Ornamental Grasses & Japanese Maples
Texture, Color, and Pizzazz!
Over 14 Varieties on Sale Now!
~ Grasses ~
Grasses can be underappreciated. They are relatively easy to care for while making quite an impression in the garden. Ornamental grasses are very striking with their texture, seed plumes, and coloration variations. From bright golden to pink to almost black, the color range is indefinite and can create substantial contrast. They are a killer companion plant and pair wonderfully with conifers, maples, and others for a spectacular herbaceous display.
#1 Imperata cylindrica 'Rubra'
Regularly $54.99 Now $27.99!
A two-toned, textured foliage asset that adds extra appeal to the landscape. Growth spreads out in a ground cover fashion and promotes erosion control. Place it in a pot for interest near an entry way or as a companion plant to enhance the existing surroundings and plant material of the space.
1. Hakonechloa macra 'Sunflare' PP# 27734 #1 Container
Regularly $54.99 Now $43.99!

A new selection of Japanese Forest Grass that was introduced by Lyle Courtice. It was discovered as a dwarf, compact mutation of Hakonechloa 'All Gold'. It can achieve 18" x 2' in size and gets extraordinary red highlights as it matures. A wonderful selection to line walkways or garden beds.

2. Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' #1 Container
Regularly $34.99 Now $27.99!

A splendid variegated sedge that prefers moderately moist and partly shaded areas. It is native to Japan where it thrived in the dry woods and rocky slopes of the terrain. It makes a great ground cover or edge plant in urban plantings due to its versatility and tolerance of poor soils.

3. Hackonechloa macra 'Aureola' #1 Container
Regularly $34.99 Now $27.99!

A nicely variegated grass with stripes of yellow, white, and even pink that cascades over rocks and borders like a waterfall. Its foliage is reminiscent of a sail gracefully flowing with the wind. Planted by itself or in groups, the deer don't like it either way. Create the dream garden with this grassy addition.

4. Hakonechloa macra ‘All Gold’ #1 Container
Regularly $34.99 Now $27.99!

A stunning golden, mounding, grass that gives a texturous fluffy vibe and brightens dark areas. It originates from Mount Hakone in Japan where cool and moist conditions provide it with optimal vigor. Its color on top of its mounding, cascading form are quite captivating.
Hakonechloa macra 'Beni-kaze'
Regularly $34.99 Now $27.99!
'Beni-kaze' or "red wind" Hakone grass, delights the grower with its mounding yet arched shape. Leaf blades emerge green and take on a red/burgundy hue as the fall approaches. A relatively disease and insect resistant plant great for sun or part shade.
Miscanthus sinensis 'Little Miss' PP# 28849
Regularly $34.99 Now $27.99!
New growth emerges as green and takes on a pink/purple hue for a nice two toned effect. A highly decorative plant with showy plumes. With this extroardinary mauve and burgundy foliage, it is an eye-catching grass, developed by Klaus Menzel of Germany.
~ Maples ~
Fantastic Fall Color!
Japanese maples seem to offer an infinite array of colors and leaf shapes, with new varieties being offered every year. Spring leaves provide a burst of color, and some varieties are colorful straight through to winter with variegated, colorful twigs! Some of our nicest crops are on sale now so get some now for a great price, just in time to see the fall color display!
Acer palmatum 'Asahi zuru'
Regularly $64.99 Now $51.99!
Also known as Rising Sun or Dawn Swan Japanese maple, this upright, yet rounded tree is known for its new pink growth on its more matured green and cream variegated foliage. Leaves are splashed with color and take on orange and red tones for fall before variegated twigs carry the color display through winter.
Acer palmatum 'Olsen's Frosted Strawberry'
Regularly $64.99 Now $51.99!
Olsen's Frosted Strawberry is arguably one of the nicest reticulated maples. Leaves in the spring emerge as strawberry pink and become more green and white in summer with pink highlights. Autumn brings red and orange tones as well to mix up the display. A slow growing, petite tree that is jaw dropping.

Regularly $64.99 Now $51.99!
A fascinating Japanese maple that has similar coloring to that of 'Asahi zuru'. Pink, white, and green variegation is absolutely stunning with a delicate airy branch structure. Pink and green steaked twigs are the icing on the cake for this ornamental variety.
Acer palmatum 'Ryugu'
Regularly $64.99 Now $51.99!
'Ryugu' which also means "dragon palace" or "dragon castle," is a very dwarf, fairly dense, rounded maple with orange-tinged new growth in spring. Tiny leaves are borne on vibrant red twigs in spring with creamy white variegation for summer. Colors warm up for autumn with glowing reds and orange on the still-variegated leaves.
Acer palmatum 'Hangover'
Regularly $64.99 Now $51.99!
This tree is perhaps the most difficult to accurately describe. No two leaves are the same, some being stringy and others looking completely normal. The tree is fairly upright and narrow but branches undulate downward, creating a semi-weeping effect. Leaves come out with a yellow-orange color, becoming green for the rest of the growing season. A unique tree that is a Conifer Kingdom exclusive.
Acer palmatum 'Koto buki'
Regularly $54.99 Now $43.99!
A dwarf Japanese maple with prolific pink and white variegation. Newly emerged growth is also bright pink. Its dwarf and dense habit make it highly suitable for container planting. It has fantastic orange and red fall coloring as well.
Acer shirasawanum 'Jordan'
Regularly $39.99 Now $31.99!
A Full Moon Maple that is a popular alternative to the well known 'Aureum' variety. In contrast to 'Aureum', it grows more vigorously in an upright manner, likely a hybrid with palmatum. New leaves emerge as a rich golden color and later mature to lime green. Autumn colors dazzle with warm oranges, maroons, and reds. A stunning cultivar found by Fratelli Gilardelli of Italy who named it after his son.
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