Unity Community

Equinox newsletter

Balance, order, rhythm and harmony

Eurasion Wigeon (anas penelope) migration by Mabel Amber

Welcome <<First Name>>,

Our cyclical home, Gaia, turns in evolutionary undulations towards the dark in the Northern hemisphere and to the light in the Southern hemisphere.  The same seasons but no 365 day turning is and ever can be the same. Find your feet, find your standing in the turning - but mostly honour each turning, each balancing (equinox) and peak (solstice) and all the transitions with Gaia in your inner and outer seasons.  What will you give away to darkness, or bring forth in the light?  What archetypal qualities of the coming winter or summer call you?  Are you synchronised with Gaia's yearly seasons and their invitations to rest, dream, initiate, act, reflect and then begin again?

Rising in Love
By Unity Community member, Michael J Lindfield
Watching a red-tailed hawk rise and wheel in silent graceful arcs above Meditation Mount on a warm spring morning had me pondering on what really gives lift to our lives and can raise consciousness to new heights.

What is the missing element that carries life ever upwards and liberates us from the gravitational pull of earthly fears and fixations?  While contemplating this question in the timeless space overlooking the Ojai Valley in Southern California, the answer came swooping in from the blue above: “the Fire of Unconditional Love”.

Since childhood I have been fascinated with our avian allies and have often dreamt of emulating their skill to ascend.  I am gradually discovering it is the warmth radiating from an open and caring heart that generates the needed currents and thermals of love that give lift to the outstretched wings of our humanity.  Love breaks the cold circle of self-interest and turns this closed loop into an upward moving spiral that allows the Joy of Life to course and circulate freely through the arteries of our human experience.

Continue reading the article here

Written in support of ‘Towards a Planetary Renaissance: Revealing Paths of Beauty’ online gathering, this December, more details below.


To contribute time, donations, expertise please email to explore ways of Linking Up and Lifting Up together. Thank you for helping our movement to move at the speed and scale which is needed

to transform our current global emergency
into an emergence of new consciousness.

Call to global action
COP15, COP26 and COPXX
COP15 is the fifteenth meeting of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, due to take place in China 11-15 October 2021.  Biological diversity is becoming increasingly recognised by leaders worldwide, here's their website's unifying call to purpose 'we can all safeguard life on earth with dramatically increased and coordinated action'.

COP26 the 26th edition of the UN annual Climate Change Conference begins 1 November 2021 in Glasgow, UK.  Considered the biggest climate event since the 2015 Paris Agreement - this is an opportunity to address the big issues left unresolved in their last gathering.  However, with pandemic conditions impacting their best efforts to gather, what might come of it is yet unknown. We stand in support of its highest potential.

What is dramatically apparent is the necessary weaving, or rather the inherent boundedness of these two unseparable strands.  The actions we can take to support one supports the other and is the strongest way to ensure that effective, holistic and Earth-sung principles become deeply embedded in human ways of seeing, feeling and actioning our Earth steward responsibilities.

COPXX has this same mission. XX is the female chromosome and it is the qualities of the balanced feminine that COPXX are calling for in all COP negotiations and discussions. Unity Community member and COPXX Co-Founder, Jarvis Smith explains...
"What if we treated this threatening situation through the eyes (and heart) of the mother, with love, compassion, unity and hope, with a completely different scenario to the one we have?
It is very clear these qualities will arise through feminine leadership and the feminine principles. Should we choose to support this evolution, we might just get through the next 9 years with a new way to be in the World."
Unity Community member Jarvis Smith, Co-Founder of COPXX
Thought leaders urge implementation rather than
aspiration on UN Sustainable Development Goals.
"Without addressing the underlying beliefs and conditions of the past, it will be impossible to make significant and sustained progress toward these goals.  The approach must be based on an understanding of the unity of all people and beings on the planet and our planetary home in its entirety."

A project of the Source of Synergy Foundation this circle is a group of thought leaders from diverse disciplines who come together in synergy to help support a shift in consciousness.
One of the Founding Members of the SDG Thought Leaders Synergy Circle and WW-V Co-Founder, Jude Currivan, wrote this article:

The Need For a WholeWorld-View
to Fulfill the Aims of the UN’s SDGs
"The fulfillment of their avowed aim of transforming our world depends primarily and perhaps essentially on transforming our world view."  Jude Currivan
Global Synchronized Coherence Experience

Video recording features a PeaceWave, Universal Heart Meditation
from WholeWorld-View Co-Founder, Jude Currivan and more.


Book: A Life in Quest of
The Purpose of Life

This story, he tells the reader, is more than an entertaining read—it also conveys a message. Ervin Laszlo's latest book, My Journey shows that the quest that has marked his life is profound and meaningful, and important also for the reader. It is the quest to find the purpose that underlies our life.

Includes a contribution from Jude Currivan, her recollections of Ervin and tales from her own life's quests.

Free Ebook - The Portable Ervin Laszlo
Exclusive New Release, the only authorized “pocket reader” of Ervin Laszlo’s work.

“The quantum leader…is one who focuses on aligning, collaborating, and creating conditions conducive to the flourishing of life.” — Ervin Laszlo, The Portable Ervin Laszlo

Events from our community

Global Oneness Summit
& Celebration
16 - 24 October 2021

Jude Currivan hosts a panel
19 Oct, 10.15am Pacific
Living Our Evolutionary Potential of Oneness with Chloe Goodchild, Dr. Julie Krull, Michael J Lindfield, Anne-Marie Voorhoeve and Emanuel Kuntzelman.
The Dimensional Fork in the Road
15 - 19 November 2021

Forging a High-Frequency Pathway for Humanity.  Answering questions: What is the Fifth Dimension and how do we access it? Is there a collective vision for humanity’s spiritual evolution? Acquire a tangible vision and all the tools you need to be part of forging a high-frequency pathway for humanity.
Registration opens 1 November

Towards a Planetary Renaissance: Revealing Paths of Beauty

10 - 12 December 2021

Online gathering - A new Planetary era is dawning and the work of all who understand the power of Goodwill must be lifted to a new level of fiery impact for the full beauty of Renaissance to be revealed. Many prophecies have forecast this moment. We seek to unite co-workers to collaborate.

Meeting Oceania
18 September - 4 October
Meeting Oceania: a meeting on Water, Culture and Climate Change, Deep Time and the Land. Featuring rich perspectives on First Nations sovereignty, fresh approaches to Water science, Place-based art and dreamwork. The Meeting continues to the 4th October. You can catch up on Youtube.
Book: The Quest of Rose
The Cosmic Keys of Our Future Becoming (Future Humans Trilogy Book 1)
Written by two visionaries, evolutionary leaders and master story tellers, rather than fictional, this book is imaginal. It speaks to our deepest longest and seeds our greatest belonging. With Unity Community members, Jean Houston’s and Anneloes Smitsman’s profound and empowering guidance, it calls us to re-member the truth of who we really are. And it invites us to embody lives of meaning and purpose as co-creative evolutionary partners within a revealed and living Universe. Soul food indeed!
Global Unity Thoughtstorm®
Our weekly, Global Unity Thoughtstorm® continues - join Unity Community members and people from all over the world for these fun and lively explorations of fundamental questions.
Find out more

Greatest brightest blessings to you this coming turning.
Until our next newsletter at the Solstice...

With love,
The Unity Community and WholeWorld-View team
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