October 2021
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Salut à tout le monde, liebe swimsa Familie!
  1. National news
  2. International news
  3. swimsa Exchanges
  4. News from the swimsa family
  5. Our Partners
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National news

Dear swimsa family!
your swimsa EB 21/22

The new semester is only a few weeks old and yet university life has caught up with us again. For many of you, it’s as well the first semester of your medical studies. We would therefore like to welcome you very warmly and wish you much success and joy on your way! 

Outside of university, autumn is just around the corner and life seemingly becomes slower and more calm - rainy days, falling leaves, chilly evenings… makes you want to stay at home. But there is still much to experience! The SMSC Lausanne awaits us with a fascinating program about Integrative & Complementary Medicine - an event you should not miss out on! Learn more about how you could become involved in swimsa by having a look at our current calls or just get curious about the wide world by reading about swimsa Exchanges or how it is to attend a regional WHO meeting. And do not forget to sign up for Medifuture - an event about the future of being a doctor. Read more about it below. 

15th-17th of October 2021
Follow us on social media and keep updated on what's to come!

Call for... CoPHR - Commission on Public Health and Human Rights

Do you want to make a difference? Are you interested in Public Health or Human Rights and you want to know more? 
The CoPHR is a place for motivated people to exchange ideas about the topic of Equity in Healthcare.
Our next meeting will be on October 13th at 20:00, on zoom. If you are interested in joining or just hearing more about the topics, contact us at one of the email addresses below. 
We are looking forward to meeting you!
For more information: or

Call for... CoSH - Commission on Sexual Health
SMSC Basel 2021 with the subject of Sexual Health made you feel you still have a lot to learn about the topic? You have been watching last season of Sex Education, and it made you dream of a world in which everyone has the right to be as well informed as in Moordale School? You are passionate about Sexual and Reproductive Rights, and you want to make things change and evolve?
Wait no more, you are very welcome to join our Commission! This year, there is going to be one working group for each project.  All in line with our vision, namely a world in which every individual is empowered to exercise their sexual and reproductive health rights equally, free from stigma and discrimination. 
Are you convinced and want to know more?  
Contact me at
I am looking forward to meeting you and hearing your ideas. 

Click here to read the journal around the topic of Sexual Health📣🗞
Capacity building

VSS-Workshop: Projekte gestalten – Wirkung erzielen & kommunizieren

Der Workshop richtet sich an Studierende, die bereits in einem Projekt aktiv sind und es weiterentwickeln möchten sowie an Studierende, die eine neue Projektidee für Nachhaltigkeit (ökologische, soziale oder ökonomische) in die Tat umsetzen wollen. 
Der Workshop entstand in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Projekt Focus Sustainability, dem Projekt Perspektiven – Studium und der Stiftung Mercator, die bereits seit einiger Zeit gemeinsam mit Robert Schmuki Kurse zur wirkungsorientierten Projektarbeit anbietet ( 
Inhalt des Doppelt-Workshops: 
Problemanalyse und Lösungserarbeitung
Logical Framework – wirkungsorientierte Projektentwicklung
Kommunikation- und Präsentationskompetenz – die wichtigsten Regeln 
Kosten- und Finanzierungsplan
Wann: 14. Oktober 18.15 - 20.15 und 28. Oktober 17.15-20.15
Wo: online (Zoom, Link nach Anmeldung)
Was: Der zweiteilige Workshop bietet Studierenden die Möglichkeit, ein Projekt oder eine Projektidee gemeinsam mit dem Experten, Robert Schmuki von Con.Sense, zu evaluieren und die Planung, Kommunikation und Finanzierung des Projekts nachhaltig weiterzuentwickeln. Der Workshop ist kostenlos und findet in deutscher Sprache statt.
Dieser Workshop ist die Gelegenheit, eine Idee für ein nachhaltiges Projekt vertieft weiterzuentwickeln oder zu lernen, die Wirkung eines bereits bestehenden Projekts zu erfassen und klar zu kommunizieren. 
Die Anmeldung erfolgt hier
Anmeldeschluss ist der 7. Oktober 2021. 

UNES-Workshop: Concevoir des projets – avoir de l’impact et communiquer

Le workshop s’adresse aux étudiant.e.s qui sont déjà dans un projet et souhaitent le développer ainsi qu’aux étudiant.e.s qui veulent mettre en œuvre une nouvelle idée de projet pour le développement durable (écologique, social ou économique).
Le workshop a été créé en étroite collaboration avec le projet Focus Sustainability, le projet perspectives – études et la fondation Mercator qui propose depuis un certain temps déjà, en collaboration avec Robert Schmuki, des projets ciblés sur leur impact (
Contenu du double workshop :
Analyse de problème et élaboration de solution
Cadre logique – développement de projet orienté sur l’impact
Compétence de communication et de présentation – les principales règles
Plan des coûts et du financement 
Quand : 14 octobre 18h15 – 20h15 et 28 octobre 17h15-20h15
Où : en ligne (Zoom, lien avec l’inscription)
Quoi : Le workshop en deux parties offre aux étudiant.e.s la possibilité d’évaluer un projet ou une idée de projet avec l’expert Robert Schmuki de Con.Sense ainsi que de développer de manière durable la planification, la communication et le financement du projet. Le workshop est gratuit et se déroulera en allemand.
Ce workshop est une opportunité de développer ou d’apprendre à développer une idée de projet durable en profondeur, de saisir l’impact d’un projet existant et de communiquer clairement.
L'inscription se fait ici
Délai d’inscription : 7 octobre 2021

International news

71st Session of the WHO Europe Regional Committee
In September I was fortunate to attend the 71st session of the WHO Europe Regional Committee, as a delegate of the International Federation of Medical Students' Association (IFMSA). During the pre-event, the Young People and Young Professionals Forum, we brought together young people to give input directly to the WHO Regional Director Dr. Hans Kluge. 

For the meeting itself, we drafted five statements on behalf of medical students and listened to member states discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health, climate change, health in prisons and much more. We also conducted a gender watch, which showed that though women made up 56% of participants and 56% of interventions were made by women, only 45% of the speaking time was done by women. I learnt a lot from this meeting, about how the WHO works and how member states interact and was empowered to continue my journey in external affairs and health care advocacy. 
Stephanie Hauser

swimsa Exchanges

Left-over spots April 2022 - March 2023 
Exchange the world!

An up to date list as well as the registration form for leftover spots for clinical exchanges can be found here. First come first serve!

Exchanges Weekend 

The Exchanges Weekend will take place from the 8th to the 10th of October 2021 in the mountains in Marbachegg, LU. It will involve soft skill and exchanges trainings delivered by international trainers, a fun social program, delicious meals and much more. We still have some leftover spots! Contact for details.




Open positions

The following positions remain open, please contact for further information. We are urgently looking for a Third State Coordinator. Get all the benefits that come with a position as an exchanges internal for a reasonable amount of work, including a discount on an exchange and priority when you apply.

  • NORE-Assistant: Assistant to our National Officer on Research Exchange, directly involved on a national level in the planning and conducting of worldwide research exchanges. Currently, swimsa organizes around 10 research exchanges per year.

  • TSC (Third-State Coordinator): Responsible for providing invitation letters for non-EU students applying for an internship in a Swiss hospital, not organized through swimsa exchanges.

News from the swimsa family

The Student Minds Project - a national initiative on student mental health

University life is an environment in which young people are confronted by social, emotional, and academic challenges. This causes stress on our mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified this tendency even more. Now it’s time to act!

This project was created by swimsa, VSS, and Mind-Map (a student association of Basel university) in 2019 and since then, other organisations have joined us. A national network of students was hence created, with one goal in mind: to protect and promote the mental health of students while fighting against the stigmas and taboos of mental health problems at universities. 

Thus we have created a survey. The study should give us a detailed positioning on the psychological health of students in Switzerland. This data will be used to identify and prioritize the specific needs for resources and skills to maintain the mental health of the students.
This knowledge is intended to help us receive funding, which will be the starting point for the development and introduction of evidence-based preventive measures to promote mental health at Swiss universities.

The poll will start on October 11th and will run for about a month. Students from different parts of Switzerland and different universities (ETHs, PHs, FHs, and universities) must be addressed for us to achieve meaningful results. Every voice matters and we are asking you to participate in any way you can. The survey will be sent through different channels - fill it out and share it with your friends!  


Fresher's Bags UniBe

For several years now, first-year students at the University of Bern have been welcomed with an "Ersti-Bag" at the beginning of the autumn semester. After a challenging 2020/2021, we were sorry to learn that the previous sponsor of the "Ersti-Bags" can no longer continue to support the project. 
To make this welcome gift possible for the new students in 2021/2022, the fsmb board has decided to continue the project on its own for the medical students at the University of Bern.
Thanks to the support of the swimsa Fondsfund, we were able to distribute an ecologically sustainable, locally printed, and newly designed "Ersti-Bag" to our almost 400 new students on 20.09.2021.

Do you want to share your project with the rest of the swimsa family? Send us pictures and texts from your local activities to

Das Lebensphasenmodell von mediservice
Platinsponsor - mediservice vsao-asmac/strong

Hast Du dir schon mal überlegt, ob sich etwas an Deiner Versicherungssituation ändert, wenn Du fertig bist mit dem Studium oder wenn Du in eine eigene Wohnung oder WG ziehst? Das Lebensphasenmodell von mediservice vsao-asmac gibt Dir eine einfach zu handhabende Übersicht, bei der Du mit wenigen Klicks siehst, welche Dienstleistungen in den wichtigsten beruflichen und privaten Lebensphasen für Dich relevant sind. Von der Ausbildung bis zur Pensionierung.
Auf Wunsch kannst Du natürlich auch gleich eine auf die Lebensphase abgestimmte Beratung oder einen Versicherungs-Check-up anfordern.
Weiterhin gilt…
Medizinstudierende profitieren als mediservice-Mitglieder von massgeschneiderten Dienstleistungen, die sich an den Lebensphasen einer ärztlichen Laufbahn orientieren. Was vielen nicht bewusst ist: Es lohnt sich bereits während des Studiums Mitglied zu werden, denn die Mitgliedschaft beim vsao ist kostenlos. Studentenmitglieder des vsao werden zugleich Mitglied bei mediservice vsao-asmac. Hier findest Du die Beitrittserklärung.
Wir freuen uns auf Deine Kontaktaufnahme und beantworten gerne Deine Fragen:
Tel. 031 350 44 22, E-Mail an oder per WhatsApp.

Le modèle des phases de vie de mediservice
Sponsor platin - mediservice vsao-asmac

T’es-tu déjà demandé ce qui changera pour toi en matière d’assurances quand tu auras fini tes études ou que tu emménageras dans ton propre appartement ou dans un appartement en colocation? Le modèle des phases de vie de mediservice vsao-asmac te fournit un aperçu simple. Tu découvriras en quelques clics les prestations qui seront pertinentes pour toi dans les principales phases de ta vie privée et professionnelle. De la formation jusqu’à la retraite.
Sur demande, tu peux évidemment demander un conseil spécifique et adapté à une phase de vie ou un check-up des assurances.
D’autre part...
En tant que membres de mediservice, les étudiants en médecine profitent de prestations sur mesure qui s’orientent selon les étapes de la carrière médicale. Ce que la plupart ignorent: il vaut la peine d’adhérer à mediservice pendant les études, car l’affiliation à l’asmac est gratuite. Les membres étudiants deviennent simultanément membres de mediservice vsao-asmac. Un clic sur ce lien suffit pour adhérer.
Nous nous réjouissons de faire ta connaissance et répondons volontiers à tes questions.
Tél. 031 350 44 22, e-mail ou par WhatsApp.

MEDIfuture 2021 - Es geht wieder los!

Studieren Sie Medizin oder sind Sie junger Arzt/junge Ärztin? Dann sollten Sie sich den 6. November 2021 unbedingt frei halten! Denn für dieses Datum planen wir die neuste Ausgabe von MEDIfuture, unserem Laufbahnkongress mit dem vsao. Ab jetzt können Sie sich für den beliebten Anlass – wie immer auch mit attraktivem Wettbewerb – im Stadion Wankdorf in Bern anmelden.

MEDIfuture 2021 - C'est reparti!

Vous étudiez la médecine ou êtes jeune médecin? Dans ce cas, vous devez absolument réserver le 6 novembre 2021! En effet, nous avons prévu d'organiser à cette date la prochaine édition de MEDIfuture, notre congrès de carrière avec vsao. Vous pouvez dès maintenant vous inscrire pour cet évènement très populaire qui se déroulera au Stade du Wankdorf à Berne et sera comme toujours agrémenté d'un concours doté d'un prix attrayant.

register now


Losing track of all the associations?
Here a brief overview:

your local Fachschaft/ association des étudiant-e-s
This is your local association for the med students at your university. They organise social events, parties, represent you to your faculty and fight for your medical education.

The Swiss Medical Students’ Association is the umbrella organisation for all Swiss med students. Her members are all the 7 Fachschaften/associations and projects like Achtung Liebe, marrow, METIS, Teddybärspital etc. Twice per year, she organises the SMSC (= Swiss Medical Students’ Conference) with students from all parts of Switzerland. An event you MUST have experienced at least once! Facebook Instagram Newsletter

The International Federation of Medical Students' Associations is the umbrella organisation for all the national associations of more than 120 different countries worldwide! They gather twice per year in the so-called General Assembly (=GA), where 1000 students come together to discuss on global health issues and exchange ideas. swimsa is always represented by a Swiss delegation.

In case you’re interested to get active in global health topics on a national or international level, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Copyright © 2021 swimsa, All rights reserved.

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Swiss Medical Students' Association

Member of the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations


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