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October Offerings
Remembering our True Nature

“Yoga is the scientific art of remembering our true nature.”

~ John Friend

Beloved Yoga Friends,

Yoga allows us to deeply connect with ourselves and remember our true nature. Through Yoga practice we can reveal the truth, love, bliss and freedom that we already are in our natural state. 

For me, the practice of Yoga is the greatest of gifts. It never fails to move me out of my head and into my heart. It calms my body, clears my mind, and cultivates loving awareness in my heart.

When I practice, I think less and feel more. Sensing into how my body feels in the present moment is the key that anchors me in the truth of my being. 

This month, I am happy to be offering a variety of workshops and classes designed to bring us back into our bodies so we can remember our true nature. 

I hope you can join me!

Lauren Amrita

Kundalini Inspired Yoga & Meditation

Awaken your Kundalini energy and let your inner light shine!

Kundalini is a powerful life force energy that is stored at the base of your spine. When this energy is awakened through yoga and meditation practices, profound healing can take place. Kundalini practices unblock energy that is stuck, enhance inner awareness, and leave you feeling alive, radiant, and attuned to your true essence.

In this workshop, you will learn about the benefits of Kundalini practices. You will be guided though a gentle yoga sequence that incorporates Kundalini breathing, movements, and mantras to evoke the powerful energy of consciousness. We will then practice an active meditation that incorporates shaking, dancing, sitting, and lying down.

Join us for these mystical practices and enliven your body, mind, and spirit!

When: Sunday, October 24, 2021 
Time: 3:30pm to 5:00pm ET
Where: Zoom
Price: $20
Led by: Lauren Amrita and Karen Passalacqua

For more information, please contact me.

Details and Registration

“Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light.”

~ Yogi Bhajan

New and Full Moon Restorative Yoga
Relax, Release, Restore

Celebrate the Cycles of the Moon with Restorative Yoga

In these special classes, we will begin by using gentle movement to soften and open the body and mind to create more space for the breath and possibility. We will then practice a Restorative Yoga sequence to journey inward, listen to our needs, and be receptive to change. Balance will be restored as tension and self-limiting beliefs are released. This will allow us to open to our full potential and access a deeper level of inner awareness.

I hope you can join me for one or both of these deeply nourishing and supportive practices.

When: Wednesdays, October 6 and 20, 2021 
Time: 5:30pm to 6:30pm ET
Where: Zoom
Price: $10
Led by: Lauren Amrita

Pre-registration required by the Monday before class. All levels are welcome.
For more information, please contact me.

Details and Registration

“Seek the way from the heart. Seek the moon from the soul.”

~ Rumi

*New In Person Classes at Bikram Yoga Roslyn*

Go Long, Slow, and Deep
Deep Stretch is an active stretching class focusing on longer holds and total-body stretches. This class will help to lengthen and tone your muscles in a safe and effective way. Deep Stretch provides a calm and relaxing space to let go of tension, focus on your breath, and let all of your stresses fall away. All levels welcome.
Tuesdays, 4:00pm-5:00pm ET

Shake “IT” Out!
Kundalini Active Meditation is a one hour practice with four different stages of 15 minutes each accompanied by music. The stages are:
 ~ shaking
~ dancing
~ standing or sitting in stillness
~ relaxing lying down
The Kundalini Active Meditation is a powerful and profound practice that releases tension and stress. It is a highly effective way of unwinding and letting go at the end of a busy day. Come let your energy flow and be transformed into bliss and joy!
Thursdays, 4:00pm-5:00pm ET

October Class Schedule

Sunday, October 24 – 3:30pm-5:00pm ET
Kundalini Inspired Yoga & Meditation – $20

Tuesdays, 11:00am-12:15pm ET
Qigong Inspired Yoga & Meditation – $10

Tuesdays, 4:00pm-5:00m ET
Deep Stretch Yoga – IN PERSON at Bikram Yoga Roslyn

Wednesday, 5:30pm-6:30pm ET (10/06/21 only)
New Moon Restorative Yoga – $10

Wednesday, 5:30pm-6:30pm ET (10/20/21 only)
Full Moon Restorative Yoga – $10

Thursdays, 4:00pm-5:00pm ET
Kundalini Active Meditation – IN PERSON at Bikram Yoga Roslyn

Fridays, 11:00am-12:15pm ET
Gentle Yoga and Meditation – $10
For more information or to register, please contact me.

“You are truth. You are love. You are bliss. You are freedom.”

~ Osho

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