Leadership thoughts and strategies from Deb Elbaum Coaching
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What old stories no longer serve you?

We all have stories that make up our internal operating system. You can recognize a story, because it usually starts with, "I'm not a..." or "I've never been good at..." or "I've always..."

Our internal narratives are necessary, because they remind us who we are, what we enjoy, and what we're good at. They help us understand ourselves and guide how we live.

Yet, sometimes, our brain keeps running certain old stories that are clearly out of date and no longer serve us. And sometimes we feel like we have to listen to these old stories. Limiting, outdated beliefs and stories can hold us back, feed our inner critic, and keep us from thinking and dreaming big.

Just like you need to periodically update your computer's operating system, it's critical to reflect every so often to look at your operating self-narratives. It's up to you to decide if you want to continue living within the confines of those old beliefs or not.

For years, I operated from an old, powerful story that I could not speak in front of groups. For too long, this story was front and center, and it became a self-fulfilling prophecy. I'd attend groups, book clubs, meetings... and barely spoke.

Then came a point when I realized that this story was not just outdated, it also caused me measurable harm. It limited my perceptions of my abilities and made me view myself in a way that I honestly didn't like.

So I took action to update my brain's operating system by starting to write a new story. I joined Toastmasters, started speaking at meetings, created new brain pathways about my abilities, and changed the self-narrative.

The other week, I delivered presentations to a group of CEOs, a regional healthcare system, and a global tech company. Although I always have moments of anxiety at the start of a talk, my new personal narrative is that I enjoy and am good at making coaching concepts relevant and meaningful to audiences. My new story is that it's purposeful for me to help empower teams and organizations.

When we change our internal stories and self beliefs, we change our thinking, our being, and our future.

Let's bring this to you. Here's a question:

If you're being honest with yourself, what internal stories that you hold close are no longer serving you? What old beliefs are you ready to let go of? What new story do you want to start writing in your brain?

If you need help, here are some starters:

I am committed to...
I am capable of...
I care deeply about...
There's a part of me that is ready for...

Changing our stories starts by changing one thought at at time. 

In the next few weeks, I invite you to be aware of your thoughts and internal narratives and step into choice. Choose the stories and thoughts you want to listen to and start updating your brain's operating system.

Here's to all that you're capable of!


p.s. Tune in to today's new podcast episode of In the Right Direction. In this episode, I share the key steps for turning an idea into action. Enjoy!

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For organizations that want to increase engagement, decrease burnout, and provide inclusive professional development, in a cost-effective way

As a Coach-in-Residence, I partner with people-focused organizations to provide on-demand, virtual, 1:1 coaching sessions on a regular weekly or monthly basis, so that all employees have the opportunity for confidential, nonbiased coaching to build strategies for effective thinking and communicating. Please contact me for more information.

On-Demand, Single Coaching Sessions

For former clients, for those times you need a quick boost of clarity, confidence, or inspiration. Whether you are making a big decision; feeling like you need a plan for today; or just wanting to feel re-energized -- let's dive in! 

What: 50-minute coaching session, by phone or Zoom
When: Choose your time! Use this scheduling link
How: Payment per session 

Book a 50-Minute Coaching Session

What is it time to let go of? What are you ready for?

What do you really want in your work and life? Book a 30-minute complimentary consult through the link below or contact me to uncover what's holding you back, and what new thoughts and behaviors will move you forward to increased success. If you want to read more about me and my approach visit my website.

Book a Complimentary 30-Minute Consult

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