Trunk or Treat Tickets Sale - Advanced Order Through 10/25
Yearbooks on Sale - 5% Off Through 10/31
The latest time to check out your student early from school is 2:00 PM on regular days and 11:00 AM on early release days. You must have your driver's license with you to check out a student during school hours.
English Language Learner (ELL) Parent Involvement PLC
On Wednesday, October 6, from 8:30AM to 9:00AM via Zoom, Lutz Prep will provide parents of ELL students with an opportunity to review ELL accommodations and ask questions concerning ELL program services. Zoom info: Meeting ID: 817 9368 0530 Passcode: 117435
***Parents of ELL students are not required to attend but are encouraged to participate in the meeting should they have questions or concerns about the ELL program or the services provided to their student. Please contact Dulcy Dillinger ( with any questions.
Check out our Facebook page for our latest Bolts of Blue Spirit Day photos! Thank you for showing your school pride! Go Bolts!
Trunk or Treat
Saturday, October 30, 2021 from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
To clarify ticket purchase: all adults and children (with the exception of those 2 and under) must have a wristband to enter the event.
Click HERE visit the school store to purchase advance wristbands at discounted price.
Advance purchase wristbands will be sent home with the oldest child in your family on 10/28.
Volunteer to be a Car Participant
Click HERE to sign up to be a car participant.
Donations Needed
In order to help make our Trunk or Treat event a huge success we are looking for donations. Please click HERE to sign up for donations.
Lost and Found - Please Claim
Click HERE to view items. Please send an email to with the photo name and your student's name and the item will be placed in your homeroom teacher's mailbox.
Please make sure all items are labeled with your student's first and last name.
PTA Central
Yearbooks Now on Sale for 5% Off Through October 31st
COVID Hub and Other Important Information
Please visit our school website,, for key information related to the health and safetly of our students and staff to include emergency and executive orders by the FLDOE and the State of Florida. Lutz Preparatory School's COVID Hub is located in a pop up box on our homepage.How to Report Your Child Absent
Due to the pandemic, we are required to track every absence. Our policy is to have all absenses (related to health or other reasons) reporting to our school via the online attendance tool located on our website or click on the image to the right. Any supporting documentation related to the absence (doctor's notes, etc.) should be emailed to Reporting a COVID Diagnosis
If your child tests positive for COVID-19 we are requesting that parents immediately report this to the school via the COVID-19 Reporting Form on our website (even overnight and/or weekends).This will allow our step-by-step mitigation process to begin with contact tracing and notification to all students/staff that may have been potentially exposed. Thank you for your partnership in helping us keep all of our students and staff healthy.
Follow Us on Facebook and YouTube
Click HERE to subscribe to our YouTube page.
Lutz Preparatory School Facebook Page
Please click on the image to the right or These social media platforms will be additional ways to keep up to date on the school wide events at Lutz Preparatory School.
The NEWSFLASH, along with direct emails from administration and your teachers is still the primary way you will receive information from us.