ARC logo. Black and white Georgetown University seal is on the left. To the right of the seal are three lines of text. The top reads "Georgetown University" in capital italicized letters. The middle line of text reads "Division of Student Affairs," and the bottom line of text reads "Academic Resource Center" in italicized letters.

ARC Monthly Newsletter

November 2021

Email header image showing the exterior of the Car Barn building. The photograph shows the top half of the red-brick building with a tall clocktower in the middle. The building is surrounded by leafy green trees; there is a flagpole on the right side of the picture, and a blue sky with wispy clouds behind and above the building.

Welcome to the November 2021 ARC newsletter, Hoyas, and we hope your semester is going well! In this issue, we’ll review ARC processes and approaching deadlines, introduce this semester’s final exam scheduling protocol, highlight upcoming events, spotlight an incredible disabled Indigenous author, and more.

We welcome your feedback and input regarding the content - please submit ideas or suggestions here. Do you have friends or family that may be interested in receiving this? They can subscribe via this link (you do not have to be registered with our office to receive newsletters). All image descriptions are in the alternative text.


Final Exam Scheduling Protocol for Fall 2021

The ARC’s final exam reservation form is now live. Please click here to read the updated information and access the form. If you have exam accommodations and wish to take your final exams in the ARC, you must follow the instructions outlined on our website. Make sure to check your final exam dates on the Registrar’s final exam schedule and reserve your seat with our office as soon as possible.

Although final exams may seem off in the distance, this is the time to start thinking about final exam arrangements. You are encouraged to read with care the Final Exam Protocol and determine which exams you will need to take in the Academic Resource Center. You will be receiving weekly reminder emails and information from the ARC beginning today, November 1st, to aid you in facilitating arrangements. Note that we are here for you, so do not hesitate to raise questions.

The reservation deadline is Wednesday, December 1, 2021. The ARC will not accept test reservations after this date.

ARC Final Exam Scheduling Protocol

**Requests for exams falling between October 29 and December 6 should be placed through our general fall 2021 process.

Tutor Appreciation Week was October 4th-8th. As integral contributors to our office’s work and mission, these students serve as student-athlete academic tutors and foreign language tutors. Are you interested in celebrating our tutors as well? We created a KudoBoard to show our gratitude and invite you to contribute!

Academic Support

Study tip of the month displayed on a light cream background, with fall-colored flowers and leaves in each corner.The text reads: Look at your final week of homework assignments before fall recess begins. That will keep you from being surprised by any sneaky deadlines when the break is over!

Student-Athlete Academic Support

Are you curious about the points of contact for each sport? Click on the button below to see a complete list of head coaches and sports administrators.

Hoya Coaches and Sports Administrators

Disability Support

October was National Disability Employment Awareness Month, which is celebrated at Georgetown as Disability Cultural Month. The university has created a new Celebrating Disability Pride, Communities and Culture at Georgetown landing page which allows people to learn more about the academic programs, scholarship, faculty, students, staff and alumni committed to celebrating and advocating for individuals with disabilities.

November is:
American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month!

Georgetown University’s Native American Student Council (NASC) and the Indigenous Studies Working Group aim to provide a sense of community, support, awareness, and advocacy for the Indigenous peoples in the region. You can explore the NASC Facebook, Instragram, and Twitter pages for more information and to get involved. Interested in learning more or studying Indigenous history, politics, and cultures? The Indigenous Studies Work Group’s Resource page is a great place to start.

Are you interested in learning about events or resources outside of the University? Check out the Native American Heritage Month web portal. According to the site, it is a collaborative project of the Library of Congress and the National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.

Entertainment Recommendation of the Month

Out of the Crazywoods by Cheryl Savageau

Out of the Crazywoods is the riveting and insightful story of Abenaki poet Cheryl Savageau’s late-life diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Without sensationalizing, she takes the reader inside the experience of a rapid-cycling variant of the disorder, providing a lens through which to understand it and a road map for navigating the illness. The structure of her story—impressionistic, fragmented—is an embodiment of the bipolar experience and a way of perceiving the world.

*Synopsis courtesy of the University of Nebraska Press.

There are many fantastic pieces of literature written by Indigenous people. We encourage you to check out a great article in The Journal of Literacy and Disability Studies that explores the intersection of literature, disability, and indigeneity and lists several pieces of literature.

Info from the
Cawley Career Education Center

The ARC has partnered with Beth Schill from the Cawley Career Education Center to provide tips and resources for our students with disabilities who are entering into the job or internship search process, considering applying to graduate school, or simply seeking guidance regarding career direction.

The Career Center continues to offer
designated offices hours for students with disabilities who are navigating the career search. Want to be notified about great upcoming employer events? Be sure to subscribe to Remind texts and the Diversity Newsletter.

We hope this recurring section will provide helpful information, and we encourage you to reach out with any topics that you would like to see covered, or questions you would like to have answered.
You can
offer suggestions for this newsletter through this Google Form.

Lime Connect

See below for exciting upcoming events and opportunities!

Scholarship Opportunity

Applications have opened for the
Google Lime Scholarship, and will remain open until December 12th! Learn more here:

  • Applicants must be undergraduate or graduate students, enrolled for the 2022-23 academic year, and studying computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related field.

  • Scholarships will be awarded based on the strength of candidates' academic background and a demonstrated passion for computer science.


Voices of Lime: The Intersecting Identities of Veterans and Disability - November 16th @ 12pm ET
This event is open to the public - all students, alumni, and staff are welcome to attend.

Join Lime Connect and Maureen Elias, a veteran advocate and a veteran with a disability herself, as she moderates a panel discussion with Lime Connect’s veteran Network members who live with disabilities. During this discussion we will explore how disability with a person’s military identity and how this intersection impacts a veteran’s approach to disclosure, networking, the career search, and work in general. Register at the following link:

LGBTQ+ Community Group

Join Lime Connect's Community Group for LGBTQ+ Network Members
This community group is open to Lime Network Members - students and alumni with disabilities are encouraged to join the Lime Network.

If you are interested in the community group, you will need to join The Lime Network, and email Lime Connect's Outreach Coordinator at

Create a Lime Network profile here:

Georgetown Disability Alliance (GDA)


Did you miss our previous (and inaugural) newsletter? Click here to read it!

Have a friend that didn't get this email but might want to? They can subscribe with this form!

Share your suggestions for future newsletters here (like new topics to include, a disability-centered entertainment recommendation, a campus event or celebration to spotlight, etc.).

Interested in becoming more knowledgeable about disability issues in higher education? Check out NCCSD (National Center for College Students with Disabilities) and DREAM (Disability Rights, Education, Activism, and Mentoring), two fantastic resources for college students with disabilities as well as disability advocates and allies.

Want to connect with our office? Click on the buttons below to connect via Facebook, Instagram, our website, and our email, respectively.