It’s a common misconception that we’re just a transportation agency. It’s true that we plan, build, and maintain mobility connections throughout our region. And it’s true, we’re comprised of a small professional staff with specialized expertise in this field. But to narrow our function to this degree would be to remove our core purpose – the driving force – behind the Mobility Authority.
We are responsible for implementing mobility solutions that preserve and enhance quality of life in Central Texas as we EVOLVE with the changing regional landscape, ENGAGE with the communities we serve, and PROTECT the environment we all share.
Our leadership and staff model these values and purpose, and are committed to implementing projects and initiatives in support of our organization’s “why.” Because we’re Central Texans, too – driving the same roads, sitting in the same traffic, biking the same trails. And we share in the desire to improve our region while also protecting the things that make it great.
Perhaps it’s unorthodox to view transportation in this manner. But what we’ve found is that by coupling first-hand knowledge and expertise we make room for innovation. By empowering our community, we produce better outcomes. And by being mission-driven, we’re capable of enhancing the lives for all Central Texans.
The month’s Expressway News will feature the first of a three-part series outlining the ways in which the Mobility Authority upholds it’s mission to evolve, engage, and protect.