Hello Hello Hello, 

Wow hasn't it been a while. It's been a busy few months here between work, flat-moves, & re-entering the world of music & pints. But here I am, back at you with a September update on my creative endeavours. 

First things first, I just got my 2nd dose of the vaccine. So all is well! (my mum reads this).

Second things second, I've joined a few new bands (& a few old ones!) and there's a few gigs lined up!
The first band is Ferns 🌿
A hip-hop infused, mildly psychedelic jazz band with shoe-gaze elements (genres are confusing these days). I'll be playing sax with these fine folk. 
We'll have a gig on Sept 17th at The Voodoo Rooms - my first time performing with them, and I'm shitting myself! Come watch! 

(I believe it's free too!) 

Can see more here, though I'll send updates here too: instagram / facebookyoutube
The second band is Mt. Doubt 🍂
It's no secret that I've performed with the old doubt mountain before but plan is, I'll be playing with these fellas a bit more regularly over time as a multi-instrumentalist. We've got a gig coming up on Friday 1st October at Victoria Park Hotel, Edinburgh! 
Tickets are £10 - can get them here:
And the third band is Tinderbox Orchestra 🎻
It's no secret that I've worked with the old orchestra of boxed tinder before, though my days of performing with them were limited by the lock-downs. It's good to be back at it! 

A unique experience here - Tinderbox Orchestra shall be taking to cycle paths of Edinburgh on September 12th! Performing for those passing by under the bridges! You can see a map above plus more info here: Music for Bridges

Here's a Facebook Event too, if you like 🦦

The orchestra will also be performing at Hidden Door! Down by the Granton Gasworks ⛽️ This will be on Sunday 17th September, and we'll be busking there during the day! Will share more info 🔜 
As for the authentic Deep Sea Creature experience, no gigs currently in the pipeline - quite enjoying playing with other folk at the moment and testing myself as a saxophonist. 

Definitely up for gigs though, so if there's any opportunities out there do not hesitate to fire them my way! What I'm really keeping my eyes peeled for are open mics again - chances to play out of the blue on a regular basis with a wee circle of other songwriters/cover artists.

I may get the chance to busk at the Music for Bridges however, will let ya know if so! 

In the meantime, do enjoy the above picture of me in Spain circa. 2017-18. credz to James Callaghan. 

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