What's New on the Matrix?
3rd-5th Grade
Make fresh mozzarella cheese and discover the science, art, and craft of developing specialty cheese.
*New Grade Band
3rd-5th Grade
Explore different types of weather and discover how weather conditions can impact farms.
6th-8th and 9th-12th Grade
Explore fermentation and enzymes in the creation of ethanol.
6th-8th Grade
Discover strategies for identifying credible sources and finding primary source information.
9th-12th Grade
In addition to comparing the farm-to-fork sources and nutrition of beef and plant-based protein, see the new activity exploring the environmental impact of beef production.
*New Activity Added!
See the New Companion Resources!
October's Featured Resources
Grades K-2
Compare and contrast hair sheep and wool sheep and explore ways farmers meet the needs of the sheep they raise.
Grades 3-5
Discover herbs, understand evaporation in herb drying, and identify properties of fresh and dried herbs.
Grades 6-8

Using Problem-based Learning (PBL), students create a flavorful and nutritious meal for astronauts to eat in space.
Grades 9-12

Evaluate food package labels relating to farm production practices, nutrition, health, and food safety.
Elementary Book
Encourage students to try new foods after learning how Frieda Caplan brought a whole new world of delicious food to the United States.
Compare conventional soybean seeds to genetically modified soybean seeds. Use the contents of this kit to test seeds for the protein responsible for herbicide tolerance.

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