
Lutz Preparatory School NEWSFLASH:  Friday, October 1, 2021, V10 Issue 13
  • Tuesday, October 5:
    • Boys Soccer vs. Henderson @ LP 4:30
  • Wednesday, October 6:
    • English Language Learner (ELL) Parent Involvement PLC Meeting
  • Thursday, October 7:
    • Bolts of Blue Spirit Day:  Positive Thinking T-Shirt Day
  • Friday, October 8:
    • Boys Soccer vs. TCMS @ LP 4:30
    • Health Screenings K, 1st, 3rd, 6th
    • End of 1st Grading Period
    • Bolts of Blue Campaign Ends  

Ongoing Items
  • BoxTops Sweepstakes click HERE for details
2021-22 Academic Calendar
Before and After Care Registration
Parent Notification Letter for Out of Field Teachers
All educators in Florida are monitored to ensure they meet certification and training requirements as mandated by law.  Per Florida Statute 1012.42, when a teacher is assigned teaching duties out of the field in which the teacher is certified, the parents of all students in the class shall be notified in writing.  Please click HERE for an updated letter from Mrs. Guertin dated Friday, September 24, 2021.  Also posted on our website under the Academics\Curriculum tab of our website. 
he latest time to check out your student early from school is 2:00 PM on regular days and 11:00 AM on early release days.  You must have your driver's license with you to check out a student during school hours.  
Important Dates

10/11: Non-Student Day - No School

10/12: Boys Soccer vs. Trinity @ Shimberg Fields @ 4:30

10/15: Bolts of Blue Raffle 

10/20:  Early Release Day - Dismissal Begins at Noon

10/20:  Blazing Bolts Run Club End of Session Celebration

10/21: Boys Soccer vs. Classical Prep @ LP 4:30

10/23:  Corss Country Meet Bay Area Middle School Championships

10/25-29:  Red Ribbon Week

10/28:  Middle School Report Cards Available Online Only

10/28:  Board of Director Meeting

10/29:  Character Book Parade (Pre-Prep - 2nd) and Vocabulary Parade (3rd)

10/29:  Deadline to Add to Bolts of Blue Donation to Include Fun Day or Main Event Night Out 

10/30 Trunk or Treat PTA Event

11/1:  Elementary Report Cards Available Online Only

11/3-4:  Bolts of Blue Silent Auction

11/5:  BoB Silent Auction Pick Up

11/8:  5th Grade Field Trip JA Biztown

11/11:  Veteran's Day - No School

11/14-17:  7th Grade Field Trip Marine Lab

11/15-16 7th Grade Local Field Trips

11/17:  Early Release - Dismissal Begins at Noon

11/17:  Bolts of Blue Fun Day Pre-K-2nd Grade with Specific Donation Level

11/18:  Board of Director Meeting

11/22-26:  Fall Break - No School

12/8:  Early Release - Dismissal Begins at Noon

12/9:  SMATH Night

12/16:  Board of Director Meeting

12/17:  End of 2nd Grade Period/End of 1st Semester

12/17:  Early Release - Dismissal Begins at Noon

12/20-31:  Winter Break - No School

1/3:  Non-Student Day - No School

2/17:  Bolts of Blue PNO at Main Event 3rd-8th with Specific Donation Level
English Language Learner (ELL) Parent Involvement PLC
On Wednesday, October 6, from 8:30AM to 9:00AM via Zoom, Lutz Prep will provide parents of ELL students with an opportunity to review ELL accommodations and ask questions concerning ELL program services. Zoom info: Meeting ID: 817 9368 0530  Passcode: 117435

***Parents of ELL students are not required to attend but are encouraged to participate in the meeting should they have questions or concerns about the ELL program or the services provided to their student.  Please contact Dulcy Dillinger ( with any questions.
Bolts of Blue Campaign Runs Through October 8th
We have just one week left in our Bolts of Blue Campaign.  We are very thankful for the support from our Lutz Preparatory community.  We can't wait to continue to celebrate our success with our students.  

How Can You Help to Meet Our Fundraising Goal?
If we look to our community and extended Lutz Preparatory supporters by spreading the word to businesses that support education we can without a doubt exceed our campaign goal!  Please consider the following examples of additional ways to support Lutz Preparatory.

Share on Facebook and Other Social Media to Your Friends, Family, and Community
Have you checked out our Lutz Preparatory School Facebook page?  Please like our page and then share our Bolts of Blue Campaign post on your personal Facebook page to get the word out to help us reach our goal. 

Check with Your Employer to See if They Match Donations
Many of our parents' employers will match dollar-for-dollar donations to non-profit organizations like Lutz Prep.  Check with your HR department to see if they offer this benefit.  We also encourage our families to reach out to local businesses in your community for sponsorships in addition to potential employer matching benefits.  Thank you to those families who have pursued this company matching option and DOUBLED their donation to support our school!

Please make sure you sign and return the voucher that is stapled to the inside cover of your blue folder; the voucher will enter your student into incentive drawings throughout the campaign.

You can find all campaign information at
Support LP\Bolts of Blue Campaign
Don't miss out on the opportunity for your child to attend our Bolts of Blue Events!
PreK - 3rd Grade 11/17/2021
3rd-8th Grade 2/17/2022

The only way to attend is through a Bolts of Blue donation, see details for families or businesses for specific donation levels required.  Any family who wishes to add to their donation to include these invite only events may do so by Friday October 29th

Check out our Facebook page for our latest Bolts of Blue Spirit Day photos!  Thank you for showing your school pride!  Go Bolts!
Lighting Leaders August/September
Congratulations to our Lightning Leaders for the combined months of August and September.
  • Habit #1 Be Proactive:  I am a responsible person. I take initiative. I choose my actions, attitudes, and moods. I do not blame others for my wrong actions. I do the right thing without being asked, even when no one is looking.
  • Leadership theme of the month:  Relationships
Kindergarten: Luke B., Sicily L.(not pictured), Kristopher N., Gianna P., & Ana Alice S.
First Grade:  Emilie D., Sophia F., Shea K., & Brooke K.

Second Grade:  Matthew B., Harper D., Caysea H., Abigail L., & Mackenzie W.
Third Grade:  Ethan C., Lexi E., Lucas L., Rhylin R., & Payton S.

Fourth Grade: Jordyn C., Emma T. (not pictured), Saravanavel V., & Kayla W.
Fifth Grade:  Jenna K., Jonah L. (not pictured), Leah M., & Mia S.

Sixth Grade: Sarayu K., Olivia P., Sydney R., & Sloan S. (not pictured)
Seventh Grade: Kamryn C., Eric G., S.K. (not pictured), & Noah S.
Eighth Grade:  Declan H., Payton L., Hope M., & Annabelle M.
We are proud of our student leaders!
Trunk or Treat
Saturday, October 30, 2021 from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Click HERE visit the school store to purchase advance wristbands at discounted price.
  • Advance purchase wristbands will be sent home with the oldest child in your family on 10/28.  

Volunteer to be a Car Participant
Click HERE to sign up to be a car participant.

Donations Needed
In order to help make our Trunk or Treat event a huge success we are looking for donations.  Please click HERE to sign up for donations.  
PTA Central
Yearbooks Now on Sale for 5% Off Through October 31st
Lost and Found - Please Claim
Click HERE to view items.  Please send an email to with the photo name and your student's name and the item will be placed in your homeroom teacher's mailbox.

Please make sure all items are labeled with your student's first and last name.
Character Book Parade 
Parents are invited to watch the parade!
  • Click HERE for additional details related to the event.  
  • Click HERE to view the parade route and parent viewing areas.
  • Parents DO NOT need to check in at the front office.  Park in the overflow field and make your way to the viewing areas outlined on the map.
COVID Hub and Other Important Information
Please visit our school website,, for key information related to the health and safetly of our students and staff to include emergency and executive orders by the FLDOE and the State of Florida.  Lutz Preparatory School's COVID Hub is located in a pop up box on our homepage.

How to Report Your Child Absent
Due to the pandemic, we are required to track every absence. Our policy is to have all absenses (related to health or other reasons) reporting to our school via the online attendance tool located on our website or click on the image to the right.  Any supporting documentation related to the absence (doctor's notes, etc.) should be emailed to
Reporting a COVID Diagnosis
If your child tests positive for COVID-19 we are requesting that parents immediately report this to the school via the COVID-19 Reporting Form on our website (even overnight and/or weekends).This will allow our step-by-step mitigation process to begin with contact tracing and notification to all students/staff that may have been potentially exposed.  Thank you for your partnership in helping us keep all of our students and staff healthy.
Follow Us on Facebook and YouTube
Click HERE to subscribe to our YouTube page.

Lutz Preparatory School Facebook Page
Please click on the image to the right or  These social media platforms will be additional ways to keep up to date on the school wide events at Lutz Preparatory School. 

The NEWSFLASH, along with direct emails from administration and your teachers is still the primary way you will receive information from us.

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