Archbishop Etienne asked this question to local Catholics
as part of “Knowing Jesus Christ, Embracing His Mission.”
Share these videos with your parish community
Post these brief, one-minute videos to your parish social media channels and parish website to call your parishioners to deeper encounter with Jesus. Find the videos here. | Graphics to share
Information Technology
New SharePoint website for Parishes and School
The technology taskforce built out a SharePoint website to provide you with updates on the latest technology projects. Please bookmark this site. Click here for the Financial System Update Click here for the We Gather – Parishioner Relationship Management Update Learn more about the new SharePoint website, featured content and the support team.
Update your parish inventory list annually. The list should include a description, date of purchase or acquisition, location, estimated useful life, and a picture would be useful to have as well. While only required for items with a replacement cost of over $10,000, it may be useful to do it for items that are collectively worth more than $10,000 (e.g., individual computers don't exceed that value, but collectively they might).
October 16, 5pm at St. Mary Magdalen, Everett
Join religious, seminarians and priests for Mass and hear them speak about their vocations. Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Eusebio Elizondo. For more information, contact host Everett Serra Club: Deb (425) 499-6560 or Gail (425) 387-1168. Learn more | Flyer to share | Graphics to share
Stay Informed with Northwest Catholic’s Weekly Email Newsletter
Northwest Catholic has launched a NEW weekly email newsletter with local, national and international Catholic news not published in the print magazine. Note: If you previously received Northwest Catholic Journal emails, you'll get this automatically. Click hereto subscribe, and share the link with your parishioners. Click herefor bulletin/ambo announcement copy. Graphics to share
Host a Cornerstone Catholic Conference Watch Party!
Learn how to create a Watch Party within COVID-19 guidelines: English and Spanish.
Plan early since you'll want to secure a place and invite parishioners, family and friends. A watch party can be in a home or on parish premises. For more information and conference details, read in English and Spanish. | Graphics to share
October 13 Reservation Deadline
Planning is underway for the December/January Catholic Schools Week advertising section. Reserve space for the 2022 school year and take advantage of discounted prices. Click here for the 2021-2022 Catholic School advertising form.
Virtual - October 9 from 9am-12pm
Rudy Lopez and Estela García will guide the choir members through a variety of music skills and songs. Learn more Virtual - November 13 from 9am-12pm
Choir rehearsal with Rodolfo Lopez and Estela Garcia from OCP. Learn more. Please stay tuned to the format of these events on our Facebook page @CatolicosNW.
Holding Still: Criminal Justice Ministry Film and Event with Father James Martin, SJ
October 20 at 4:30pm - Virtual
A valuable video for those who minister to the incarcerated. Holding Still is about a diverse group of prisoners from Folsom Prison who speak candidly about their year long journey with Contemplative Prayer. Register link | Graphics to share
December 16 ay 9:30am - Virtual
The PLNHM will be honored with the presence of our Archbishop Paul D. Etienne at this last quarterly meeting of 2021.
Please register/RSVP here (you will need to register to receive the call link) | Learn more
September 22 newsletter
Read about Priests and Religious Exemptions, Parish Staff and Volunteers, Volunteers and Faith Formation, and more. Click here for newsletter
2021 Maintenance and Custodial Annual Safety Training
This week: September 29 at St. Ann, Tacoma, and September 30 at St. Madeleine Sophie, Bellevue. Next week: October 6 at St. Patrick, Seattle. Learn more | Visit webpage
1. Second weekend of talent renewal (Presentation/Ask) is this weekend!
This is the weekend (October 2 and 3) for your Talent witness talk. Click here for all resources. If you are not running a formal campaign for talent this year but are considering on-going renewal of talent throughout the year, click here for more information.
2. Best Practices leading up to your Parish Treasure Renewal.
A successful renewal of parish financial support starts with a few best practices: 1. Send your Annual Parish Report (not to be confused with the PAR report) now. For examples and easy to use template, click here 2. Send your 3rd Quarter Giving Reports now. Click here for all quarterly resources. 3. Communication is critical especially during these fall campaigns. Click here to view ‘Best Practices’ for communicating through websites, social media, direct mail, and bulletin.
For those of you who are starting to receive ACA rebate checks,
we suggest you place the following message in your financial section of bulletin (or website): We have just received our 1st (or 2nd, or…) Annual Appeal rebate check in the amount of $___________. This makes a total year-to-date rebate of $___________ that will be used to (i.e., remodel the kitchen, pave the parking lot, etc.) Thank you to all who have paid AND continue to pay their Annual Appeal pledge.
Archbishop Etienne Issues a Decree Regarding Limits to the Traditional Latin Mass
Archbishop Etienne has issued a decree implementing Pope Francis' motu proprio Traditionis Custodes in the Archdiocese of Seattle. Read the decree | Learn more
November 1 and 15 – Virtual
Workshop will include a summary of sacramental records policies, as well as some practical tips and a Q & A session. Please make sure all appropriate staff are aware of these! Training will be simultaneously translated into Spanish. Flyer to share in English and Spanish | Click here to register for November 1 or November 15
Catholic Schools Are Looking to Fill Open Positions
Help spread the word. Permanent, short- and long-term sub positions are available. Click here to see current job openings and to apply. Click here to learn about being a substitute teacher. Graphic to share
1. Help Your Parishioners Renew Their Relationship With Jesus
Archbishop Etienne is calling all of us to deeper encounter with Jesus, as part of “Knowing Jesus Christ, Embracing His Mission.” • Invite parishioners to the Encounter page on the archdiocese website for resources, videos and more. Graphics to share. • Post these new, one-minute videos to your parish social channels and website. In each video, the archbishop asks local Catholics how they encounter Jesus. Find the videos here.
Since I Been Down: Multifaith Dialogue for a More Humane Justice System - Free Event
Film viewing October 16-19 – Virtual
Dialogue October 24 – Virtual
Follow Kimonti Carter's journey following his 700-year prison sentence for his involvement in a crime. After viewing the film, join a multifaith community for a virtual dialogue that will inspire action steps toward a more just and humane criminal justice system in alignment with the Gospel. Register here | Graphic and Flyer to share
October 15-17 at Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center, Federal Way
An in-person team-led retreat by the Ignatian Spirituality Center, Maryknoll, the Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center, United Praise, La Red de Pastoral Juvenil, and the Office of Young Adult Ministry.
Two tracks: English and Spanish. Click on links below.
Share the Pastoral Plan:
Knowing Jesus Christ, Embracing His Mission
This plan is an invitation to all Catholics and Catholic ministries to re-envision their relationship with Jesus and ensure we are carrying out his mission.
Did you know there’s an online resource for parish communications? The Parish Communications Toolkit on the archdiocese website has digital assets you can use to communicate current events, initiatives and news to your parishioners.
Plus, you’ll find ongoing campaign resources, including social media posts to share.
Click herefor the online Parish Communications Toolkit
Are you looking for something in an old issue of the C2P?
Access the Chancery to Parish Newsletter archive by clicking on the button below.