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It was good news to get the Level 3 announcement for Auckland and a great relief to have all print businesses back to being fully operational today - dependent on work levels of course.

While our Auckland businesses are all well versed at working safely at Level 3, there are a few changes to the rules so below is a summary of the key points.  You can also email for a set of safety protocols for the printing industry if you don't already have them .

For the balance of the country at Level 2, the small pocket in Level 4 shows how quickly things continue to change. Many of the rules below still apply at Level 2 and you should continue to take additional precautions to protect your business and your staff.



With the risk of Delta spreading a lot more quickly there are a few additional precautions that you need to be aware of.  

  1. It is mandatory to display a QR code and have a manual recording method that does not breach privacy requirements.
  2. It is mandatory to ensure that all staff and visitors record their attendance/visit.
  3. Those that can work from home should continue to do so.
  4. You should not have visitors to your business. 
  5. All deliveries both inwards and outwards must be contactless and masks should be worn at all times when product is being received/delivered.
  6. It is not compulsory to wear masks inside your business unless you are interacting with the public or receiving/making deliveries. However you may decide that this is a precaution that you wish to take to keep all your staff safe. 
  7. You should ensure that you have masks available for those of your staff that do wish to wear them.
  8. Maintain a physical distance of 2 m where possible, and where not possible, this should not be less than 1 m. 
  9. Ensure that you have sufficient supplies of hand sanitiser and provide access to hand washing facilities for your staff.
  10. Have a regular cleaning schedule for high touch points and between shifts.
  11. Remind staff that if they are unwell they should stay home and get tested, and be unable to return to the workplace until they produce a negative test result.
  12. Communicate with staff regularly to ensure that protocols are being followed and to quickly identify any issues that arise.  
  13. There are a wide array of posters available here to download and use in your workplace.
  1. Encourage your staff to get vaccinated and ensure they have access to as much information as possible to understand the product and the process.
  2. Provide assistance to help them get vaccinated and, if it is required, to get tested and self isolate.
  3. You are entitled to ask your staff whether they are vaccinated so you can understand the risk levels for your business and take appropriate action accordingly.
  4. If someone will not advise their vaccination status you are entitled to act as if they are not vaccinated, but should advise them of this.  They will be required to comply with any additional health and safety precautions you establish for non-vaccinated staff in your workplace.
  5. Unvaccinated over 65s are being requested to stay home during Level 3.
  6. You still require an exemption to cross the border, and everyone crossing the border on a regular basis must be tested at least once every seven days.


While it is good to be back in operation, please continue to take every precaution to ensure that the spread of Covid-19 is minimised. If you require any clarification give me a call.

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