Hurricanes, Flooding, and Disproportionate Impacts on BIPOC Communities

Whether it’s hurricanes or the subsequent flooding, these climate-linked extreme weather events are having a disparate impact on Black and Brown communities in the Southeast United States. Grist shares a bit about who’s affected and why.
Discover the disproportionate harm that communities of color face during hurricane season
Hog Waste and Flood Infrastructure in Rural North Carolina

One of the biggest problems in addressing hurricanes is the inadequate infrastructure that persists in much of the South. Whether it’s outdated hog farm waste disposal systems in North Carolina or failing flood barriers, power lines, and internet set ups across the Southeast, increasingly devastating hurricanes are affecting lives across the region.
What is the history of hurricanes and hog farms in North Carolina?
Culture Withstands Hurricane Destruction

“Hurricanes have ravaged the Caribbean for millennia. The cycles of activity have varied, but the massive storms have always presented a threat. Centuries ago, long before the advent of weather forecasting, the storms in and around the Caribbean inflicted so much catastrophic damage that it seems remarkable people remained. But they did, and they rebuilt.”
Discover how Indigenous communities in the Caribbean have withstood hurricanes for centuries

Lil Wayne’s “Tie My Hands”

“We got spirit y’all.” In 2005, after Hurricane Katrina devastated Louisiana, Lil Wayne released “Tie My Hands” a reflection on loss and a call for community in the wake of one of the most “catastrophic natural disasters in U.S. history.” The message rings true today and can be applied to COVID, Hurricanes Delta and Laura last year, and Hurricane Ida this year.

Listen to Lil Wayne’s ode to community for those struggling through disaster

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