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Consider coming together with others from our body
for prayer at

7:30 am tomorrow,
and every Wednesday morning.


. . .  But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor
to the part that lacked it,  
that there may be no division in the body,
but that the members may have the same care for one another.  
If one member suffers, all suffer together;
if one member is honored, all rejoice together.

Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.

 - I Corinthians 12:24-27


How wonderful that we have the honor and privilege to care for one another in this body!  One way that we are able to care for one another is by rejoicing with others as they see God move.  We also care for one another as we shoulder prayer burdens alongside one another.  
We invite you to send praises and prayer requests to
Matt ( or
Terry Hall (
for inclusion in this Tuesday church email. 

We look forward to seeing our God move in and among us!

~ Eric and Terry's daughter, Anastasia, is getting married this coming Sunday to Matt Guensch.  Please pray that God would give them zeal to follow Him as they forge a new life together as husband and wife.
~ Ally Hill and Carl Dougherty are a newer couple who began attending church with us recently. Ally asks us to pray for her family, as they are struggling with some serious difficulties.  Her brother has an addiction and her father responds to life's stresses with anger, both of which have impacted the entire family over many years.  She asks for the Lord to give clarity and wisdom, and to bring peace and healing to her family's lives. 

~ As Vickie Bickhart heals from bariatric surgery and anticipates back surgery later this year, she asks us to pray that God gives her wisdom for the right doctor to perform that surgery.  She's healed well from this first surgery, and praises God for all He's brought her through!


 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions 
with all kinds of prayers and requests. 
With this in mind,
be alert and always keep on praying 
for all the Lord’s people.

Ephesians 6:18


~ Church ministry looks different right now, and we pray that it can normalize as this year goes along. But even though it's different, the mission still remains: we are to preach and share the gospel. We need to continue to be fully aware of the urgent need for the lost to hear about Jesus.

To help us all be praying together for God to save the lost, let's pray for four people to put their faith in Christ through the ministry of our church - however God would have that happen. Whether we see those salvations through an individual's ministry, one of our larger gatherings, a child from one of our families, a YouTube sermon someone stumbles across, or some outreach we organize.  How wonderful and joyous it would be to see one turn from their sins and turn to Jesus! Let's pray that God gives us the opportunity to worship in joy and thanksgiving at least four times this year! Please, Lord Jesus!

Great, free resources are available at church
to help guide us through difficult life situations.

These are located in a rack on the wall near the main church office.
Feel free to look through the titles and take any which may be helpful to you or someone you care for.
Copyright © 2021 Calvary Fellowship, All rights reserved.

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