
St Isidore Catholic Church

Adult Faith Formation (RCIA) Newsletter

Week of October 10 - 16 2021

Greetings Participants and Parishioners.

Thank you to those who joined us last week.

This Wednesday, October 13, we will be meeting at 6:30pm in the Assisi Room. We will all meet together in the Assisi Room and then after opening prayer and announcements we will split up between Inquiry group and Catechumenate group.

Our Inquiry group will learn all about the mass by our guest speaker John Thoo.

The Catechumenate group will be discussing probably the least talked about sacrament, the Anointing of the Sick. Here is a video from Breaking the Habit to get you thinking about this sacrament:

The Most Misunderstood Sacrament

Don’t forget that every Sunday at 10am Mass we are meeting for “Breaking Open the Word.” After the priest’s homily, he will call forward all who are participating in RCIA. He says a blessing over you then dismisses you with one of our team members to meet together and discuss the bible readings that were just read at mass. It is a great opportunity for us to come together again during the week and it is an important part of your RCIA journey.

It is very helpful if you arrive to mass early so you can sit close to the front. It helps us know who is present and it’s a shorter walk for you when the priest calls you forward.

We had a wonderful time meet via zoom last Thursday praying the rosary together on the feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary. If you missed it and would love to learn how to pray this powerful prayer we can schedule another one!

Our last retreat of the year is next month! The Couples in Cana Pan de Vida retreat is for couples (married, engaged, discerning). I cannot stress enough how amazing and transformative this weekend retreat is. I highly recommend all couples to attend (you do not need to be fully received into the Catholic church to attend). Click on the image above for more information and to register online.

Don’t forget to check out There you will find amazing videos, audio books, and books about every topic related to the Catholic Faith. There are even movies you and your family can watch together. If you have a smart tv or Roku, you can get the Formed app and watch on your tv. If you have never sign in before, choose “sign up” then “sign up as a parishioner” and search for St Isidore Yuba City Church.

If you have any questions/comments/concerns please reach out! Click the blue email button below to send me an email!

Blessings, Megan Chissie

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