
You know, that time when you remember about coming together to practice. 

I don't know about you, but for me, it's just amazing... the way these habits of mind sneak in and suddenly catch me up in reactivity. I can hardly imagine how it would be if I didn't have such clarity about my intentions, and allow them to motivate me to slow down, be curious and present, to recognize that I have a choice. To trust that I can begin again, right where I am, without rumination... angst... self-judgment...

Sometimes, anyway. 

Because we are so complicated! So many parts of us, that aren't always on the same page about what we want/don't want, what's wise/unwise, helpful/not so much.

So this is why we practice. And why coming together with others who share our intentions can be so helpful and validating, that we can learn from and with one-another. We can learn to not take it all so personally, like it's only us that (fill in the blank). These third Monday's/Oct 18, 6-7:30 are an open invitation to come together with other graduates and remember familiar practices (and learn some new ones!), knowing that you will be warmly welcomed, whatever is your history, current practice, mood, or state of mind.

And if not this Monday, please take in some Metta from me to you: I wish you well in every way possible, and look forward to our path's crossing, whenever that may be.

with appreciation, Ruth


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