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The followings are the projects and news of 2021.


Unsettled Music

Qosmoで取り組んでいる様々な実験を紹介するプラットフォーム「Unsettled Music」を公開しました。音楽・グラフィックス・機械学習などを組み合わせて実装した小作品を、数週間ごとに公開していきます。第一弾「Nested Cycles」は、振り子のようにループするモーションとサンプラーなしのサイン波とノイズを使った音楽生成の実験です。第二弾「Broken Samples」は、予め深層学習モデルで生成したドラム音源をグラニュラーシンセシスで再生することで、独自のテクスチャとノイズを作り出します。

We are currently working on “Unsettled Music”, a series of web experiments dedicated to showcasing some of our creative research on music, graphics, and machine learning. We will release a new iteration every few weeks. The 1st iteration “Nested Cycles” is a study around cyclical movements and sequences of sine waves are synthesized continuously and played in a loop like a pendulum. The 2nd iteration “Broken Sample” is an explorative analysis of generated drum samples, where we focused on texture and noise. 



Sansan DSOC との共同研究プロジェクト「FORMEINFORME(読み:フォルメアンフォルメ)」をウェブサイト上で公開しました。名刺交換のデータを基に、コロナ禍におけるビジネスの出会いの変化を可視化しました。QosmoはデータビジュアライゼーションとWebサイトのデザイン・実装を担当しています。

We published the website "FORMEINFORME", a collaborative research project with Sansan DSOC. We visualized the changes in business encounters throughout Japan in the COVID-19 pandemic based on the data of business card exchange. Qosmo was responsible for the data visualization and website design and implementation.

Netflix × ZONe - 今際の国のアナタ

Netflix and the energy drink “ZONe” collaborated to deliver “Imawa no Kuni no Anata (You in Borderland),”  a new browser game that uses a behavior generation engine based on reinforcement learning. Qosmo is responsible for game design and developing the character behavior generation engine. This game represents the imaginary world of the drama of Japanese science fiction suspense-thriller “Alice in Borderland” (Japanese: 今際の国のアリス) released by Netflix based on the original series of the same name by Haro Aso. The character AI will take various actions based on the assigned parameters by the answers of the player. 
Designed by Mica Mori (zoomic)

Gifu Creation Workshop 2021

Ryosuke organized one of the workshops at the Gifu Creation Workshop 2021 held by the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS). Gifu Creation Workshop is a collaborative workshop with artists and participants of various fields working on media representations at the intersection of Humanities and Engineering Science. Under the theme of "Rediscovering the world through AI - a photo book creation with AI perspective", he developed a camera application with built-in image recognition functions and a curation application that sorted photos based on their features and worked with students on an art creation using these applications. 


Dentsu Craft Tokyo で制作を行ったサントリー「伊右衛門 特茶」新サービス「TOKUCHA MUSIC」が公開されました。ユーザーが入力した食事内容の栄養バランスを分析し、音楽を自動生成します。栄養バランスの良し悪しを反映させて、AIによって音色やトーンの異なる音楽が生成されます。Qosmoは音楽生成アルゴリズムの開発を担当しました。

Dentsu Craft Tokyo released a new service “TOKUCHA MUSIC“ sponsored by Suntory Green Tea “Iyemon Tokucha.” This web application analyzes the nutritional balance of the meal content entered by the users and automatically generates music. The AI generates music with different timbres and tones reflecting a good or bad balance of nutrition. Qosmo is responsible for the music generation algorithm.

New Articles in 2021 (Japanese)

Qosmo Labでは、メンバーの実験的な取り組みやプロジェクトの技術解説、制作の裏話などを配信しています。2021年に公開された記事をいくつかご紹介します!

New Articles in 2021 (English)

In Qosmo Lab, we present each member’s experimental approaches, technical explanations, and behind-the-scenes stories in a unique way. Here are some new articles in 2021!
  • Creativity and Misused Technology — The Future of Music and AI by Nao Tokui
    Nao found recurring "misuses" and “misappropriation” in the history of music and technology and wrote about how new music technologies such as sampling, synthesizer etc. influenced the history of music itself from the perspective of both artist and researcher. 
  • Optical Typography YCAM OpenLab 2018 by Naoki Ise
    Back in 2018, Naoki designed the poster for YCAM OpenLab 2018. It is a collaborative work with Photographer Wataru Yamamoto and YCAM InterLab, and he wrote about the creative process behind this project.
  • Unsettled Music by Robin Jungers
    Robin wrote about our new project "Unsettled Music", a series of web experiments dedicated to showcasing some of our creative research on music, graphics and machine learning. 

Qosmo members recommend artworks,
books about media art and technology, and events.
コンヴィヴィアル・テクノロジー /
緒方 壽人

文明批評家のイヴァン・イリイチが提唱した概念「コンヴィヴィアリティ」を端緒とし、人間とテクノロジーの関係について探究を行なっています。テクノロジーの急激な発展に伴う人間の主体性のあり方について、考察を深めることができる一冊です。 (中嶋)

Convivial Technology /
Hisato Ogata

This book explores the relationship between human and technology based on the concept “Conviviality” by Ivan Illich who is known for his criticism of civilization. It allows me to deepen my consideration of human initiative in the face of the rapid development of technology. (Ryosuke)

Arcadies / Paul Rousteau
写真家のPaul Rousteauは、シーンやポートレートでリアリズムを追求するよりも、100年前のモネやボナールのように、光と戯れ、鮮やかな色を自分の作品に吹き込ませることを好みました。ポールの本は抽象派や印象派に対して、洗練されたシンプルな作品の手本となる清々しい一冊です。(Robin)

Arcadies / Paul Rousteau
Rather than pursuing realism in his scenes and portraits, photographer Paul Rousteau chooses to play with light and let vivid colors infuse his medium, as did Monet and Bonnard a century ago. Paul's book is a refreshing example of simplicity, towards abstraction and impressionism.  (Robin)
 Check more news here.
徳井直生 / 堂園翔矢 / Robin Jungers / 中嶋亮介
Bogdan Teleaga / 伊勢尚生 / 安江沙希子 / 高橋ゆみ / Max Frenzel 
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