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Baschurch CE Primary School

Weekly Newsletter

School Dinners

Sep 02, 2021 01:00 pm

The school dinner payment option is now live on the Gateway for pupils in Year 3 and above. The minimum payment is set at £11.00 (the price of 5 dinners @ £2.20 per day) as we are charged per transaction made. If your child does not have dinners every day we will carry extra funds forward as credit to pay for future dinners taken. If your child is planning to have dinners every day it would be best to pay £15.40 for your first payment this week, which will cover the 2 days this week and all of next week, then £11.00 per week going forward. Or if you wish you can pay more, for example a half-term at time, which some people prefer (there are 36 school days this half term so payment would be £79.20 to cover this period in full). Whatever you decide it would be helpful if the amount paid is a multiple of £2.20 which is the daily cost of a school dinner. We do require payment in advance by 9am on Mondays for the week ahead so please keep track of what you have paid and how many dinners your child has had, as we do not have the facility on the Gateway to provide you with a current balance. Finally, a reminder to parents of children now in Year 3 that they are no longer eligible for universal free school meals so you do need to start paying for dinners now. If you have any questions please email the school office on and we will be happy to help. Thank you.

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Welcome letter and new times and collection points

Aug 31, 2021 01:35 pm

31st August 2021

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are very much looking forward to welcoming all of our pupils back to school for the start of the new term on Thursday, as well as welcoming our reception pupils who will be joining us this September. We hope you have all had a restful and relaxing summer break.

We are writing to you to inform you of some of the changes in the latest Government guidance which was updated by the Department of Education (DfE) during the Summer Holidays. It is the DfE’s priority for schools to deliver face to-face, high-quality education to all pupils whilst keeping the school communities as safe as possible. Some of the changes made to the guidance, allow schools to operate in a way that was more familiar prior to the pandemic by removing most if not all restrictions. However, we feel as school, we would like to keep some restrictions in place so that we can fully monitor their impact once all pupils and staff return. This way we can either reduce or step up measures accordingly and prioritise everyone’s safety.

School Organisation:

Children are no longer required to keep in strict ‘bubbles’ and pupils can mix between classes when necessary (e.g. assemblies, phonics groups, etc.) However, for at least the first two weeks of term, we will be maintaining our classes as separate bubbles as much as possible. Assemblies and acts of worship will take place in hall but classes will be distanced from each other and windows and doors opened in the hall to allow a good level of ventilation. We will also still have spilt key stage playtimes and lunch times as this eases congestion on the playground.  We will also be able to resume afterschool clubs shortly and you will receive separate information about this.

Drop off and Collection:

Please note carefully the changes in times and entrance / exit points below:

Morning Drop Off

8.45am to 9am (to allow a natural stagger)

All children will enter through the green gate, except year 6 who will use their own blue door on Eyton Lane.

Reception class staff will be on the gate to meet and greet the new children and chat to parents.

Collection Times:

We will be opening up the green gate at 3pm for key stage 1 parents, who will now be able to wait on the top playground to avoid congestion on the paths outside.

If you have children in key stage 2 only please do not come before 3:10pm, when you may then go onto the playground to collect your children. We ask that you leave the playground as soon as you have your children. This will help the teachers dismiss the children more quickly. The teacher will look for the parent or carer, then release your child to you.


Reception: 3pm the green gate will open, come onto the top playground, and the class will be dismissed from the wooden gate by the wall.

Year 1: 3pm the green gate will open, come onto the top playground, and the class will be dismissed from the wooden gate by the wall.

Year 2: 3pm this class will come out of their own classroom door and Miss Clough will stand on the ramp and look for year 2 parents and carers.

Year 3: 3:10pm this class will come out of their own classroom door onto the top playground.

Year 4: 3:10pm the teacher will walk the class through school and they will leave via the playground.

Year 5: 3:10pm this class will come out of their own classroom door onto the top playground.

Year 6: 3:10pm this class will leave the way they came in – through their own door into Eyton Lane. The teacher will let them into the ‘front garden’ and you can collect from here. If your year 6 child is allowed to walk home alone, we need a written letter stating this please.

Adults are no longer required to wear face coverings around or within school, but staff and parents/carers will be encouraged to do so.  Visitors will be asked to wear a mask.

Over the next few weeks at school we will be closely monitoring the organisation of the school and if we need to make any changes we will let you know according. By working together we can ensure everyone stays safe. Please email or telephone if you have any queries or suggestions.

Communicating with Teachers

We know how important communication is between home and school, so we have several avenues in place: telephone, emailing the office, dojo and the school website. Dojo was invaluable during the lockdown and we will continue to use it, but more sparingly. Now that things are relatively normal and we are all back in school, please be mindful of how often and when you use Class Dojo to communicate with the teacher. They are all very conscientious and will often answer your questions late at night or at weekends. However, I am going to ask them only to reply between 8am and 6pm, so I would really appreciate if you did not contact them outside of these hours unless it is an emergency.  In this case, please start your message with URGENT, and then it will be dealt with.  It should be much easier to talk to the teachers face to face this year, fingers crossed!

Admin telephone – we had a posh new phone system put in over the summer, but as you can probably guess, there have been cabling problems and it isn’t working properly yet! If you can’t get through, please email the school office and we will ring you back. We apologise for this inconvenience while we get it sorted out.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.  We are so excited to see you all on Thursday.

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Previous News:

Contact Tracing Letter
Diary Dates
Do you need new school shoes or trainers for September?
Diary Dates
Menu Change – Monday 12th July

In the 09/02/2021 edition:


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