnen müssen. Den Klimawandel aber werden wir mit Vernunft statt Moral bewältigen
Maurizio Ferraris - NZZ (14/08/2021)

Italien brennt, wie Griechenland, die Türkei oder Spanien. Und nicht nur der Waldbrände wegen, die wie jedes Jahr aus natürlichen oder kriminellen Gründen entflammen, sondern auch als Folge der afrikanischen Temperaturen, die nun seit langem schon den mediterranen Sommer prägen und häufig sogar nördliche Gebiete erreichen. Der Philosoph Jacques Derrida sagte mir einmal, dass er infolge der Feuchtigkeit und der unzureichenden Heizungen nie so sehr gefroren habe wie in seiner Heimatstadt Algier. Ich hingegen kann sagen, dass ich bis heute (aber wer weiss, was «Luzifer» noch im Schilde führt) noch nie so sehr unter der Hitze gelitten habe wie im August 2003 in Turin. Das Jahr ist uns in Erinnerung geblieben als Wendepunkt, da die Klimaerwärmung aufhörte, eine Hypothese zu sein, und eine spürbare Realität wurde, die auch nördlich der Alpen zu Todesfällen führte. [Lesen Sie weiter]

L’automazione, via senza ritorno va governata e non demonizzata
Maurizio Ferraris - La Stampa (21/08/2021)

Lanciando Tesla Bot, Elon Musk dice che in futuro il lavoro fisico sarà una scelta, però si hanno buoni motivi per dubitarne. A parità di condizioni, una macchina, che non muore, non ha diritti, non si stanca è sempre preferibile a un umano, sicché di fisico, nel lavoro del futuro, resteranno soltanto le prestazioni dei calciatori, dei sarti, dei cuochi, dove il «fatto a mano» (o col piede) ha un valore aggiuntivo. Gli altri, come sta avvenendo sempre più, se vorranno consumare calorie dovranno rassegnarsi a farlo gratis, correndo o facendo ginnastica. [Continua a leggere]

L’Italia in fiamme. E non è tutta colpa del fuoco

Maurizio Ferraris - Repubblica (16/08/2021)

I piromani, certo. Le polemiche sul green pass, anche. Ma la vera emergenza è il clima perché negli ultimi cinquant'anni abbiamo sbagliato tutto. L’Italia è in fiamme, come la Grecia, la Turchia, la Spagna. E non solo per i roghi in parte naturali, in parte criminali che, come ogni anno, si accendono, ma anche per le temperature africane che, ormai da anni, caratterizzano le estati mediterranee, ma spesso risalendo più a nord, e senza considerare gli spettacolari roghi della California e dell'Australia. [Continua a leggere]

Addio a Nancy, l’ultimo dei maître-à-penser
Maurizio Ferraris - Repubblica (25/08/2021)

Con la morte di Jean-Luc Nancy scomparso a 81 anni lunedì, finisce un’epoca. Lo si dice sempre ma nel suo caso è vero. La stagione che si era aperta negli anni Cinquanta con Sartre e Merleau-Ponty, era proseguita negli anni Sessanta con Lacan, Barthes, Althusser, Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida, Baudrillard, Kristeva, si interrompe con lui. Perché in effetti, al di là dei contenuti, diversissimi, del pensiero di tutti questi autori, l’elemento comune era quello di uno stile di fare filosofia, con delle referenze canoniche a Nietzsche, Freud, Marx e Heidegger e con uno sviluppo non accademico, quello di un pensiero che non si rivolgeva ai colleghi, ma all’umanità. [Continua a leggere]

Benvenuti nell’era dell’invidia
Arturo Di Corinto - Il manifesto (18/08/2021)

Internet ed il Web sono due tra le più grandi invenzioni del secolo scorso. Hanno cambiato il modo di fare informazione, ricerca e impresa. Ci offrono intrattenimento e ci permettono di coltivare relazioni. [...] Ma sono troppi gli utenti del Web che lo usano male.  La possibilità di dialogare alla pari con tutti ha prodotto una deriva per cui a troppi appare lecito insultare chiunque e pretendere, come dice il filosofo Maurizio Ferraris, di avere sempre ragione, assecondando un “istinto innato” (2017). Pescano nel senso comune frutto di conoscenze degradate e si atteggiano, in maniera violenta, a esperti o difensori della (loro) Verità. [Continua a leggere]


Labont Videogallery

Play Books

Maurizio Ferraris - Esclusiva RaiPlay

Tra i più prestigiosi docenti italiani, Maurizio Ferraris spiega come la società sia cambiata tramite la tecnologia e la crescente importanza della memoria digitale.

Il lavoro del futuro

Ansa intervista Donato Ferri (16/7/2021)

Donato Ferri, Europe West Consulting Managing Partner di EY, intervistato da ANSA a margine dell'evento "Il lavoro del Futuro" del 16/7/2021, un focus sul lavoro del futuro, in cui abbiamo messo a confronto il contributo di due importanti filosofi Italiani, Massimo Cacciari e Maurizio Ferraris, con Istituzioni e manager di alto profilo a livello nazionale e internazionale.





Borse di Alti Studi sull'Età e la Cultura del Barocco intitolate a Rosaria Cigliano (IX bando - edizione 2021)
 DEADLINE APPROACHING  Submission deadline: 20 settembre 2021

Descrizione: La Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura della Compagnia di San Paolo dal 2013 emana un bando annuale per borse di Alti Studi sull’Età e la Cultura del Barocco, rivolto a giovani studiosi italiani e stranieri. In continuità con l’attività descritta e nell’ambito di un ampliato programma di sostegno alla ricerca dedicato alle Humanities, la Fondazione 1563 bandisce il concorso per l’anno 2021 (con svolgimento nell’anno 2022) che prevede l’assegnazione di quattro borse di Alti Studi sull’Età e la Cultura del Barocco, intitolate a Rosaria Cigliano - Nona edizione. Il Bando 2021 è pubblicato su
Il tema del progetto Quale Barocco? sarà declinato in molteplici attività, tra cui le ormai consolidate Borse Alti Studi sull’Età e la Cultura del Barocco. I candidati alle Borse, edizione 2021, dovranno pertanto proporre percorsi di ricerca originali focalizzati sugli argomenti qui di seguito indicati:
- Vicende museologiche e museografiche di istituzioni museali europee e americane incentrate in particolare sull’esposizione e sulla valorizzazione delle opere del XVII e del XVIII secolo.
- Analisi di mostre temporanee relative alla cultura artistica del Barocco (con attenzione alla selezione delle opere, ai prestiti, alle modalità espositive).
- Studio delle dinamiche relative al collezionismo e al mercato dell’arte: fortuna delle opere e degli artisti,
orientamenti economici e commerciali, aspetti legali connessi alla circolazione delle opere.
- Assestamento della fortuna del Barocco attraverso la riflessione critica degli storici, degli storici dell’arte, degli storici dell’architettura nel corso del Novecento.
- Studio della cultura del restauro in relazione alle opere del XVII e XVIII secolo.
- Analisi delle figure di conservatori, curatori, collezionisti, intermediari, galleristi, antiquari che abbiano
svolto un ruolo significativo inerente ai temi del bando.
- Studio del configurarsi della ricezione visiva del Barocco attraverso la produzione artistica contemporanea, la cultura di arredo, il cinema e le arti visive, l’editoria.

Istruzioni: Le candidature possono essere presentate esclusivamente tramite application form sul sito web della Fondazione 1563. Non saranno ammesse altre forme di candidatura. Termine per la presentazione dei progetti: 31 agosto 2021 (h24, ora italiana) Gli uffici della Fondazione (tel. 011.4401405, 011.4401406, sono a disposizione per fornire ulteriori informazioni o chiarimenti.
Scarica il bando completo
Premio di Laurea “Maria Chindamo” per tesi di laurea magistrale su “Discriminazioni, violenza di genere e femminicidio, con particolare riferimento ai contesti di criminalità organizzata”
 DEADLINE APPROACHING  Submission deadline: 30 September 2021
Descrizione: Diffondiamo con piacere, su indicazione di Donata Chiricò, notizia del bando di concorso per l’attribuzione del Premio di Laurea “Maria Chindamo” per tesi di laurea magistrale su “Discriminazioni, violenza di genere e femminicidio, con particolare riferimento ai contesti di criminalità organizzata”, promosso dal Centro Interdipartimentale in Women’s Studies "Milly Villa" dell’Università della Calabria. Maria Chindamo, scomparsa da Limbadi nel maggio 2016, era imprenditrice agricola, commercialista e studentessa universitaria. Donna libera e determinata, Maria Chindamo è emblema di tante storie di donne calabresi che con competenza e determinazione hanno costruito percorsi di libertà e liberazione. La storia di Maria, entrata nei percorsi di approfondimento e studio del Centro, ha permesso di evidenziare come una lettura intersezionale possa far riflettere sui temi del lavoro, dell’emancipazione delle persone e dei territori, dei percorsi di autodeterminazione delle donne. Per questo, il Centro ha inteso sin da subito inserire la storia di Maria nei percorsi non solo conoscitivi ma anche di proposta politica per la trasformazione dei nostri contesti. 
Istruzioni: Sono ammessi/e a partecipare al concorso i/le laureati/e dei corsi di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico e di laurea magistrale in qualsiasi Ateneo italiano, residenti in Calabria, che abbiano conseguito il titolo negli A.A. 2018-2019,2019-2020, 2020-2021. La domanda di partecipazione al Premio di Laurea dovrà pervenire, unitamente alla documentazione prevista dal bando, entro il 30 settembre 2021 (ore 12:00). Il bando è pubblicato sul sito del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali dell'Università della Calabria e sul portale di Ateneo.

Foresight Academy
Submission deadline: 8 ottobre 2021

Descrizione: Complessità, accelerazione, discontinuità e incertezza sono la cifra dell’epoca che viviamo. Mai come ora tutto questo è evidente. I cambiamenti sono sempre più profondi e repentini in ogni contesto a vari livelli, sia sui territori e nelle comunità, che nelle aziende, nelle organizzazioni, nei gruppi. Il programma intende fornire nuove abilità e nuovi strumenti di leadership e management che consentano di prevedere gli scenari possibili di mercati, contesti e comportamenti così da prendere decisioni nel presente capaci di avere un impatto nel futuro.
Percorso blended (in campus e online) articolato in:
  • laboratori esperienziali in campus, online live workshops, lectures, micro-learning, mentorship, follow-up.
  • Training in campus (48 h): 6 laboratori (8 h)
  • Training online (38 h): 6 workshops (3 h) + 12 lectures (1,5 h) + microlearning
  • Mentorship e project work challenges: esperimento di applicazione concreta su sfide proposte da player dell’ecosistema
Il corso è rivolto a imprenditori, manager, professionisti, chi ricopre ruoli di direzione in ambito strategico – marketing, commerciale, innovazione, IT, HR – e chi progetta prodotti e servizi con un potenziale di impatto elevato. Si rivolge anche a ricercatori e freelance nei settori profit, pubblico e non profit.
L’intenzione è ampliare il bagaglio di competenze strategiche e di progettazione di roadmap, planning e strategie a lungo e breve termine, nutrendo il potenziale innovativo e stimolando le capacità di adattarsi ai diversi scenari possibili e ai cambiamenti veloci e imprevisti dell’epoca in cui stiamo vivendo. Il percorso unisce discipline di tanti campi differenti, dalla sociologia all’economia, dall’architettura al design, dalla comunicazione al marketing, senza tralasciare la psicologia. Durante il percorso i partecipanti lavoreranno su un project work incentrato su un sfida ad impatto sociale proposta da diverse aziende.

Istruzioni: le iscrizioni sono aperte fino all'8 ottobre 2021. I costi di iscrizione sono differenziati come segue:
Base: 2.900 € + IVA al 22%
(se dovuta)
Donne: 1.900 € + IVA al 22%
(se dovuta)
Under 30: 1.100 € + IVA al 22%
(se dovuta)


 NEW  Bollettino Filosofico, XXXVII, 2022
Rethinking empathy between ethics and aesthetics
Submission deadline: 30th April 2022

The concept of empathy was born in the field of aesthetics thanks to the historian and philosopher of art Robert Vischer: in 1873, he used the term Einfühlung for the first time, in order to indicate the tendency of an observer to project his own emotional states onto the observed object. The first author to transfer the concept of “empathy” to the level of intersubjective relationship was Theodor Lipps, who replaced the concept of projection with that of “emotional participation” made possible by a sort of “internal imitation” (innere Nachahmung) of the movements of the other. Among the first to grasp the ambiguity of the concept of empathy was Husserl, who, despite calling it “obscure, and a downright tormenting enigma”, paid great attention to it, as can be seen above all from the manuscripts of his work. Subsequently, the concept of empathy was extensively investigated in the phenomenological field, especially by Moritz Geiger, Edith Stein or Max Scheler. They always maintained the need of recognizing the radical otherness of the other in the relationship, avoiding the risks associated with the confusion of experiences, which can become indistinction or even “unipathy”. But Einfühlung, which has become a central concept in explaining the paradoxical relationship with the alter, still risks to remain suspended between the problems associated with emotional contagion and those of a cognitive and intellectual process, such as that required by the analogy theories. It is, therefore, a long tour that, passing through analogical inference, reduces the impact with otherness, resulting in an introspective thrust, only to be bent subsequently outwardly. This also opens up a further problematic area concerning the constellation of concepts of empathic experience, along the theoretical axis that goes from the proto-phenomenological analyses of the young Jaspers to the existential anthropoanalysis of Ludwig Binswanger. During the twentieth century, philosophical thought has variously taken up and modulated Lipps’ fruitful intuition and the debate on empathy has developed to produce a real “empathic turn” which, also thanks to the discovery of “mirror neurons”, has largely influenced contemporary aesthetic reflection. The concept of “embodied simulation”, one of the cornerstones of these researches, radicalizing Lipps’ intuition, in fact, presents itself as a further critique of analogical inference, in favor of immediate involvement. Today, the debate on empathy and on the relationship between empathy and aesthetic experience, on the one hand, and between empathy and ethics, on the other, is one of the most heated, also thanks to its involving different but contiguous areas of reflection (cf. for example the relation identity- diversity, individual-community, subjectivation-otherness, art-emotion, reality and fiction, aesthetic creation and enjoyment, expressiveness and technique). Thus, two theoretical lines can be identified. The first, which we could define as “naturalistic-reductionist”, believes that the totality of empathic experience can be explained through neurological mechanisms, which would thus become the foundation of both aesthetic and ethical experience. The second, on the other hand, more exquisitely “philosophical”, while recognizing the importance of a scientific investigation that allows us to understand our immediate relationship with the object (also understood as the other self), claims the role of philosophical reflection in understanding of the pathic, cognitive and reflexive processes that allow us to enter into a relationship with the other.

“Bollettino Filosofico” indicates as possible themes:

• History of the concept of empathy
• Empathy and the world of aisthesis
• Empathy and emotional contagion
• Naturalistic approach and transcendental approach to empathy • Empathy and phenomenology
• Empathy, psychoanalysis and neurosciences
• Affective and cognitive paths of empathy
• Empathy and theory of arts
• Empathy and anthropoanalysis of existence
• Empathy in the face of ethics

The journal publishes articles in several languages – Italian, English, Spanish, German and French – and submits them to a procedure of peer review. The papers must be no longer than 50.000 characters, including spaces and notes, they must include a list of 5 keywords and an abstract in English (no longer than 900 characters, including spaces), and they must respect the following Authors’ Guidelines:

The submissions must be addressed to the Director ( and to the Editorial staff (

Since all articles will be double-blind peer reviewed, they must be submitted in two copies, one of which must be anonymous, with no personal references, followed by a separate file containing the personal data of the authors, a short bio-bibliographical note and the affiliation.

The deadline for the submission is 30th April 2022. The issue XXXVII/2022 of the journal will be published by December 2022.

For further information, please consult the internet page:

Vita Cogitans. Almanac of Young Philosophers (2/2021, Issue 14).
Philosophy in Italy
 DEADLINE APPROACHING  Submission deadline: 15 september 2021

Advisory editors: Zhanna Nikolaeva (Saint Petersburg State University), Tiziana Andina (University of Turin, Labont)
Description: Actually philosophical thought in Italy is now attracting increasing interest outside of Italian borders. Philosophy in Italy has had a significant influence on Western philosophy for centuries. But the Russian readers know Italian philosophy insufficiently and fragmentally. What makes Italian philosophical thought so special? What makes it so similar to our type of perception? The issue dedicated to Italian philosophy we hope will open a unique synthesis of contemporary philosophy and the greatest traditions of the Past. This point was proved by Italian thinkers in Aesthetics and Semiology studies where they have invented a shaped culture that unites analytical origins of contemporary methodology with humanitarian questions. The Italian soil is proving to be an extraordinarily fertile ground for new concepts and innovative engagements between philosophy and those disciplines with which it proves itself capable of communicating, from law to theology, from linguistics to anthropology, politics, and beyond.

Instructions: We welcome academic articles, scientific translations, critical reviews (on books or scientific events), philosophical interviews, written by young researchers (students; postgraduates and researcher).
Instructions: Papers are submitted by the e-mail: or in; Languages for publication: English, Russian. Submissions are getting through double-blind peer review. All the articles of “Vita Cogitans” will be in the open access; will be indexed of the Russian Science Citation Index & visible under agreement with Clarivate Analytics on the Web of Science platform (in the form of a separate database of RSCI). The webpage of the journal "Vita Cogitans. Almanac of Young Philosophers" on the web site of  Herzen University (in Russian). Additional information & finally guidelines to authors will also be available after 1 september, 2021 via the website too.

The Monist
Transgenerationality, community and justice

Deadline for submissions: 31 December 2021
Guest editors: Tiziana Andina (University of Turin), Fausto Corvino (University of Turin)

The research on intergenerational justice has followed in the last decades three main directives: neo-contractualist models that aim to demonstrate that there can be mutual advantage in indirect cooperation or to find moral patches based on intra-familiar love; studies on the implications that utilitarianism, prioritarianism and sufficientarianism have with respect to future generations (e.g., the social discount rate, the repugnant conclusion, the hermit’s paradox, and so forth); analysis of how it is possible to conceive intergenerational harm in the face of the non-identity problem. There is, however, a third possible line of research, which, despite having received much less attention over the years, presents much less theoretical complications than the approaches set out above, and this is transgenerational communitarianism. Avner De Shalit outlined, more than twenty years ago, the concept of transgenerational community, that is, a community that despite the lack of face-to-face interactions between all its members (due to obvious temporal asymmetries) manages to ensure moral similarity between them through free and rational processes of collective reflection.

Although this idea is able to give normative foundation to intergenerational obligations without incurring the theoretical complications that meet the most known and discussed theories that are based on a strict methodological individualism, such as complications related to the identity of future people and population ethics, it has not been developed in the literature as due. At the same time, however, a consistent metaphysical research has gone ahead on the concepts of transgenerationality and of transgenerational actions, i.e., actions that can be realized only with the contribution of subjects other than those who initiated them – which is, in essence, the theoretical assumption of any transgenerational community.

Accordingly, the purpose of this special issue is to investigate the relationship between transgenerationality, on the one hand, and a community-based normative foundation of justice towards future generations, on the other. In particular, we are interested in addressing three theoretical issues:

– What are the metaphysical underpinnings of the concept of transgenerationality and under which circumstances one or more transgenerational actions can create duties of justice, positive or negative, towards future generations?

– What is a transgenerational community and what kind of obligations does it create among its members belonging to different generational cohorts? And what is the temporal extension of these obligations?

– What are the drawbacks of a communitarian approach to intergenerational justice? For example, can it give the right theoretical value to intergenerational problems, such as climate change, which have a clear cosmopolitan scope?

Invited authors

Avner de Shalit (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)

Luigi Bonatti (University of Trento, Italy) and Lorenza Alexandra Lorenzetti (Università Cattolica, Milan, Italy)

Janna Thompson (La Trobe University, Australia)

Jean Comaroff (Harvard University, USA) and John Comaroff (Harvard University, USA),

May Sim (College of the Holy Cross, MA, USA)

Ferdinando G. Menga (Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Italy)
Submission Information: All submissions should be prepared for anonymous review and sent to: <> and <>

Word limit: 8000 words, including notes and references.

Rivista di Estetica (1/2023)
Unpacking the social world: groups and solidarity
Submission deadline: 8 January 2022

Advisory editors: Francesco Camboni (University of Eastern Piedmont), Raul Hakli (University of Helsinki), Valeria Martino (University of Genoa)
Description: “Sociality” is a fuzzy word that can be found in a wide range of scopes and debates, from antiquity to the contemporary age. Notwithstanding or rather just in virtue of its wide currency, however, there is no explicit consensus on the meaning “sociality” has. While biology and sociology have rather wide notions of sociality, the focus of social ontology is on the social world, that is, the ontological domain which is populated by social entities. While according to some sociality occurs as long as there is interaction among people, involving joint commitments and plural subjects, others refer to the social world as mostly made of institutional facts or social objects, or deal with social actions and practices.
This issue of Rivista di Estetica aims at shedding light on sociality by addressing two core classic subjects of social philosophy: groups and solidarity. Indeed, groups are the most obvious result of sociality as the tendency of grouping, depending on living and interacting with others. On the other hand, as another branch of sociality, solidarity has only recently attracted remarkable attention from social and political philosophers; while some propose to unpack it in terms of joint action, others explore the forms of mutual recognition that are combined in solidarity.
Topics and research questions include (but are not limited to):
  • The nature and identity of social groups;
  • Is sociality a constitutive feature of groups of people?
  • The nature of solidarity, and – if any – its opposite;
  • The kind of psychological mechanisms involved in dynamics of solidarity;
  • Is solidarity related to some distinctive group kind?
  • Is solidarity a necessary or sufficient condition for group formation?
Instructions: Submissions focusing on other aspects of social groups and solidarity, both from a theoretical and an ethical point of view are welcome. Articles must be written in English or in Italian and should not exceed 40.000 characters, notes and blank-spaces included.

In order to submit your paper, please register and login to:
Please notice: when asked “What kind of file is this”, please select the relevant CFP.
Greek and Contemporary Philosophies of Language Face to Face

Submission deadline: 28 February 2022

Guest editor: Begoña Ramón Cámara

Description: In the last hundred years, language has been at the centre of interest in philosophy, so much so that we have come to speak, with reference above all to the philosophy that developed between the 1920s and the end of the century, of a “linguistic turn”. Nor should it be forgotten that this interest in language, which certainly distinguished analytic philosophy, also involved much “continental” philosophy (it is enough to mention Heidegger, philosophical hermeneutics, or Derrida). The same decades also saw a great development of the investigation of the conception of language in ancient Greek, Roman and late ancient philosophy. The works on the theme of language in the sophists, Plato, Aristotle, the Hellenistic philosophies, Neo-Platonism, Augustine and the Patristic, etc., are increasingly numerous. In this panorama there are two points that deserve more attention than has been devoted to them so far. The first point concerns contemporary philosophy of language. With a few, albeit notable, exceptions, one feels the lack in contemporary philosophy of language of a systematic study of the previous history of philosophical reflection on language. This is true of the Modern Age (16th–18th centuries) and the Middle Ages; but it is perhaps more true of the Greek, Roman and Late Antiquity. Obviously, all this can be explained by the explicit theoretical orientation of contemporary philosophy of language, especially analytical philosophy; however, this does not exclude that a critical comparison with one’s own history could contribute to enriching and also making more perceptive the current philosophical research on language. The second point concerns research into ancient conceptions of language. Perhaps in order not to fall into anachronisms or an undue updating of ancient thought, many scholars have avoided using contemporary theoretical acquisitions on language in their approach to Greek, Roman or Late Antiquity conceptions. This is an entirely understandable caution. However, this does not exclude that, read in the light of the current philosophy of language, many ancient pages may reveal new aspects to us, and that the historical reconstruction may come out richer and more percipient. In this issue we would like to bring together (a) essays that, from the contemporary philosophy of language, want to reflect on the Greek past of language research, without renouncing the theoretical motivation of the research; (b) essays that, committed to the research on Greek conceptions of language, want to confront what has happened in the last century in the reflection on language. One of the aims of this issue is also to collect essays that investigate (c) the way in which some contemporary philosophers of language (Austin, Wittgenstein, Davidson, etc.) have confronted Greek thought; (d) the cases in which Greek texts on language have been read and interpreted in the light of this or that contemporary theory of language (for example, the Cratylus and contemporary theories of reference).
Invited Contributors: Juan José Acero, James C. Klagge, Marcello La Matina, Lidia Palumbo, Luigi Perissinotto, Francesca Piazza, Mauro Serra.

Istructions: Papers will be subject to double-blind peer review by at least two referees, following international standard practices. Articles must be written in English and should not exceed 6,500 words. Submissions must be suitable for blind review. Each submission should also include a brief abstract of no more than 650 words and five keywords for indexing purposes. The instructions for authors can be consulted in the journal’s website: ‘Editorial Guidelines’. Notification of intent to submit, including both a title and a brief summary of the content, will be greatly appreciated, as it will assist with the coordination and planning of the issue. Please submit your proposals to the email or using the section ‘Contacts’ of the ‘Journal info’ page.
Journal’s website

For any question, please use the following address:
Rivista di Estetica
The Philosophy of Television Series

Submission deadline: 1 April 2022

Guest editors: Mario Slugan (Queen Mary University of London) and Enrico Terrone (Università di Genova)
Description: It is often said that television series are nowadays as good as films, or even better than them, but the philosophical inquiry into the former remains much less developed than the philosophy of film. A handful of recent books have tried to fill the gap, but there is much work still to be done. Significant contributions to the aesthetics of television series are coming from television studies and film studies, raising issues which philosophers are challenged to address. The special issue of Rivista di estetica looks for philosophical perspectives on television series with the aim of exploring this new fascinating area of research in which aesthetics and media studies can fruitfully interact. Topics for papers may include but are not limited to the following:
  • Is TV series a self-standing form of art or is it to be traced back to the cinema?
  • What is the relationship between television series and films?
  • What is the relationship between television series and other forms of television (e.g. talk shows, reality shows, news)?
  • What sets the Golden Age of Television (Peak Television) apart from the preceding era?
  • Is there a narrative specificity of television series?
  • What is the effect of seriality/seasonality on television series?
  • How are television series related to other serial narratives such as comics?
  • How do television series deal with the system of film genres?
  • The fiction/nonfiction divide in television series.
  • The antihero and the antiheroine as outstanding characters in television series
  • Philosophical themes in television series
Istructions: Articles must be written in English and should not exceed 30.000 characters. In order to submit your paper, please register and login to: When asked “What kind of file is this?”, please select the relevant CFP.
Journal of Transcendental Philosophy
Kant and the Role(s) of Doctrines of Method

Submission deadline: 1 April 2022

Guest editors: Andrew Chignell (Princeton University), Gabriele Gava (University of Turin)

Description: Each of Kant’s three Critiques includes a ‘doctrine of method’. There is a ‘Transcendental Doctrine of Method’ in the Critique of Pure Reason (1781/1787), a ‘Doctrine of Method of Pure Practical Reason’ in the Critique of Practical Reason (1788) and a ‘Doctrine of Method of the Teleological Power of Judgment’ in the Critique of the Power of Judgment (1790). Additionally, there is an ‘Ethical Doctrine of Method’ in the Doctrine of Virtue, which is the second book of the Metaphysics of Morals (1797). These doctrines of method have been comparatively neglected by Kant scholars. In part this is no doubt because these chapters come at the end of very long and complicated books. In part, this is due to the false assumption that Kant only included these sections to adhere to a traditional architectonic division of philosophical works (see Kemp Smith 1918: 563).
Recently, however, there has been a wave of studies thatshow that Kant’s doctrines of method contain materials that were important to Kant and relevant to debates among Kant scholars as well as to some contemporary discussions. For example, consider the distinction between the methods of philosophy and of mathematics that Kant discusses in the ‘Discipline of Pure Reason’ chapter in the Doctrine of Method of the first Critique. The past thirty years has witnessed a series of important interpretations that appreciate the relevance of this distinction (see Wolff-Metternich 1995; De Jong 1995; Carson 1999; Shabel 2003; Sutherland 2004; Dunlop 2014), especially in relation to Kant’s philosophy of mathematics. Another group of scholars have highlighted the significance of the ‘Architectonic of Pure Reason’ chapter (also in the first Critique) to understanding Kant’s effort to generate a scientific metaphysics (see La Rocca 2003; Manchester 2003 and 2006; Sturm 2009; Gava 2014; Ferrarin 2015). More recently, the ‘Canon of Pure Reason’ chapter has attracted the most attention -- in particular the last section, wherein Kant develops a sophisticated account of different types of ‘taking-to-be-true’ (Fürwahrhalten). Among these are ‘opinion’ (Meinung), ‘belief’ (Glaube), ‘conviction’ (Überzeugung), persuasion (Überredung), and ‘knowledge’ (Wissen) (see Stevenson 2003; Chignell 2007a, 2007b, forthcoming 2022; Pasternack 2011 and 2014; Höwing 2016; Willaschek 2016; Gava 2019). Still other works have investigated what is peculiar to the ‘practical’ doctrines of method contained in Kant’s practical works (see Bacin 2002 and 2010). Despite this recent and growing interest in Kant’s doctrines of method, there is much about them that remains unclear. For one thing, in addition to ongoing debates and remaining questions regarding the issues that have already attracted scholarly attention, large sections of Kant’s doctrines of method are comparatively neglected. We welcome contributions that seek to refine our understanding of the familiar issues as well as those that explore new territory. Second, there are outstanding questions about what a doctrine of method is exactly, and what unifies the various doctrines of method found in Kant’s works. While the first and third Critiques connect their doctrines of method to the issue of whether a body of cognition can be considered a science, Kant explicitly denies that the ‘practical’ doctrines of method play this role (see 5:151). Therefore, one question that urgently needs discussion is just: what do ‘theoretical’ and ‘practical’ doctrines of method’ have in common that justifies their sharing a name? But even focus just on the ‘theoretical’ doctrines of method: how do their different components belong to a common project and contribute to showing that a body of cognition is a science (Wissenschaft)? We welcome contributions that seek to answer these unifying questions, as well as those that connect Kant’s doctrines of method to previous or subsequent methodological discussions (e.g. in the German rationalist, German idealist or pragmatist traditions).
We will organize and fund a workshop with the authors of the accepted papers at Princeton University in October 2022. The workshop will give authors the opportunity to receive additional feedback from other authors and various distinguished auditors before they submit final versions of their contributions. Participation in the workshop is mandatory for inclusion in the volume.

Instructions: Papers should be submitted by April 1st 2022, using the journal’s submission site. Upon submitting your manuscript, please specify in your cover letter that the manuscript is meant for this special issue, so that it can be assigned to the appropriate guest editors. Papers must be no longer than 10.000 words, including notes and references, and be prepared for blind review, removing all self-identifying references. The formatting of the submission is up to the author; accepted papers will be asked to adhere to journal style (see the journal’s website for further information: overview.xml). No more than one submission per author is accepted.

General Call for Papers

Argumenta has now a new Editorial Board. You can check it here.

The Editorial Board of Argumenta invites scholars in the disciplines listed below to submit a paper, according to the rules of the Journal listed in this page. In order to submit a paper, please click on the “Submit your paper” button on the Home page of the journal. Papers will be double-blind refereed and, if accepted, published in the first available issue. Here is the list of disciplines within which the journal will consider submissions:

  • Aesthetics
  • Epistemology
  • Ethics
  • History of Analytic Philosophy
  • Metaphysics
  • Ontology
  • Philosophical Logic
  • Philosophy of Action
  • Philosophy of Language
  • Philosophy of Law
  • Philosophy of Mathematics
  • Philosophy of Mind
  • Political Philosophy

Argumenta is the official journal of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy (SIFA). It is published in English twice a year only in electronic version, and has already benefitted from the cooperation of some of the most distinguished Italian and non-Italian scholars in all areas of analytic philosophy.

All the contributions will undergo a standard double-blind refereeing procedure.

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Maurizio Ferraris
Full professor
University of Turin
Download the CV here


Tiziana Andina
Full professor
University of Turin
Download the CV here

Rivista di Estetica 

Indexed by SCOPUSISIRevues.orgThe Philosopher’s IndexRépertoire bibliographique de la philosophie, ERIH, Articoli italiani di periodici accademici (AIDA), Catalogo italiano dei periodici (ACNP), Google Scholar.

Open access:

Aesthetics and Contemporary Art

Bloomsbury Academics
Series Editor(s)
: Prof. David Carrier, Prof. Tiziana Andina.


Brill Research Perspectives in Art and Law

Editors-in-Chief: Prof. Gianmaria Ajani (University of Turin), Prof. Tiziana Andina (University of Turin),  Prof. Werner Gephart (University of Bonn).


Partner Institutions

Collegio Carlo Alberto

The Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities “Law as Culture”

FMSH, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme

NCOR: National Center for Ontological Research

Fondazione italiana del notariato

Sponsor 2020

Compagnia di San Paolo

Fondazione 1563 per l'Arte e la Cultura

Fondazione CRT

ICCD - Istituto centrale per il catalogo e la documentazione

"Notiziario Labont" is compiled by Francesco Camboni and Erica Onnis.

Copyright © *Labont*, All rights reserved.

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