Hello Church!

This has been a crazy week! We are not slowing our ministry efforts because of any COVID concerns. Sure, we will be careful with our distancing and masking disciplines, but we are pressing ahead with a full slate of ministry initiatives. We will be going through some of these things on Sunday, and in the coming weeks as I preach through Redeemer’s values, we will be sharing some of the five-year plan that our leadership have developed, and I gotta say, it is pretty exciting! We are convinced that God is sovereign and has a plan to reach the lost and press His church deeper into relationship with Himself, and that this five-year plan will help us to bring glory to God.

You will hear about things like – outreach initiatives, studies, classes, mercy ministries, missions, and even some plans to help parents navigate these challenging cultural waters with their kids. I’ve already said too much! Please join us in person as soon as you can. I know that some of you have health concerns and legitimate reasons for remaining at home, but for those of us who can gather physically, let’s do that! There is nothing like the assembled body of believers! Watching online is a viable stop-gap solution, but church is incarnational, and God does something unique in the midst of His people. Please don’t feel like you are being pressured into attending physical services if you are legitimately needing to remain apart… we understand. But, if you can be here, I would love to see you! Have a blessed week and please be in prayer for one another.

In Christ,
Pastor Carl
REGISTRATION IS OPEN for church this Sunday, September 5 at 10:00 am. Please click here or on the 'Registration' graphic above to register for the service.  If you are unable to attend in person, please watch us LIVE on Facebook!
E-X-T-E-N-D-E-D!  Back by popular demand, we will continue to hold the "Lunch on the Lawn" in September, continuing TOMORROW at 12:00 pm.  Bring your lunch and a lawn chair as we gather on the front lawn for a time of conversation, fellowship and connecting together, weather permitting.  
Registration will be required upon arrival and social distancing protocols will be in place.  If you would like more information, please call or
 email the church office!
TO JOIN US on Tuesday, September 14 at 7 pm for this wonderful evening, please CLICK HERE to register, or on the graphic above.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

In-Person Attendance:  130
Weekly Offering:  $7,608
Weekly Budget:  $8,667

Thank you for your faithful stewardship!
One time gift or recurring donations.
How to Connect with us:

Our mailing address is:
Redeemer Bible Church
PO Box 756, 3017 Montrose Rd
Niagara Falls ON   L2E 6V6

Copyright © 2020 Redeemer Bible Church, All rights reserved.

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