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Tuesday, September 21, 2021
A Morning of Climate Change Hopes and Actions
Over 15 of us joined together via Zoom last Saturday to hear Ema Phelps, UNA Global Goals Ambassador, talk and discuss climate issues. Ema shared her personal journey of becoming a climate change advocate which has recently landed her in St. Louis, Missouri from northern California for many reasons including affordability, diversity in population, and a goal to rehabilitate a home in sustainable design. She also hopes to start up a Climate Reality chapter in St. Louis, as well as recruit people for the Neighborhood Sustainability Corps through the Triple Bottom Line Institute. These are all endeavors that may interest students and teachers, so Civitas will keep everyone posted of opportunities to get involved as Ema finalizes plans.
The morning ended with those in attendance sharing their current pledges to make a difference like making good consumer choices, biking to school, using less plastic and styrofoam, avoiding fast fashion, knowing climate-friendly sunscreens, and more. Congrats to Thalia and Benjamin for winning attendance prizes!

Click here to view Ema's slideshow presentation which includes interesting links to explore as well as Ema's email if you'd like to reach out to her.
Country Draft on
Saturday, October 9th at Webster University
Since school started a little later this year, we decided to give Model UN participants an extra week to come up with countries. We will meet in an exciting new location on the Webster University campus! (Browning Building above and Map below)
The Country Draft will be Saturday, October 9 from 9:30 am-11:30 am.

School groups need at least one person to attend the country draft with a list of countries that represents all members of the group (and a few reserve countries). EVERYONE FROM YOUR GROUP IS WELCOME TO ATTEND THE DRAFT!!
Before drafting countries Webster University Professor of International Relations,  Dr. Warren Rosenblum, will highlight concerns happening in the world that may inspire resolutions for Model UN.

Teachers are welcome, too.

Please let us know which Model UN session your school plans to attend before the country draft date. Session choices:
Model UN Session A (9:00 am-12:00 pm) on Saturday, November 20 at Webster University (same location as country draft).
Model UN Session B (1:00 pm-4:00 pm) on Saturday, November 20 at Webster University (same location as country draft).
Model UN Session C (9:00 am-12:00 pm) on Saturday, December 4, via ZOOM.

Email Stephanie your session date preference and number of participants as soon as possible:
Participating on your own for Model UN? Please sign up to attend the country draft.
Snacks will be provided and a drawing will be held for attendance prizes.

Sign up for the Country Draft HERE.

Address of Webster University:
8274 Big Bend Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63119
The Country Draft will be held in the auditorium of the Interdisciplinary Science Building (Browning Hall), which is Building 36 on the map below. Parking available in Lot K.

Join us on Thursday, September 23, at 11:00 AM CDT.
RSVP Today!
Join the Pulitzer Center on Thursday, September 23, at 11:00am CDT for a conversation with grantees Jane Ferguson and Jeffrey Stern, as well as guest contributor Nasema Zeerak, examining the current state of affairs in Afghanistan. The webinar will be moderated by Pulitzer Center grantee and PBS NewsHour correspondent Amna Nawaz.
After last month’s Taliban takeover and the withdrawal of U.S. troops following nearly two decades of war, huge questions linger over the future of the country and its 40 million inhabitants. In this conversation, panelists draw on their reporting and research.
Jane Ferguson reported on the ground from Kabul during last month’s U.S.-led evacuations for PBS NewsHour and NPR, as part of her Pulitzer Center-supported project, Afghanistan: After the Americans. It marked her third trip to the country so far this year, as part of her coverage for NewsHour
Jeffrey Stern is an award-winning journalist and author whose work has been published in The New York Times MagazineVanity FairThe Atlantic, and other outlets. The Pulitzer Center supported Stern’s reporting in Afghanistan in 2013 and 2014, during the end of Operation Enduring Freedom and what was supposed to be the final chapter of U.S. involvement. 
Nasema Zeerak is a doctoral student at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota. Zeerak’s recently co-authored article for OpenDemocracy explores how the U.S. withdrawal is not the end to the war for Afghans, despite reports from many Western outlets. Zeerak is a contributor to the Pulitzer Center’s Speaking Out on Coronavirus series.
Amna Nawaz is the chief correspondent and primary substitute anchor for PBS NewsHour

To join the conversation on September 23, click here to register!
Image courtesy of PBS NewsHour. Afghanistan, 2021.
Online Event
Thursday, September 23, 2021
11:00 AM CDT
Our mailing address is:
1779 Massachusetts Ave NW, Suite 615
Washington, DC 20036
Paid Teacher Fellowship Opportunity for Middle and High School Teachers through Pulitzer Center
The Pulitzer Center is looking for teachers throughout the country to work together remotely on the theme, Journalism and Justice: Elevating Underreported Stories in the Classroom.

Important Info:
  • First semester will involve 8 evening workshops about exploring underreported news stories and connecting with journalists
  • Short units will be created to implement with students during second semester
  • Yearlong participation will include a $1200 stipend, Pulitzer Center Teacher Fellow digital badge, and a Certificate for 35 professional learning units (PLUs)
  • The application deadline is this Sunday, September 26, 2021.
Middle School Teacher Meeting Short & Successful

The first (and only) Middle School teacher meeting of first semester was a great success. Many thanks to all of the wonderful teachers who showed up to learn about resources, Honors Model UN, classroom visits, and General Assembly info. Teachers should expect a follow up email this week with all of the important links and other things discussed.

If you are ready to schedule a classroom visit, please email Bobbi at

MO Political Consulting LLC is looking for interns for the 2021 political cycle.
Applications are due by OCTOBER 1st.
Pay is $15 an hour.                                                            

Recommended Knowledge & Skills:

  • High school or College student interested in politics or gaining campaign experience; previous campaign experience preferred but not required

  • Working knowledge of Google Drive, Microsoft Word & Excel , spreadsheets, and PowerPoint

  • Organized and quick learner

  • Excellent verbal and written communication and interpersonal skills

  • Ability to multitask independently and demonstrate sound judgment

  • Ability to work and contribute in a highly collaborative, team environment

  • Understanding of political and legislative processes
    All interested applicants please forward your cover letter and resume to Rosetta Okohson at



Monday, September 20, 2021 at 4:00 pm via ZOOM
Middle School Teacher Meeting #1
Thursday, September 23, 2021 at 11:00 am CDT via ZOOM
Pulitzer Center Present: "The Exit Is Not the End; What's Next for Afghanistan"
Register Here
Saturday, October 9, 2021 at 9:30 am
Country Draft for High School Model UN at Webster University
Register Here
Saturday, October 16, 2021 at 10:00 am--Save the date! (Look for exact times and signup next week.)
Cherokee Street tour with Randy Vines, owner of StL Style, followed by lunch
More events will be posted soon!
Picture of the Week
People play soccer on a dusty field in Soweto, South Africa on Wednesday, September 15. Siphiwe Sibeko/Reuters
This past week at the United Nations
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