Drowning in Property Taxes

The Problem:

“I can't afford to own my own home! With inflation and property taxes going up, I find it difficult to stay above water. I am drowning.” 

Consider these trends from the past decade found on itrlocal.org from across the state:

  • Decatur County has lost residents, but they’ve still managed to collect 80% more property tax dollars from the taxpayers who stuck around.
  • The Boone Community School District has fewer students, but they’re taking in 60% more property tax dollars for students no longer there.
  • The City of Decorah has shrunk, but they too are growing their property tax revenue. It’s up over 65%.
There’s an honesty gap when it comes to property taxes. Local elected officials proudly say they aren't increasing property tax rates. Does this mean your tax bill will stay the same too? Not likely. Their budgets ride the wave of increased assessments, and when that happens, people incorrectly blame the county assessor for larger tax bills.

Why it Matters:

Taxpayers feel helpless because it is too late to do anything about what they have to pay. When you get your bill, there is plenty of information provided on how it was calculated and who is getting your money.

Wouldn’t it be nice if those same local governments shared this information at the time when they’re making their budgets?

ITR's Solution:

Direct notification. Once a taxing authority like a city, county, or school district has built its new budget, they have to tell each property owner what that budget would do to their tax bill and inform them of a public hearing's date, time, and location to discuss the increase. 

Will it Work?

Yes, Utah has successfully used direct notification since 1985 to slow the growth of property taxes. Kansas and Nebraska have recently passed similar legislation. 

How Can Iowa Get Direct Notification?

The legislature will need to pass a bill to enact direct notification. Email your legislators and tell them Iowa needs a strong direct notification measure.

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Gov’t Standing in the Way of Freedom

The Problem:

Governments across the country are standing in the way of a basic freedom: your freedom to work.

Why it Matters: 

It’s discouraging when government makes it hard to improve your life. Licensing rules have created costly barriers that are preventing hardworking Iowans from filling many job openings.

ITR's Solution: 

Legislators need to review and reduce or even eliminate redundant licensing requirements that have no impact on public health or safety. At a time when employers are struggling to find employees, there is a real opportunity for Iowa’s government to remove a heavy burden on workers.

ITR Joins Coalition of Organizations Opposing Democrats' Tax Hikes on Families and Small Business

Democrats in Washington D.C. are pushing numerous tax increases on American families and businesses included in the $3.5 trillion reckless tax-and-spend reconciliation proposal.  

Millions of small businesses will see higher taxes through the increase in the corporate tax and the top marginal income tax rate. In addition, the plan to repeal step-up in basis will raise taxes on family-owned businesses across the country.
California Crazy Could be Iowa's Problem
- Iowa Torch

Limited government and free markets aren’t buzzwords or punchlines; they are principles that have a far-reaching impact when they are promoted or, in California’s case, discarded. ITR Government Relations Director Victoria Sinclair tackles another instance of overreach on The Iowa Torch

Pork and egg production are huge industries in Iowa but most producers in our state won’t be able to easily comply with new California agriculture regulations, which go into effect next year. Not only will Iowa producers suffer from these regulations, but California consumers will have fewer choices and higher costs, as well. 
Freedom movement scores important legal victories
- TEF Iowa

Labels are useful for describing a person’s political views, but only to a point. People who define themselves, for instance, as Conservatives, Republicans, or even Patriots, do not agree on every issue. But one issue unites political observers of all stripes: the importance of the courts. In the last few months, the freedom movement has witnessed several important decisions that will have lasting effects. 
The Wisdom of Alexander Hamilton
- The Center Square

What would Hamilton think of our dependency today on foreign nations, even hostile nations such as China, for necessities?
We Need Calvin Coolidge’s Fiscal Conservatism
- TEF Iowa

The national debt is rapidly nearing $29 trillion, which is 25% more than our entire economy, and is orders of magnitude higher if you consider unfunded liabilities of Social Security and Medicare. This threatens life as we know it and must be addressed now.

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Did Your Property Tax Statement Increase?
  • Property tax bills in your mailbox
  • Can you do anything
  • itrlocal.org
Preventing property tax increases
  • Only you can prevent property tax increases.
  • Are your community's taxes reasonable?
  • What causes property taxes to increase?
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ITR works for lower taxes, less spending,
and fewer regulations so politicians
get out of your pocket and off your back.

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