October 13, 2021
God Still ACTS in Washington and Beyond!
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Growing Leaders Blog by Doug Bing

Thrust into a New Reality

Have you ever watched a lake being restocked with fish? It is a fascinating and neat thing to watch.

Our office team happened to be at Sunset Lake Camp on the very day of restocking the lake with rainbow trout fish.

When the truck arrived with the fish...

Keep Reading! Plus Watching!

Need Encouragement in Ministry?

Our ministry team loves talking with you, praying with you, and brainstorming about ministry opportunities. Drop us an email. Give us a call. Arrange for a virtual or in-person appointment.
Connect with a Leader


Invest in Special Needs Ministry

Want to help special needs children shine at Christmas time?

Check out this creative arts project and invest in a commissioned piece of artwork of Jesus and His special kids!
Make a GoFundMe Donation

Invest in Prison Ministry

The prison system in western Washington is once again reopening to fully vaccinated volunteers, reports Floyd Marshall, Washington Conference prison ministry coordinator. There are three key ways to volunteer in prison ministry, and Floyd can walk you through the details of how to be involved.

You are especially invited to attend and participate in an orientation and training session on November 6 from 3-5 pm at South Tacoma Adventist Fellowship (additional training times and locations can be arranged, too).
Curious about Prison Ministry? Email Floyd Marshall

Invest in Reviving Your Church

Multiply the growth and vitality of your church for generations to come!

Talk with your pastor about participating in these two ministry bootcamps in early November (plus your pastor knows about a special funding offer from Washington Conference).
Registration is Open!

Invest in Books for the Holidays

Bookmobile is On the Road to You!

Ed Lindsay is driving your Auburn ABC orders around western Washington. On Sunday, October 17, he will be at:
  • Bellevue Church 10:00 - 10:30 am
  • Edmonds Church 11:15 - 11:45 am
  • Shoreline Church 12:15 - 12:45 pm
  • Puget Sound Academy (Kirkland) 1:30 - 2:00 pm
Place your order by end of day Thursday before the pick up date by calling 253-833-6707. This is a great time to order your holiday meal needs and start working on your book list for giving at Christmas!
See Online Catalog

Invest in Students' Artistic Expression

Because of the pandemic, we don’t have many opportunities for the greater school community to walk the halls of a school or even collectively gather for the well-loved arts and music festival typically held at the end of February. Our schools in western Washington have gotten creative in posting student artwork on Facebook and this is allowing the school community to appreciate students’ artistic expression. It’s a great way to still stay connected!

We highly encourage you to like, follow, and interact with Adventist schools on Facebook. You will see beautiful photos, experiences, and artistry - and your reactions and comments will encourage young artists and scholars to keep striving for more.

Locate the Adventist school nearest you and get to know them better on Facebook.
20 Locations in Western Washington

Invest in Clergy Appreciation

More Ways to Appreciate Your Pastor

More Ways to Invest

Keep investing in family worship!

Follow along on @washconf Facebook, Instagram or a hardcopy of Dick Eastman's book "Awesome: Exploring the Nature and Names of Jesus." Alter your family altar with individual or family worship time this month!
Download a Reading Calendar (PDF)

Engage Revival at Maranatha Church in well engaging!

There's a great audience of 75 participating each Friday night and Sabbath. You don't want to miss out on powerful preaching and worship!
Connect on Maranatha's Facebook

Invest in the "extras" of a quality Adventist Christian Education!

Auburn Adventist Academy's Committee of 100 on October 24 provides funding for specific classroom requests that will benefit teachers and scholars.
RSVP for Committee of 100
We have a high level of vaccination in the State of Washington, and we are still in a pandemic where good health and safety habits are still important.
  • Whatever your vaccination status and over the age of 5, please wear a mask at church.
  • If you are gathered for a small group and everyone in attendance is vaccinated, you do not need to wear a mask (especially if outdoors).
  • If you visit a school campus or community service center, please wear a mask and cooperate with the local health screening process.
As always, kindness and grace to each other in our interactions goes a long way.
Connect with a Local Church

Invest in Daily Bible Reading


This week's offering focus:
Local Church Ministries

Thanks for supporting ministry locally and globally!
Ways to Give
Ways to Connect
Washington ACTS highlights each week the activities of Adventist Education, Coaching Leaders, Totally Involved Members, and Spiritual Growth.

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