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Hello <<First Name>>  Rosemary Conley CBE

Whilst I have mentioned previously the fact that Mary Morris and I have been working with Leicestershire Police to boost their health and fitness, because we have had so many new subscribers to this newsletter, plus we have some further progress to tell you, I thought I would give you an update.

It was last January that I was approached by Leicestershire Police to see if I could assist their Health & Wellbeing Team to help boost the health and fitness of their staff and officers. I suggested that perhaps we could organise a ‘Trial’ with 20 volunteers to follow The 28-Day Immunity Plan and suggested that I would ask Mary, my co-author of the book, to help. Our whole careers have been devoted to educating the population to become fitter and healthier, so this was an opportunity for us to make a difference to a totally different audience. We were naturally very excited.

Such was the demand to join the initiative that a total of 36 volunteers (Team 1) signed up to participate in this first Trial which commenced on 1st March. In the 28 days they lost an amazing average of 10½ lbs each. Everyone was delighted, but the most rewarding result was the improvement to their general sense of wellness. When asked to write down their ‘wellbeing score' at the beginning, the average score was 4/10. At the end of their 28 days, they were again asked to write their ‘wellbeing score' and this time it was an extraordinary 9/10!

Eating healthily, stopping snacking, exercising every day and cutting right back on alcohol, had dramatically changed how they felt physically, mentally and in their general health.

Last week, with COVID restrictions easing, Mary and I went to Leicestershire Police HQ to meet in person many of the members of Team 1 and to introduce ourselves to Team 2 – a new set of 25 volunteers who were keen to take part and change their lives too. Mary took along her Body Composition Scales to record their body fat, muscle mass and metabolic age, basal metabolic rate (BMR) and body mass index (BMI), so that in a month’s time, we will have even more data to analyse.

It was so motivating for the new Team 2 to see in person their Team 1 colleagues who had transformed their fitness, weight and general health. One of them was ‘Cathy’ who has now lost three stone. I took along some ‘fat jackets’ each weighing 20lbs and placed one on the front and one on the back of ‘Cathy’. She was astonished to realise that she had actually lost so much weight in the last six months and couldn’t believe how heavy the fat jackets were!

It was a wonderful day, made even more pleasurable by cauldrons of a selection of soups made from recipes within the book which we could all try. Their Catering Manager has wonderfully embraced this healthy initiative by offering recipes from The 28-Day Immunity Plan every day in the police canteen!

Team 1 were asked for three words to describe how they felt at the end of the 28 days and the words that came up most often were:

  • Happier, slimmer, fitter
  • Relaxed, motivated, happy
  • Alive and healthier
  • Energised, healthy, confident
  • Refreshed, energetic, awake
  • Motivated, alert, excited

Whether you already have The 28-Day Immunity Plan book or are just thinking about it, you may find these videos helpful. It really is a life-transforming eating and fitness plan:  Introduction to the Immunity PlanWhy Exercise is Crucial to our ImmunityEasy Guide to Immunity Boosting FoodsEating Plan ExplainedThe Important Role of VegetablesFibre Rich FoodsWhy Soups are Super HealthyWhy follow The 28-Day Immunity Plan? Motivation and MaintenanceThe TrialMeet Rosemary’s Immunity Plan Trialists.
Recipe of the Week

Kim's Cake

We gave details of this recipe from my archive in the Newsletter many weeks ago. We recently filmed my daughter Dawn and I making it and we have refined the recipe to make it even simpler to make. I hope you enjoy it. It freezes well but it is very tempting so be careful!

Makes 8 - 10 slices, then cut into fingers to serve.
Serving size 1cm/½ inch slice

2 mugs of mixed dried fruit
1 mug of hot black tea
1 mug soft brown sugar
2 mugs self-raising flour
1 large egg, beaten

(We used a 300ml mug but if you use a smaller mug,
the quantities will still work proportionately)

  1. Soak the dried fruit overnight in a bowl with a mug of hot black tea to allow the fruit to swell.
  2. Place all the ingredients together in a large mixing bowl, including the fruit and tea, and mix well.
  3. Line a 2lb loaf tin and bake for 1½ hours at 160°C, 325°F or Gas Mark 3. Then check to see if the cake is cooked through by piercing the centre with a skewer. If it comes out clean it is cooked. If not, return to the oven for up to a further 30 minutes.
For more recipes click here to visit the website
Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

Time for a Challenge!

 It was a real privilege last week to talk about the importance of fitness alongside boosting immunity to the Leicestershire Police volunteers. To meet a group of people so motivated to make a real difference to their health was positively inspiring. ‘Committing to a Challenge’, as this group have, means they will have to dig deep to find the will to make the changes necessary to achieve success.

As one of the participants said at our introduction to Team 2, 'If you don't change...nothing changes'.  This is absolutely true and this is what we constantly need to keep telling ourselves during the hardest times of a challenge - and there will be hard times – but there are none that can't be overcome! 

So, my theme for this week is for all of those of you who have been frustrated recently by not losing unwanted weight, not eating well and not doing enough exercise, let's join our Leicestershire Challengers and give ourselves the challenge of a great week next week. 

How to prepare for a Challenge

  • Know what you want to achieve
    If it is weight loss, then stick rigidly to the Eating Plan from The 28-Day Immunity Plan book. Then, adding the exercise too will ensure a fantastic result.  For a better shape and a toned body, the strength exercises will make a difference even in one week!
  • Look for support 
    Let others around you know what you are trying to achieve this week. Kind people will always rally to support you and may even 'buddy up' with you to help you on your journey.  Those not so supportive may be envious that they cannot find the motivation to rise to the Challenge!
  • Stick to the Plan
    This is your aim - but if you waver slightly, it is not the end of is simply a 'blip'.  Failure cannot live with persistence. Persistence always pays!
  • Resist Temptation
    Check your cupboards before you start and get rid of anything you know will tempt you off-track.  Have your fitness gear constantly ready to get up and go too!


The Challenge is divided into 3 different levels of fitness so there will be one that suits you. 

  •  Select your Food: 
If you have The 28-Day Immunity Plan book, select your meals for this week and plan your shopping.  Then resolve to stick to it.  No snacks, and cutting back on alcohol is necessary if you are going to achieve a great result this week. (If you don’t have the book, follow the links in Rosemary's section above to learn the basics of the plan and follow any of the recipes already on this site.)
  • Select your Fitness Category:
  1. Are you unfit or lacking mobility?
    a) Walk every day for 15 minutes
    Do the Seated Strength Workout and Seated Aerobics. Repeat 3 times this week or follow Immunity Plan Workout Week 1 or Immunity Plan Workout Week 2. Repeat 3 times this week.
  2. Are you fairly fit?
    a) Walk every day for 30 minutes
    b) Do the Immunity Plan Workout Week 3 OR the Immunity Plan Workout Week 4. Repeat 3 times this week
    c) Do the Stretch Programme. Repeat 3 times this week
  3. Are you very fit?
    a) Walk or slow jog x 30 minutes every day this week
    b) Do the Advanced Whole Body Strength Programme OR Intermediate Pilates. Repeat either 3 times this week
    c) Do the Stretch Programme. Repeat 3 times this week


Eggs are a great food as they are so versatile, but they also contain high-quality protein, vitamins, minerals, good fats and various trace nutrients. A large egg contains around 85 calories, about 5 grams of fat and 6 grams of protein as well as essential amino acids. Eggs also contain iron, phosphorus, selenium and vitamins A, B12, B2 and B5 and more.

Eggs are also a real winner for anyone trying to lose weight as they keep you feeling fuller for longer.

And Finally...

I am sure we are all inspired by the remarkable success of British tennis star Emma Raducanu! Let us all be inspired by her charming and wonderfully positive attitude. Have a wonderful week.
With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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