Announcing 2022 Executive Council Elections
Nominations are now open for four Executive Council (EC) positions to join for two year terms 2022-2023 effective 1 February, 2022; two community-elected and two Council-elected.
Learn more in this recently published blog post by The Carpentries Executive Council
Apply to become a Curriculum Advisor!
In August 2021, we announced that The Carpentries is reactivating our Curriculum Advisory program. Curriculum Advisory Committees provide high-level oversight, vision, and leadership for a curriculum and guide large-scale updates.
Applications are now open! Learn more by reading this recently published blog post
Updates from the Instructor Development Committee
The IDC met on August 26 and 27. Members provided recommendations on additional analysis that would be informative for future Instructor Training Assessment Reports. Members are also supporting a transition to onboard new committee members in November. Details forthcoming.