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Hi Everyone,
First, thank you to all those who responded to my first 5 Minutes on A Friday!
I always enjoy having a personal connection with our community and managed to get around to responding to everyone. I enjoyed your feedback including personal recommendations about what you are reading and enjoying! I think we might need to share some of these on our social media.
As many of us continue to be in lockdown, its an opportunity to read a more books and catch up on TV/ streaming services. Also, I have included a post around reflecting on what our “inner voice” is telling us (as we know that we are our own harshest critic) and the importance of talking kindly to ourselves, especially in times such as these.
Please let me know how you are all going, via a reply or by our social media.
Stay strong & stay safe
Dr Linda Worrall-Carter
CEO & Founder, Her Heart
What I'm Reading
I have read many of Jojo Moyes books, and in ‘The Giver of Stars’ she talks about some amazing women who set up a mobile library and the impact this has on the community. It’s an inspiring read, based on a true story, and shares the journey of five extraordinary women who brought the ‘light of knowledge’ to many in dark times through the power of books. It’s a story about determination, friendship and is testimony to how books can bring communities together.
Source: Jojo Moyes
Another book I enjoyed so much that I immediately went out to get several copies so that I could give as gifts … is Glennon Doyle’s ‘Untamed’. This book is a personal memoir of Glennon’s life, recounting some of her challenges, and is packed with incredible insight into the joy and peace that can be found when we stop striving to meet the “expectations” that are often set by the world.
Source: Penguin Books
What I'm Watching
I might be a bit late to the game with this series … but The Queen’s Gambit on Netflix is not to be missed. This is a coming-of-age story of a brilliant, but troubled, young woman with a quest to become the greatest chess player in the World. Its powerful on so many levels and you never know – it might inspire you to pull out your own chess board!
Source: Netflix
Who I'm Following
I am currently following @estherperelofficial. For any of you who are keen to explore your relationships, I have heard Esther being interviewed several times on a number of different podcasts and she is always spot on! She has an amazing ability to critique relationships in a way that you can always take away lots of good insights into how you might manage yours better.
Is your “Inner Voice” being kind?
I think that the words we tell ourselves are incredibly important, the “inner voice” or critic can sometimes say we aren’t “good enough”. While we know it’s really important in these challenging times to eat and sleep well, plus exercise - it’s not always easy to think about how you “nurture” your mind & look after your mental health. So it’s not only what we are watching and reading and who we spend time with but also what we tell ourselves about what we can achieve!
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