
 Weekly Newsletter

Pursue Your Passion

A key part of the spirit of AKS is that people pursue their passions, whatever they may be. Over these first few weeks of term, it has been wonderful to see the children demonstrating this spirit, whether this is academically, on the sports field, on stage, or elsewhere. Many of our new children have said how much they are enjoying the variety of sports on offer, improving their technique in swimming lessons and advancing their hockey skills when learning to play as a team.

The singing in our assemblies has been outstanding this week, and the children have sung with great passion and depth of feeling: this is just one part of the spectrum of Performing Arts activities and events taking place this term, and we hope that these experiences will be enriching and exciting for the children.

In the spirit of lighting inspirational fires across our community, we would be eager to hear from parents and governors who would be willing to speak to the children about their own particular passions and interests: please do get in touch with Mrs Smith, our Assistant Head for Teaching and Learning, if this is something you would like to do.

Amanda Ilhan, Head of Nursery and Prep School


The Ducklings have had a super week, exploring the gardens on our wonderful site, looking at and listening to different wildlife. In Pre School, in the home corner, we have been experimenting with real vegetables this week, feeling the different textures and using our fine motor skills to cut the vegetables. We found out about halving and counting and how many extra pieces we have.

Nursery Staff


The Reception class has been busy this week learning to recognise and write different letters; we have also been trying to write our names too. The children have demonstrated great determination to succeed with their writing skills. In our Puzzle and Games Club, the children played a variety of board games, learning to take turns.

Miss Allen and Mrs Walsh

Year 1

The Year 1 children have enjoyed working together, using different construction kits to build the models of the London Eye, Tower Bridge and Big Ben. They have been writing sentences to describe marching Beefeaters using onomatopoeia and the ‘un’-prefix, which usually changes the meaning of words completely!

In their Outdoor Learning lesson, the children have been nurturing the plants in our exciting new playground, by weeding, watering and loosening the soil.

Mrs Smith and Mrs Brooker

Year 2

The adventures have continued in Year 2 this week, with the weather allowing us to have lots of fun in PE and on the adventure playground. We have worked hard in Mathematics to understand partitioning numbers, and are becoming more familiar with our tens and ones. In Science this week, the focus has been on healthy eating, identifying different food groups and understanding how they help our bodies to stay fit and healthy.

Mrs Bleasdale

Year 3

The Year 3 class has been finding out all about life during The Stone Age and how they became farmers and, in our Science lessons, we have investigated naturally-occurring rocks and learned how to group them according to their characteristics. In Art, we started creating and designing our own self-portraits in the style of Gustav Klimt. In PSHE, we have discussed how to build good friendships, talking about the qualities that contribute to positive friendships, and involving all the new children.

Mrs Blinston

Year 4

This week in Year 4 we have been studying 'The Iron Man', which the children are really enjoying. We have used metaphor and simile to enhance our writing. In our class we use flashbacks to help us review our work, going over old and new knowledge and skills to embed their learning.

Mrs Briggs
Year 5

During our Outdoor Learning lessons, we explored different leaves and how their design has adapted to help them survive, as well as how they help humans survive. In Mathematics, we compared numbers up to one million, and are developing our understanding of the relationship between numbers, determining which numbers are ‘greater than’ or ‘lesser than’ another one.

Mrs Whitaker and Mr Worthington
Year 6

In Science, the Year 6 classes have been researching the eye, from the cornea to the retina to the ciliary muscle: it really has been an eye-opening experience!

The children have worked extremely hard with their multiplication skills this week, and can apply two methods when multiplying 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers that involve high-level problem solving.

Literacy has been jam-packed too, from complex sentences, subordinating conjunctions, personification, metaphors, and similes: we are really working hard to create a phenomenal narrative. 

Mr Avis and Mr Rice 


Modern Foreign Languages

This year we will celebrate the European Day of Languages by entering the annual design a t-shirt competition. Children across the school will design a t-shirt which represents the many languages spoken across Europe. We look forward to seeing your designs!

Ms Robinson
Sport News

During their PE lessons, all the children challenged themselves when they played a range of sports including hockey, rugby, and indoor athletics.

Should you have any queries about Sport, please email Mr Moretti at
Art News

The Year 5 children have been finishing off their self-portraits, using mirrors and endeavouring to remember the rules for drawing their eyes, nose and mouth in the correct place: excellent work, Year 5!

Mrs Hine
School News and Celebrating Success

Please follow us on social media to keep up-to-date with school news. You can find links to all our accounts on our website (here).

We also invite all members of our community to share their news stories with us by sending them to, so that we can celebrate achievements through social media with our wider community.

AKS News
PTA 'New to You' Sale

Our PTA 'New to You' uniform sale will take place in The Pavilion from 8.15am to 9.30am on Friday 1st October.

Profit from these sales contributes to PTA funds, which support enrichment projects for students across the school.


October Half Term Activity Club

Jamie Milligan will once again be running his popular half term holiday multi-sports camp. Please call or email him to book a place for your child.
North Fylde Music Circle - Concert Series Announcement

We are thrilled to be able to host the fantastic North Fylde Music Circle concerts here in our newly-refurbished and renovated Senior School hall. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students, parents, and the local community to experience music-making at the very highest level. The internationally-acclaimed artists are sure to wow audiences with their exciting programmes, and we very much look forward to welcoming them to our school. 
The first concert will take place on 24th September. Please see the attached flyer for details.
Stay and Play continues

We are delighted that our well-attended Stay and Play group will continue each Tuesday during term time. This runs from 9.30am to 11.00am, and is based in the Prep School Hall. 

We look forward to welcoming lots of babies with their mums, dads, grandmas and grandpas!
Whole School Open Day, Saturday 9th October 2021, and Half Day on Friday 8th October for Prep

Prep School will close at 1.00pm on Friday 8th October to enable preparations to be made for our whole-school Open Day the following day. Lunch will be served in Nursery and Prep as usual, and Nursery will, as always, remain open for the afternoon. All Prep School pupils are expected to attend on Saturday, in lieu of the half day on Friday.
Term Dates 2021-2022
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AKS Lytham, Clifton Drive South, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1DT

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