

Dear Friends: 

As a reminder, groups are coming together across the country this Saturday, October 2, 2021 to rally against the draconian roll-back of reproductive rights. The abortion ban in Texas and the U.S. Supreme Court’s refusal to strike down that law are only the start. Multiple states are passing similar bans, and the Supreme Court will consider a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade during its next session starting next week. The time to act is now! 

Please participate at one (or more!) of the marches in our area:

Amesbury - 9:30 AM in Market Square 

Boston - 12-2 PM at Franklin Park. Travel to the rally on a bus with Indivisible Andover to participate as a community. For details and to reserve a spot on this bus, sign up here.

Portsmouth, NH - 1 PM in Market Square, 

There are many more march locations, so there is bound to be one near where you will be this weekend! Click here to search for other marches.

Email if you have any questions or would like to arrange to carpool. 

We’d love to see your photos from the rally that you attend. Please email or share them on the I-RISE Facebook Group page and we will compile them to share in an upcoming newsletter!

Debbie, Boyd and Christina

REMINDER: ACTION HOUR is back this Friday at 4pm.  We've had great turnout in the first two Action Hours (and we had to cancel last week due to weather).  We are expecting it to be sunny but cool this Friday so dress warm. If you haven't been yet, reply to this email for the address.

Indivisible-RISE Newburyport is a group of 700+ concerned citizens dedicated to electing progressive candidates at the federal, state and local levels, and to working for justice and democracy.

With more than 700 members, Indivisible-RISE Newburyport is the local chapter of Indivisible, the leading national organization for cultivating a grassroots movement to support progressive policies and influence legislative change.
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Political action · High St. · Newburyport, MA 01950 · USA

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