We've had a makeover! Our website is more mobile-friendly and more colorful than ever before. We invite you to have a look around by clicking the button below.
Three new policy announcements from the Biden administration ease restrictions for students, scholars and staff attempting to enter the United States.
Bass Connections is now accepting proposals for 2022-2023 projects that engage faculty, undergraduates and graduate/professional students in the interdisciplinary exploration of complex societal challenges. Deadline is November 1st.



Virtual Career Fair with Universities of Applied Sciences
Learn more about your research options at Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) in Germany. Find out online what makes the UAS so unique and what they have to offer for you. Virtual Career Fair is October 14th from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (EDT).  Learn more.

GEARS Faculty Mentors
NC State University's GEARS program is looking for faculty or departments who are willing to host and provide a lab skills experience to one or more talented undergraduate students from our global partner universities for 4-8 weeks in the winter or summer. Learn more.
On September 26th, the Class of 2020 were finally able to have their in-person graduation ceremony on West Campus. (Photo credit: Duke University Instagram)
Duke Global Baton
421 Chapel Drive
Box 90035
Durham, NC 27708
Phone: (919) 684-0682

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