July-August '21 | Update
Ministry Edition
The update... 
in a Nutshell
ˈnət-ˌshel' -  "to make a long story short"

These last two months have been crazy busy! It started with the long-awaited LAUNCH of our team's new MK Care Program for Ethnos360.  Pete then traveled to Southern CA to help staff the NCF MK ReEntry Program where we had 40 MKs that had just graduated High School on the mission field and are now in the USA for college or gap year. We then traveled a bit to visit family in the Northwest. Next is the MK Caregivers Summit Conference which kicks off in mid-September. 
In the full update:
+ The update in a Nutshell
+ Partner Chat VIDEO (3mins)
1) Ethnos360 MK Care LAUNCH!!!
2) Successful MK ReEntry 
3) Pray for the upcoming MK Caregivers Summit 
+ Highlights for You
+ July 2021 Photos
+ Past Monthly Updates
Partner Chat Video

July-August '21 

(3 mins) .

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to the Audio Version

Highlights for you
NCF MK ReEntry Recap Video.
In July, Pete had the opportunity to help staff the NCF MK ReEntry Program in Southern California.  Check out the Recap video!
Ethnos360 MK Retreat Recap Video.
This month we had a GREAT opportunity to serve some of our MKs that live at our org's Missionary Training Center in Missouri.

MK Care Featured!
Our MK Care Team was is featured in the quarterly Ethnos360 Magazine! Check out page 14! 

If you are a part of our Financial Partnership team, you should automatically receive the magazine at your home.  If not, you can follow this link to the free digital version online.

Want to join our Team? 
Learn more about Partnering with us through Financial Giving
Photos from this Month
Ministry Fun:
Mailing High School Grad Gifts to MKs.
Attending an MKs Wedding in Washinton

Fun times visiting the cousins in Idado
Fun times in August
A glimpse of our AMAZING MK Staff (summer staff) from MK ReEntry.
Recent Monthly Updates
June 2021: Construction Complete
APR/MAY 2021: Three Years Old
MAR 2021: North of the Border
FEB 2021: Recording of the N.O.V.
JAN 2021: What is this N.O.V thing?
Connect with us!
Audio Updates
Audio Updates
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iTunes Podcast
iTunes Podcast

Contact Us

Pete | 925.960.5219 |

Bree | 925.960.5218 |


Serving with
A Thriving Church for All People
Founded in 1942 as New Tribes Mission

Copyright © 2021
Pete and Bree Ammerman 
All rights reserved.