Hi Everyone,

We are sailing again this Friday - 1st October.
This will be our penultimate session of the year. I don’t know where this season has gone.
As with our previous sessions we are only able to offer sailing in either The Crabber or The Wheelyboat.
If you would like to come along please drop me a line, let me know what you would like to sail in and I will book you a time slot.

Extra Covid precautions:
1. we are asking that all volunteers and participants are double vaccinated (if this creates a problem please contact me in confidence)

2. We will not have access to the clubhouse apart from toilets and changing. Registration, life jacket fitting as well as tea and cake will take place out of doors. Please bring a jumper if it is a cool day and a jacket if wet.

3. please bring a mask. It will be required for life jacket fitting.

4. most importantly   please could you let me know if you would like to come. Both the Crabber and the  Wheelyboat will be running on reduced capacity and we need to make sure we have space for everyone. We can then give you a time to turn up.
you can book by replying to this email (preferred)   or by phoning me on 07785-764535.

Hope to see you on Friday.


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Papercourt Sailing Club - Sailability · Polesden Lane · Ripley, Surrey GU23 6JX · United Kingdom

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