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Carpentries Clippings, 23 September 2021

Tweet of The Week

Christina K. @_christinaLK
learned a lot teaching @thecarpentries bonus module on online workshops this morning! best part was having a crew from all over the world, bringing their own experiences.
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Community News & Updates from Our Committees / Task Forces

Announcing 2022 Executive Council Elections
Nominations are now open for four Executive Council (EC) positions to join for two year terms 2022-2023 effective 1 February, 2022; two community-elected and two Council-elected.

Learn more in this recently published blog post by The Carpentries Executive Council 

Apply to become a Curriculum Advisor!
In August 2021, we announced that The Carpentries is reactivating our Curriculum Advisory program. Curriculum Advisory Committees provide high-level oversight, vision, and leadership for a curriculum and guide large-scale updates. 

Applications are now open! Learn more by reading this recently published blog post


Updates from the Instructor Development Committee
The IDC met on August 26 and 27. Members provided recommendations on additional analysis that would be informative for future Instructor Training Assessment Reports. Members are also supporting a transition to onboard new committee members in November. Details forthcoming.

Teaching Tips from The Carpentries Instructor Trainers

From: Liz Stokes

Responding to a request for help is a good opportunity to reflect on your teaching skills, and a neat way of framing incidental professional development when your brain is also telling you that you're overloaded and can't possibly help another person.

Of course, the latter is typically always true, especially for volunteer trainers. However, when it's a long time between instructor trainings, and you start to doubt your trainer skills, holding this perspective can give you a value added boost. You're contributing to building the community, as well as using the opportunity to engage in instructor mode, and build your practice.

I'm especially grateful for and recognise the care and kindness of my trainer peers who make themselves available to help out novices. It's a significant undertaking and no small thing.

Community Opportunity Postings

Toolshed (Posts from Our Past)

In September of 2020, we published a blog post introducing The Carpentries Community Facilitators Program.
The Carpentries is funded in part by grants and donations, and donating even a small amount can make a big difference - we value all contributions!
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