D-Lab Frontdesk
Stop by our virtual frontdesk, open Monday-Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm! Our undergraduate technicians (UTech) can answer general questions about workshops or other D-Lab services and can link you up with a consultant during drop-in hours.
Drop-in Consulting Hours D-Lab consultants are available during drop-in hours on our virtual frontdesk, generally Monday-Friday from 10am-4pm, but check our drop-in hours schedule for specific days, times, and expertise.
Our physical space will remain closed to the public as we re-imagine
how to best make use of our physical space on the 3rd floor of the social sciences building.
- Featured Events -
Computational Social Science Forum
The Power of Empathy: Experimental Evidence of Perspective-Focused Interventions’ Impact on Support for Prison Reform
Oct 5 | 4pm to 5pm | Register for Zoom link Speaker: Jessie Harney, Berkeley Computational Social Science Fellow and PhD Candidate, Goldman School of Public Policy, UC Berkeley
As a result of COVID-19, individuals have experienced situations that may help them relate to others, including more limited ability to interact with their environment. Thus, this survey experiment (N = 2,229) tests whether perspective-focused interventions can help increase support for prison reform. Findings suggest that perspective-getting (providing the perspective of an incarcerated individual via a narrative description of dealing with confinement) increased self-reported support for prison reform initiatives, compared to information only... read more here.
Doing Academic Research with Amazon Mechanical Turk
Oct 1 | 12:00pm | 820 Social Sciences Building or Zoom link | Register Here
Speaker: Ali Alkhatib, Interim Director, Center for Applied Data Ethics at University of San Francisco
Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) has become increasingly popular as an online tool for conducting social science research. At the same time that MTurk has dominated research practices, its parent company has come under fire for its labor practices and monopolistic behaviors. What are the specific advantages and downsides of using online crowdsourcing tools like MTurk for conducting research? What practical and/or moral dilemmas might emerge in the course of the research process, and what concrete strategies have scientists developed to address them?...read more here.
Co-sponsored by Social Science Matrix and the UC Berkeley D-Lab.
For this workshop, we'll provide an introduction to visualization with Python. We'll cover visualization theory and plotting with Matplotlib and Seaborn, working through examples in a Jupyter notebook.
Geospatial Fundamentals with QGIS: Queries & Joins
Oct 1 | 10am-1pm | Register for Zoom link
This workshop will introduce attribute and spatial queries and joins in QGIS. Basic knowledge of QGIS is assumed
Python Fundamentals: Parts 1-4
Oct 4, Oct 6, Oct 11, Oct 13 | 12pm-3pm | Register for Zoom link
This four-part, interactive workshop series is your complete introduction to programming Python for people with little or no previous programming experience. By the end of the series, you will be able to apply your knowledge of basic principles of programming and data manipulation to a real-world social science application.
Advanced Data Wrangling aims to help students to learn powerful data wrangling tools and techniques in R to wrangle data with less pain and more fun. This workshop will show how R can make your data wrangling process faster, more reliable, and interpretable.
Geospatial Data and Mapping in Python: Parts 1-2
Oct 5, Oct 12 | 2pm-5pm | Register for Zoom link
Geospatial data are an important component of data visualization and analysis in the social sciences, humanities, and elsewhere. The Python programming language is a great platform for exploring these data and integrating them into your research.
R Fundamentals: Parts 1-4
Oct 6, Oct 8, Oct 13, Oct 15 | 11am-2pm | Register for Zoom link
This workshop is a four-part introductory series that will teach you R from scratch with clear introductions, concise examples, and support documents. You will learn how to download and install the open-sourced R Studio software, understand data and basic manipulations, import and subset data, explore and visualize data, and understand the basics of automation in the form of loops and functions. After completion of this workshop you will have a foundational understanding to create, organize, and utilize workflows for your personal research.
This one-part workshop will start by introducing you to navigating your computer’s file system and basic Bash commands to remove the fear of working with the command line and to give you the confidence to use it to increase your productivity. And then working with Git, a powerful tool for keeping track of changes you make to the files in a project.
Qualtrics is a powerful online tool available to Berkeley community members that can be used for a range of data collection activities. Primarily, Qualtrics is designed to make web surveys easy to write, test, and implement, but the software can be used for data entry, training, quality control, evaluation, market research, pre/post-event feedback, and other uses with some creativity.
Keep an eye on our events calendar for many more new workshops!
- Data Peers Consulting and Workshops -
Data Peer Consulting Services
The undergraduate Data Peer Consulting is available this Fall to help you with all of your Jupyter notebook, SQL, data visualization, and other data science needs for free (we’re funded by the Student Tech Fund). Visit our website to learn more about peer consultants and to find one that can help you!
Data Peers are available for drop-in consulting on D-Lab's virtual frontdesk Monday-Friday from 12pm-4pm. If you can't make it to drop-in hours, email us to set up an appointment: ds-peer-consulting@berkeley.edu.
Data Peers Workshop Series:
Introduction to Data Analysis and Visualization
Digital Humanities Working Group Fall 2021
Alternating Fridays (starting Sep 24) | 12pm-1pm | Register | Read more
Refamiliarization exhibition with the
Berkeley Center for New Media (BCNM)
Sep 29, 30 & Oct 1 | Read more here
Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization (EAAMO ’21) Association for Computing Machinery
Oct 5-9 | 9am to 5pm | Register for Zoom link | Read more
Advancing Responsible AI Innovation & Leadership
Center For Equity, Gender & Leadership & Berkeley Haas
Oct 14 | 4pm-5pm | Register and read more
REFORM Alliance is hiring a Director of Research and Analysis
Visit this LinkedIn for more information and how to apply
Support D-Lab
Join our community of donors by making a gift to D-Lab. Contributions of any size will support free, inclusive workshops and resources for the UC Berkeley community. Give today!