
What is The Medium Format Experience

Every camera has a different feel. The dials, digital display, weight, balance, feature set, accessories and much more contribute to each cameras unique user experience. With these endless nuances, many times photographers choose to make ill-informed purchases, buying from big box movers online without hands on knowledge. They then find themselves stuck with a camera that doesn't best fit their needs or preferences.

This is why Capture Integration is now introducing the Medium Format Experience, aimed to equip photographers with the insight, knowledge, and hands on experience in order to make the best decision when choosing the proper system for their shooting style or personality. We are the only dealer in the country that specializes solely in Medium Format Photography. We represent each brand of medium format camera that is sold today and medium format cameras are our expertise. 

Our First Events 

The best way to kick off the Medium Format Experience is a deep dive into each of the four medium format camera brands. Over the next 2 months we will have 4 online webinars comparing and contrast one manufacturer's Medium Format offerings against its competition. We will give the honest and critical look that you are used to from Capture Integration. We can't think of a more open and more honest approach and we hope you join us.
We will begin with three CI experts sharing their insight from selling, purchasing, and using the manufacturer's camera for themselves. 

In the second half, CI customers will show some of their amazing work, and explain the feature sets or specification that led them to make their choice of this manufacturers medium format camera. Was it the lens choice? The focus speed? Cost? Image quality?

And finally, we will open the back side of the event to you, the customer! Bring your hard questions and we will attack each one of them straight on. We can't think of an open and more honest approach and we hope you join us.

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Our In Person Events

Shoot with all of the latest medium format cameras on the market. By the end, you wont have to guess if the position of the dials and button suit your grip, or if the settings, and features fit your specific needs. You'll also be able to play with the raws in post, to ensure they understand each option from capture all the way to output.

Want a Medium Format Experience near you? 

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