September 22, 2021
God Still ACTS in Washington and Beyond!
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Growing Leaders Blog by Doug Bing

Let's Talk Politics!!

A small group of friends were recently in the Seattle area and came together for a meal. This group of friends come from different parts of the continent, represent different professions and life experiences, and as we talked we realized that we are quite diverse in political beliefs and practices.

Do you know what was the wonderful part? Our different political opinions did not change our friendship, our views of each other or our treatment of each other. We were gathered as a group of Christian friends, united by Jesus’ grace. It was a pleasant meal with lots of laughter and conversation. Everyone’s opinion was heard and respected and, unlike some social media exchanges, no names were called.

Long before social media squabbles and name calling on cable news networks, Adventist church co-founder Ellen White wrote about politics in the year 1898....

Keep Reading!

Need Encouragement in Ministry?

Our ministry team loves talking with you, praying with you, and brainstorming about ministry opportunities. Drop us an email. Give us a call. Arrange for a virtual or in-person appointment.
Connect with a Leader
From Randy Maxwell

Enrich Your Family's Spiritual Growth

Welcome to this year’s "Alter the Altar" focus, inspired by and adapted from Dick Eastman’s book Awesome: Exploring the Nature and Names of Jesus (Chosen Books, 2021, used by permission).
Each day we will explore the wonders of Christ by meditating on one of His awesome attributes. I assure you that if you will “turn your eyes upon Jesus” for the next 31 days, you and your family will develop “a sweet madness” for Jesus and experience a personal revival. 
To get the most out of each encounter, Dick Eastman urges the following four steps:
  1. EXPLORE – Take time to meditate on this quality of Christ. Use Scriptures suggested to get started.
  2. EXPERIENCE – Turn your meditation into prayer that this quality might impact your life today.
  3. EXPRESS – During your quiet time, take a moment to journal your thoughts, even if briefly.
  4. EXALT – Pray, praise or even spontaneously sing your way through the day’s list of names of Jesus. 
Get ready to grow as we spend "31 Days in the Son." Follow along in @WashConf Stories on Facebook and Instagram
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Learn How to Become a Skillful Comforter

Steve and Karen Nicola will be at Auburn Adventist Academy Church this weekend, September 24-26, to offer grief and loss training for Auburn students, area churches, and anyone interested in become a skillful comforter.

Weekend Schedule
  • Friday - AAA Gym @ 7 pm
  • Sabbath Morning - Church @ 11 am
  • Sabbath Afternoon - AAA Gym @ 1:30 pm
  • Sunday Brunch - Fireside Room @ 10 am 
Register to Participate in Grief & Loss Training

Bookmobile is On the Road to You!

Ed Lindsay is driving your Auburn ABC orders around western Washington. This Sunday, September 26, he will be at:
  • Olympia Transformation Life Church 10:00 - 10:30 am
  • Shelton Church 11:15 - 11:45 am
  • Kitsap Adventist School (Bremerton) 12:45 - 1:15 pm
  • Poulsbo Church 2:00 - 2:30 pm
  • Sequim Church 3:45 - 4:30 pm
  • Port Orchard Church  6:15 - 6:30 pm
Place your order by end of day Thursday by calling 253-833-6707.
See Online Catalog

Remembering Bill Ellison, the Marching Man of Pathfinders

Bill Ellison, family man and Pathfinder leader for generations of young people, passed away July 31, 2020, from pneumonia associated with Alzheimer’s.

The Ellison family will hold a Pathfinder-themed memorial service for Bill on October 2, 2021, at Bonney Lake Church at 3 pm. Janice and family are requesting donations in Bill’s memory to Bonney Lake Pathfinder Club in lieu of flowers.

If you are able to attend the memorial in person, you are invited to wear your Pathfinder uniform or sash in his honor. You are also welcome to email memories of Bill to
Email Janice Ellison

Experience Abundant Health

Discover how to restore your health and renew your hope with Abundant Health Sabbaths. The next gathering in October 9 from 1:30 to 7 pm (including a free supper with your RSVP) at Sunset Lake Camp.
RSVP For a FREE Supper!
From Heidi Baumgartner

SAC Offers Virtual Learning Oct. 17-19

The Society of Adventist Communicators helped launch me in my career and ministry. It's now an honor to invest back into this network of aspiring and seasoned communication professionals through two workshops on social media and e-newsletters. Interested in church, school or ministry communication? Consider registering for SAC, plus join the @WashConf Communicators Facebook group!
Attend the 32nd Annual SAC Convention!
Join the @WashConf Communicators Group

Medical Professionals: This is for you!

Do you have a passion for medical evangelism? Do you wish you knew how to share Christ with your patients? Then the AMEN conference is for you! You will be inspired by spiritual presentations, blessed by personal testimonies and enjoy wonderful fellowship with other medical/dental professionals this October 28-31 in California.

(Please see the Covid-19 precautions and vaccine position statement)
Register for the AMEN Conference

Volunteer at Your Local Adventist School

God is calling you to be a missionary at your local school! Your gifts, time, and talents enhance and enrich the advantages our scholars experience in an Adventist Education classroom. Tell a story. Share a lesson. Serve a meal. Monitor recess. Help grade papers. Listen to a reading lesson. Help with landscaping or school maintenance. Raise scholarship funds. Pray.

Here's an important note for volunteers in Washington: all K-12 school volunteers who have student interaction need to be fully vaccinated per local state requirements. When you sign up to volunteer with a local school partner, the principal will let you know the verification process (it's an email based system with three options).

Locate the school nearest you and start a conversation about how you can help invest in the Adventist Advantage.
20 Locations in Western Washington
We have a high level of vaccination in the State of Washington, and we are still in a pandemic where good health and safety habits are still important.
  • Whatever your vaccination status and over the age of 5, please wear a mask at church.
  • If you are gathered for a small group and everyone in attendance is vaccinated, you do not need to wear a mask (especially if outdoors).
  • If you visit a school campus or community service center, please wear a mask and cooperate with the local health screening process.
As always, kindness and grace to each other in our interactions goes a long way.
Connect with a Local Church


This week's offering focus:
Washington Youth - Adventist Education Focus

Thanks for supporting ministry locally and globally!
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Washington ACTS highlights each week the activities of Adventist Education, Coaching Leaders, Totally Involved Members, and Spiritual Growth.

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