
We hope you will join us at our 7:45, 9:00, or 11:15 service this Sunday. After the 9:00 and 11:15 services, members of the prayer team will be available to pray with you. (Our weekly 7:45 service is in the chapel.)
Readings for Sunday: Mark 10:35-45; 1 John 3:11-24
Preacher: Jamie Brown
Join us for Truro Kids (K-4th, 5th-6th) and The Nest (6m - PreK) this Sunday during the 9:00 a.m. service. Truro Kids are meeting on the playground and kids can be checked in at the family ministry tent starting at 8:45. Kids will be returned to their families at communion. Please stand up when the kids return so your kids and the leaders can find you!
Registration links for children
1. The Nest (6m-PreK)
2. Kids (K-4th)
3. Kids (5th-6th)
Prayer After the 11:15 Moves Outdoors
In consideration of those who are concerned about staying indoors for an extended period of time due to Covid, we are moving prayer after the 11:15 a.m. service to the white tent, just outside the double doors in the walkway (the same place prayer is held after the 9:00 a.m. service). In the event of inclement weather, we’ll have prayer indoors on the pulpit side. We look forward to praying with you!
Brunch for Young Adults
October 17 • 10 a.m. • Common Grounds
Young Adults! Stay After or Come Early to church on Oct 17 for coffee, breakfast burritos & fellowship at 10 a.m. in Common Grounds. Contact Summer for more details at sanderson@truroanglican.com!
Baptism Sunday is October 31
Interested in Holy Baptism? Truro will be having baptisms on October 31. Please fill out the linked form or contact Molly at mollyandreson@truroanglican.com. For children, click here: http://bit.ly/baptismchildren; for adults, click here: http://bit.ly/baptismadult.
Dear Truro family,
It gives me great delight to announce the members of Truro’s search committee.
- Mary Springmann, chair
- Tom Gangemi, vestry representative
- Teresa Rowe, vestry representative
- Katie Davidson
- Paul Julienne
- Pat Kambrod
- Craig Miller
- Jim Robb
- Ha Tran
- Christiana Yuen
Please pray for these committee members, as they undertake this important and demanding work. The search process normally takes 9-12 months and includes a number of tasks:
- to describe Truro and what Truro hopes for in its next Rector;
- to publish this information and solicit nominations;
- to conduct background checks and interviews of candidates; and finally,
- to present their nominee to the Vestry.
In our tradition, it is the vestry (not the congregation) who calls a new Rector. Mary will keep us informed of the committee’s progress and is happy to answer your questions. A search committee email address will be available soon.
An Interim Rector or a Priest-in-charge is not normally involved in the search process. However, part of my work for both the Diocese of the MidAtlantic and the Diocese of Pittsburgh has been helping search committees walk through this process. So I will be helping the search committee with any procedural questions or concerns that may arise.
A note from Mary Springmann, the Search Committee Chair:
Selecting the members of the Rector Search Committee has been a truly humbling and exciting experience as I saw how God was directing me in the process. My first act was to PRAY! I asked others to pray as well. I wanted this to be God’s committee, not mine. I wanted people of prayer who will seek God’s person to shepherd His flock, Truro. I prayed that God would show me those He wanted on this committee. I made a list and sought names from the wardens and from Mary Hays. I received suggestions from clergy and people in the congregation. I sent out emails asking if people were interested in being considered as a member of the rector search committee.
The process was like putting pieces of a puzzle together in order to get the cross-section of people that make up Truro Church: younger/older members, males/females, married/single, newer members of the congregation and those with years of experience, people with different cultural backgrounds and former staff. I have prayed over these selections by name for weeks. I believe that God has shaped this committee into a group that represents not only Truro’s past and present, but also its future. There is much to do, but “now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen” (Ephesians 3:20-21). Please join us in prayer as we begin this journey together. Thank you.
- Mary Springmann
Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a Rector for Truro that we may receive a faithful pastor who will preach the Gospel, care for your people, equip us for ministry, and lead us forth in the fulfillment of the Great Commission; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Truro Heritage Series
We will be kicking off our Truro Heritage Series on October 31. In this series, we have invited previous Truro clergy to speak on “What God was doing when I was at Truro, and what I learned”. This will take place over a luncheon in the Undercroft after the 11:15 service, registration costs $5 per individual, with a cap of $15 per family. Register here to attend the luncheon
We are delighted to welcome the Rev. Stephen Noll to speak at the first luncheon as well as preach at the prior three services on October 31. Steve began his ordained ministry here at Truro 50 years ago, and we are excited to hear what God was doing at Truro at that time and what he has learned! (Childcare is available from kids 6 m to 5 years.)
Upcoming Truro Heritage Series speakers:
October 31 • Stephen Noll
November 28 • Martyn Minss
Late January • Neil Lebhar
February 27 • Geoff Chapman
Prayer Ministry Book Study: Five Weeks In November
Join us in Common Grounds on Monday nights as we read and discuss: Prayer in the Night: For Those who Work or Watch or Weep by Tish Harrison Warren
Tris Warren’s book helps us explore our grief, traumas, suffering, sorrows, joy, hope and God’s steadfast love through the lens of Compline. Tish “helps us to receive Compline as a gift to help us face the dark. Prayer is how we press our hands into the invisible and find the hand of Christ reaching back”
The book study will begin on Monday, November 1, from 7:00 –8:30 p.m. in Common Grounds. This five-week study ends November 29. Books can be ordered through Amazon or through other suppliers of Christian books.
We hope you can join us. For more information email Sue at shardman@truroanglican.com.
Fall Ministry Fair • October 24 • 10 a.m.
This month, as part of our Truro Cares ministry, we’re collecting weekend meal bags for kids at Katherine Johnson Middle School here in Fairfax who don’t have enough to eat. We’re planning to make a party out of it! We’ll gather together between the 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. services to build those bags, drink cider, and eat donuts. We’ll set up ministry tables so you can learn more about the life and ministry at Truro during this season. Our Kids and youth ministry teams will have some special games and treats for our younger members, and more. Come play games with the family, eat doughnuts, and fill the front lawn with laughter and joy. Click here to see the Truro Cares collection list
Bring your donations for Katherine Johnson Middle School
- Bring your donations for Katherine Johnson Middle School
- Help build Weekend Meal Bags
- Eat fall treats
- Play some games – for children of all ages
- Find a community group
- Explore Truro ministries and sign-up to volunteer
- Schedule a prayer, lay counseling, or spiritual direction session
- Say “Hello” to your staff and vestry
There is still time to register for Truro Dance. Rehearsals are outside on Tuesday, in front of the Sanctuary. Pre-K to 3rd-grade dancers will meet from 5:00 to 5:45 p.m. 4th to 8th-grade dancers will meet from 5:55 to 6:50 p.m. In the event of rain, rehearsal is moved to Thursday.

Anglican Perspectives: Going Deeper
Four Classes: Oct. 26, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 7:30 - 9 p.m. on Zoom
The goal of these four classes is to help you see how "all things hold together in Christ.” Anglicanism is deeply rooted in the life and teachings of the early Christians in the centuries after Jesus. The first two classes will look at the beliefs and spirit of ancient Christianity that so dramatically changed the pagan Greco-Roman world and can again change ours. The last two classes will help you understand the relation between God and the world that we know as creation ex nihilo (creation from nothing). It enriches our lives and faith to read the two books of nature and Scripture together. Contemporary Anglican voices help us to see the hand of God in all things. Click here to register
Mid-Week Clergy Bible Study
The Truro clergy are currently leading a mid-week Bible study looking at the upcoming Sunday Gospel reading. All are welcome to join on Wednesday’s at 8pm on Zoom. Click here for the Zoom link
Youth Day Retreat • Saturday, October 30
We are excited to go back to Camp High Road for the day on Saturday, October 30th. Students will have the opportunity to experience a High Ropes Course which includes a giant swing and a zipline! Students should pack a lunch and water. We'll be at Camp High Road from 8:45 a.m. - 2 p.m. and return to Truro by 3 p.m.
If students would like to ride in church vans, please arrive by 7:15 am at Truro as vans will depart at 7:30 am. If students have other transportation, please meet Truro at Camp High Road by at 8:45 a.m.
Students are allowed to arrive after we've started. For those students who aren't sure whether or not they want to do a high ropes course, we encourage you to still come and enjoy nature, games, and community. The cost is $60/student and scholarships are available.
Join us for Seniors Lunch tomorrow, Saturday, October 16, at noon in the Undercroft. Our wonderful Truro Preschool Director Fiona Bracy will be speaking about all the good things happening as this new school year has begun, and also share some personal reflections of spiritual encouragement. All are welcome for uplifting conversation and inspiration!
To give via text: Text the word "Truro" to 703.457.9400. You will receive a reply with a link that you can use to give.
To give via U.S. mail: Send a check to Truro Anglican at 10520 Main St., Fairfax, VA 22030.