"When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.” 

Aldo Leopold (1886-1948), American Forester

Our 30th Year!
BLT eNotes
October 1, 2021

Bodega Quilt Stories
Connections During Isolation
Top Row 1-4

As we mentioned in our September 17 eNotes, the Bodega Quilt for 2020/2021, called “Connections During Isolation”, will have the proceeds from its Raffle go to the Bodega Land Trust and the Bodega Volunteer Fire Department. Also, in this and the next few eNotes we will be highlighting the stories of each square of the quilt.

We are now selling Raffle Tickets at $1 a ticket or six tickets for $5.  You can find “Connections During Isolation” on display at the Occidental Friday Market, and alternating Sundays at the Markets in Bodega Bay or Sebastopol. Also, you can go to www.bodegalandtrust.org and find the Donate Button.  Tell us your Donation is for the Quilt and leave your phone number as a note.

Many thanks for your generous support of Bodega Land Trust and the Bodega Volunteer Fire Department.

Here are the first four quilt stories of the Bodega Quilt.
Brittany Heck Jensen

This square is about feeling a sense of home at the ocean and the many ways the ocean brings this community together.  The moon setting behind the waves is a reminder of the way we move together in the ebbs and flows of life.

Carol Sklar

This square is a tribute to the Bodega Land Trust! 

It is an adaptation of the BLT Logo that was designed by quilter Nancy Conkle.

Patty O’Rourke

I’ve always been drawn to circles; many of my squares from previous years have featured a circle within the boundaries of the square. My square this year attempts to illustrate my musings on community, individuality, and interconnectedness.
Sally Smith

I was inspired by my love of gardening and for bugs and pollinators.  My connection is that you cannot have a blackberry without the pollinators.  The plants won’t produce fruit without pollination.  My Granddaughter Aurora, who was 10 years old at the time, and I collaborated on the design and execution of the flower.


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