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October 2021

Vossius Research Fellow Edgar Lejeune

Edgar Lejeune joins the Vossius Center for three months in October 2021 as a Research Fellow with the project 'Circulation of computer programs and corpora between linguistic and medieval history in the 1970s (France, Belgium)'.
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Vossius Research Fellow Christoffer Leber

Christoffer Leber joins the Vossius Center for three months in October 2021 as a Research Fellow with the project 'Science Observed: The Emergence of Science Studies during the Cold War'.
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Vossius Seminar

19 October 16:00 - 18:00 BG1, room 0.16
At the next Vossius Seminar Edgar Lejeune and Christoffer Leber will present their research. Edgar Lejeune will give the talk “How did historians scholarly edit for IBM punched cards ? A comparison between two case-studies (France, 1970-1980)” and Christoffer Leber "Science Observed: Recombinant DNA and the Rise of Science Studies in the Era of Détente"

If you want to join the seminar please send an email message to with „join seminar“ in the subject header. If the group becomes too big, we will move to another room following the university’s covid regulations.
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Reading Group Epistemology

In the academic year 2021-2022, the Vossius Center will launch a close reading group with a focus on epistemology. We will read and discuss texts that the members of the group find relevant and interesting. Meetings will, ideally, take place on location, and there will be no presentations, just questions and discussion.

The main target group are PhD students, but anyone who loves discussing texts with an eye for the huge consequences of the minute detail is most welcome to participate.
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Seminar Global Intellectual History

5 October 16:00 - 17:30 Bushuis E1.02 and Online
Arnab Dutta (Groningen and Freie Universität Berlin) will give the lecture “German Genius in the Bengali Imagination, 1920 – 1940: An Intellectual History” in the Utrecht/Amsterdam Seminar Global Intellectual History.
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