Hello <<First Name>>

As we watched the tremendous efforts of everyone who participated in last Sunday’s London Marathon, my heart was filled with admiration. Their determination, energy and passion to raise funds for loved ones or in support of friends who they had lost was inspiring. I’m not a runner but that doesn’t stop me from being motivated to exercise and to stay healthy by being active.
I think the real lesson for us all to take from these amazing runners is that on one particular day, many months ago, they all made the decision to start toward their goal ‘to run a marathon’. They didn’t start with a five-mile run, they probably started doing as Mary has suggested in previous Newsletters: walking then running between lamp posts. Whether we want to lose weight, become fitter, do a charity challenge or decide to grow our own vegetables, there is always a Day 1. We all have to start somewhere and we arrive at our destination by taking baby steps initially and progressing onwards.
In Mary’s Fun, Facts and Fitness section this week she explains how losing just 5% of our body weight can transform our health. So, what are the small changes we can make to enable that to happen?
Watch our Portion Size!
Our eyes can play tricks when we guess at how much cereal to shake out of the packet. If you haven’t already treated yourself, consider buying a set of our amazing Portion Pots® to help you keep your serving sizes under control. They come with a list of different foods that you can quickly measure with these easy-to-use measuring cups. They cost less than £5 (plus p&p) and will last you a lifetime.
Stop snacking!
The basic principles of The 28-Day Immunity Plan is to eat healthily and get active but to stop snacking, and the results are astonishing. By eating three healthy meals every day with no between-meal snacks, you will transform your weight, figure and energy levels.
Get Walking!
If you can, start your day with a walk. If you can’t manage 30 minutes, break it into two 15 minute walks. Walking will transform your heart health and burn an extra 150 calories in 30 minutes.
Strengthen your Muscles!
Getting fit and staying fit means regularly doing exercises that will keep our muscles strong as well as doing different types of exercise to keep our heart and lungs fit and strong. Commit to following Mary’s fitness challenge each week in this Newsletter. Even if you can’t do it all, at least make the effort to do some – and definitely do the daily walk.
Remember, small steps can lead to making a big difference to your health and fitness. And you don’t have to run a marathon to enjoy the transformation of your health.
Click here to learn more about Nutrition & Weight Loss
My Portion Pots® are so easy to use and provide the perfect solution to portion control. In addition to the colour-coded guide card supplied with each set we now have an extended list of measurable portions which is available on the website.
New additions to the list include almond milk, blueberries, chickpeas, hummus, quorn mince and quinoa.
Recipe of the Week
Sweet Potato and Leek Soup (v)
As leeks are in abundance at this time of year it is an ideal time to try this great soup. The combination of leeks and sweet potatoes gives you a perfect serving of immunity-boosting food that will also keep you feeling fuller for longer.
If intending to freeze, do so before adding the milk.

Serves 2
Per serving: 244 kcal, 1% fat
Prep time 10 mins
Cooking time 25 - 40 mins
300g sweet potato, peeled and diced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
750ml - 1 litre vegetable stock (add a Vegetable Stock Pot if possible)
200ml semi-skimmed milk
fresh chives, to garnish (optional)
Using a Soup-Maker
- In a pre-heated non-stick saucepan or frying pan sprayed with rapeseed oil, dry-fry the leeks and crushed garlic for 1-2 minutes until soft.
- Meanwhile put the chopped sweet potatoes and 750ml of the stock including the stock-pot into the soup-maker. Add the softened leeks and garlic and season well with freshly ground black pepper and cook on high for 25 minutes.
- When cooked, liquidise for 30 seconds, allowing to rest before pulsing again for 60 seconds to ensure the soup is smooth. If too thick, add more stock.
- Just before serving, add the milk and bring back up to near boiling, if necessary. Sprinkle with chives and serve in warm bowls.
Using a Pan
- In a pre-heated non-stick saucepan or frying pan sprayed with rapeseed oil, dry-fry the leeks and crushed garlic for 1-2 minutes until soft.
- Add the sweet potatoes and 750ml of the stock and bring to a gentle simmer and season well with freshly ground black pepper. Cook until the potato is soft.
- Allow to cool slightly then place in a liquidiser and whizz until smooth, adding more stock if the soup is too thick.
- Just before serving, add the milk and bring back up to near boiling, if necessary. Sprinkle with chives and serve in warm bowls.
Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

I recently heard an expression that was new to me, and it is one which I think marks a significant step to stemming a tide of ill-health, and that is the term ‘pre-diabetic’. It appears that anyone who has elevated glucose (sugar) levels in their blood is now being warned that they are on the way to becoming a fully-blown Type 2 diabetic unless they do something about it!
There are around 13.6 million people in the UK currently at risk of being Type 2 diabetic, largely due to carrying excess weight and also possibly due to genetic factors where it runs in the family. Rosemary and I discuss the whole issue of Diabetes on the website and it is well worth a listen if you or any member of your family is either already diabetic or heading in that direction. Sadly, the consequences to our health through being diabetic are numerous and very serious such as eyesight failure, foot problems and heart conditions.
The good news is that by losing just 5% of your weight you can significantly reduce the risk and yes, you guessed it - by also being more active!
Moving regularly throughout the day uses energy in the form of glucose so we are better able to control the levels of glucose in the blood. Modern treatments also enable us to be able to keep a strict check on how our levels fluctuate throughout the day, keeping us safe.
Every step you take to becoming more active can help you manage the condition and there have been some amazing results from targeting those pre-diabetics who, by following a few simple guidelines, have avoided becoming fully Type 2 diabetic. And even more importantly, those already diagnosed as being diabetic can turn that diagnosis on its head just by changing their lifestyle, resulting in them actually going into remission!
Let's get Moving More!
- Most of us can walk - however short a distance it may be or however slow. Just try to up-your-game a little and think about how you can do more of it - and more often.
- Park further away from where you need to be so that you can add more steps to your daily total. A step monitor (eg FitBit or pedometer) is invaluable as a motivator to move more.
- When you hear a favourite track on the radio, dance around the room to it!
- Try on-the-spot walking or marching during TV ads.
- When talking on the phone, get up and walk around.
- Desk-bound? Every 30 minutes get up and move around. The boss should be impressed!
- Do the seated workouts on the website particularly if you have foot problems and find weight-bearing difficult. Try the Seated Strength Workout or Seated Aerobics.
The NHS offers a lot of support whether you are pre-diabetic or have been fully diagnosed as Type 2 diabetic. It is vitally important that you follow their guidelines as well as being regularly checked and monitored. In my family my Aunt Muriel chose not to do as she was advised and, sadly, she went blind, had to have a leg amputated and died of a heart attack on her way back home in an ambulance. She was of the older generation who possibly lacked true awareness of the risks of the condition. But that is how serious it can be folks!
This Week's Fitness Challenge
- Commit to moving more this week - on all levels. Write down what changes in activity you plan to make, eg not leave anything at the bottom of the stairs to take up later – do it now; increase your daily step total by 1000 - 2000 this week; not to sit for longer than 30 minutes without moving. If you don't trust yourself to follow it through, show your list to someone else and get them to monitor you!
- March during the TV ads! Every time adverts come on the television this week, get up and walk around or at the very least do some seated marching as in the Seated Aerobics workout on the website.
- Walk 30 minutes every day. Plan your walking route for this week and time it. Then aim to speed it up and knock some time off by the end of the week! It’s a great motivator!
Small amounts of additional activity can make a big difference so it is well worth the effort.
Did you know...
- Each time you accumulate 2000 steps on your FitBit or pedometer you will have walked a mile.
- Walking a mile burns almost 100 calories.

- Achieving your 10,000 steps a day means that you will have walked the equivalent of 5 miles and burned 500 active calories!
And Finally...
We all respond well to setting ourselves a goal as it gives us a focus and we always achieve more as a result. And then it boosts our confidence and makes us feel better. Let’s do it!
Have a great weekend.
With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL