ARC logo. Black and white Georgetown University seal is on the left. To the right of the seal are three lines of text. The top reads "Georgetown University" in capital italicized letters. The middle line of text reads "Division of Student Affairs," and the bottom line of text reads "Academic Resource Center" in italicized letters.

ARC Monthly Newsletter

October 2021

Email header image; the top third of the image shows colorful autumn leaves in shades of red, green, and yellow. The bottom of the image shows a cream-colored background with two lines of text. The first line reads "Happy Fall, Hoyas!" in large red letters. The second line reads "We hope your semester is going well" in smaller, italicized black letter.

Welcome to the inaugural ARC newsletter!

The newsletter will feature information pertaining to services provided by the Academic Resource Center at Georgetown University. Topics covered might include upcoming events and deadline reminders for current students; disability-centered entertainment recommendations; tips from the Cawley Career Education Center, and more! We welcome your feedback and input regarding the content - please submit ideas or suggestions here! Do you have friends or family that may be interested in receiving this? They can subscribe via this link (you do not have to be registered with our office to receive newsletters). All image descriptions are in the alternative text.

Why am I receiving this newsletter/how did I get on this list?
You are receiving this newsletter because you currently engage with ARC staff or services, or are in the beginning stages of doing so. You may also be a member of the Georgetown University community who is interested in keeping up with our office; if so, welcome! If you do not wish to receive this newsletter, however, you are welcome to unsubscribe below.

What is the Academic Resource Center?

With cura personalis at its core, the Academic Resource Center supports Georgetown students in three distinct ways while honoring each student’s individuality, diversity, and lived experiences:

  • Disability support, including classroom accommodations and medical housing

  • Academic support, including shared student resources and one-on-one consultations

  • Student-Athlete support, including academic coaching


Important: New Test Scheduling Protocol for Students

As of Wednesday, September 15th, the Academic Resource Center shifted its Fall 2021 protocol for exam reservations on Main Campus. Students will now be requesting their own exams via Google Forms, with requests to be made at least 7 days in advance of a testing session. For step-by-step information about how to schedule ARC exams this semester, please visit our website.

After reserving your seat, you should not expect a follow-up email unless we have questions or need to inform you of a location change. If you have any questions regarding exam scheduling, please contact your ARC disability advisor or our new testing email account,

ARC Test Scheduling Protocol for Fall 2021

Welcome to our New Staff Members!

We’re thrilled to welcome two new staff members to the ARC team; Please join us in welcoming Kari Nelson and Molly Socha!

Kari Nelson: Kari recently joined the Academic Resource Center as the Coordinator of Administrative Services. She is a graduate of Georgetown University, where she majored in American Studies and spent three years as a Resident Assistant. After college, Kari served for a year in Atlanta through the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. Kari also has experience working at legal nonprofits, history museums, and memorials. She is excited to work with students and staff to keep the ARC running smoothly, and she is thrilled to be back on the Hilltop.

Molly Socha: Molly joins the ARC as the Coordinator for Student Athlete Services. While playing Division 1 soccer at the University of Hartford, Molly earned her Master’s degree in Organizational Psychology. Molly brings two years experience and will be working with student athletes on the Baseball, Cross Country, Track, and Women’s Lacrosse teams.

Complete List of ARC Staff

Tutor Appreciation Week is October 4th-8th. The ARC is grateful for all of our tutors, and we look forward to showing our appreciation!

Academic Support

Flyer for "Tips for Balancing College Readings," taking place Tuesday, October 19, at 4 PM.

Upcoming Webinar: Tips for Balancing College Readings

Struggling to balance a never-ending reading load? During this webinar, we will discuss how to create a reading schedule, how to survey readings to better understand their structures, and how to use different tools to stay engaged while reading. View the plain text flyer here.

Access the Webinar Webpage Here

Upcoming Webinar: Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination

Do you struggle with staying on task while studying? Stop by this webinar to break down why you procrastinate and how you can battle bad habits. We will discuss the different causes of procrastination as well as tools that can help you stay focused. View the plain text flyer here.

Access the Webinar Webpage Here
Flyer for "Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination," taking place Tuesday, October 26, at 4 PM.
Flyer for drop-in foreign language tutoring, offering free peer tutoring in Spanish, French, Arabic, Chinese, and Latin through December 6th. No appointment needed!

Foreign Language Tutoring

Are you currently studying a foreign language? The Academic Resource Center offers free drop-in tutoring sessions led by students who have achieved proficiency in Spanish, French, Arabic, Chinese, and Latin. To see a full list of dates and locations, visit the ARC’s foreign language tutoring webpage. View the plain text flyer here.

Access the Tutoring Webpage Here
Study tip of the month: Start each homework session by writing a list of tasks that you plan on tackling during that time. Having a concrete plan will make your study block more efficient.

Student-Athlete Academic Support

Are you curious about the points of contact for each sport? Click on the button below to see a complete list of head coaches and sports administrators.

Hoya Coaches and Sports Administrators
An instagram post showing a navy blue background and yellow shapes and icons. Prominent yellow text on the upper middle part of the picture reads "Trouble staying focused?" and is surrounded by five study tips.

Are you a student-athlete looking for pertinent information and helpful study tips?

@hoyaacademics is the official Instagram of Georgetown University Student-Athlete Academic Support - check it out!

Visit the Hoya Academics Instagram

Disability Support

A flyer for how to request accommodations through the ARC. The flyer is a white piece of paper with navy blue text and detailing. The ARC logo is in the upper left hand corner. Below the title are three blocks of text. The first block explains the ARC's purpose; the second block details the 4-step process to request accommodations. The bottom of the flyer details the office's contact information

Would you like to request accommodations through the ARC, but don’t know where to start?

Refer to the flyer on the left to review the accommodation request process. Click on the button below to view a plain-text version of the flyer!

Plain Text Accommodation Flyer

Info from the
Cawley Career Education Center

The ARC has partnered with Beth Schill from the Cawley Career Education Center to provide tips and resources for our students with disabilities who are entering into the job or internship search process, considering applying to graduate school, or simply seeking guidance regarding career direction. Click here to read Beth’s Career Newsletter for October!

We hope this recurring section will provide helpful information, and we encourage you to reach out with any topics that you would like to see covered, or questions you would like to have answered.
You can
offer suggestions for this newsletter through this Google Form.

What is Lime Connect?

Lime Connect is a global not-for-profit organization that's rebranding disability through achievement. They do so by attracting, preparing, and connecting high potential university students and professionals who happen to have all types of disabilities for careers, scholarships, and internships.

Upcoming Lime Connect Panel: Oct. 26, 12-1 pm (Virtual)

We are proud to partner with the Career Center, the Center for Multicultural Equity and Access (CMEA), and Lime Connect to present a panel conversation on Tuesday, October 26 from 12-1 pm EST. Click the button below for a plain text flyer. Click here for a general Lime Connect flyer.

Lime Connect Plain Text Flyer
"Rebranding Disability Through Achievement" flyer. A white piece of paper with colorful blue and green header and footer. The light green Lime logo sits at the top of the flyer, followed by the title, a photo of 4 smiling students standing shoulder to shoulder, and the event information.
WRP informational flyer. A white page with the blue and green WRP logo header at the top. The title reads "What is the Workforce Recruitment Program?", followed by general and eligibility information. The bottom of the flyer shows the contact information for the Georgetown WRP coordinators, Brittney Klein and Beth Schill.

Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP)

Are you a student with a disability who’s looking for a job or internship? The WRP may be right for you! Check out the flyer on the left for more information and contact Brittney Klein in the ARC with any questions; but hurry - registration must be completed by next Thursday, October 7th!

Eligible students must:
- have a disability and be eligible under the
Schedule A hiring authority
- be a United States citizen or national
- be currently enrolled in a degree program on a substantially full-time basis OR have graduated with a degree on or after April 1, 2019.

WRP Website

Entertainment Recommendation of the Month

“Disability Visibility” edited by Alice Wong

Alice Wong is a disabled activist, media maker, and research consultant based in San Francisco, California. She is the founder and director of the Disability Visibility Project,
an online community dedicated to creating, sharing, and amplifying disability media and culture. Alice is also the host and co-producer of the Disability Visibility podcast and is co-partner in a number of collaborations such as #CripTheVote and Access Is Love. From 2013 to 2015, Alice served as a member of the National Council on Disability, an appointment by President Barack Obama. For more:
(Biography credit of
Penguin Random House Publishing)

The cover of the book ‘Disability Visibility: First Person Stories from the 21st Century Edited by Alice Wong’ is shown. The book cover has overlapping triangles in a variety of bright colors with black text overlaying them and an off-white background. Book description and link to the book at

Alice also hosts a Disability Visibility Podcast!

Click here to link to the Podcast

October is
National Disability Employment Awareness Month!

Originating in 1954 and having undergone several amendments to its name and purpose in that time, NDEAM is held each October to raise awareness of and commemorate the many and varied contributions of people with disabilities to America’s workplaces and economy. Want to learn more and explore helpful resources? Visit The Office of Disability Employment Policy.

The GU Disability Studies program will be hosting an array of events throughout the semester; please refer to the flyer below for more information.

Disability Studies Fall 2021 Events

Is reading this PDF difficult or inaccessible? Click here for the plain text flyer.

Disability Studies Program Page
A dark green flyer with light green and white text. The title is in light green lettering and reads "Disability Studies Fall 2021 Events," followed by a list of 5 events.


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Share your suggestions for future newsletters here (like new topics to include, a book/movie/podcast recommendation, an event or celebration to spotlight, etc.).

Interested in becoming more knowledgeable about disability issues in higher education? Check out NCCSD (National Center for College Students with Disabilities) and DREAM (Disability Rights, Education, Activism, and Mentoring), two fantastic resources for college students with disabilities as well as disability advocates and allies.

Want to connect with our office? Click on the buttons below to connect via Facebook, Instagram, our website, and our email, respectively.

Facebook iconInstagram iconWebsite iconEmail icon
ARC logo. Black and white Georgetown University seal is on the left. To the right of the seal are three lines of text. The top reads "Georgetown University" in capital italicized letters. The middle line of text reads "Division of Student Affairs," and the bottom line of text reads "Academic Resource Center" in italicized letters

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