Catch up on our award-winning animated social-emotional learning series, find out about our upcoming virtual discussions, and learn about Hispanic mental health resources to help you find the right therapist.
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Little Actions Make A Big Difference shares easy-to-use, science-based actions and tactics to support your social-emotional health and well-being. Watch now!
We are also proud to share that the series won a Gold w3 Award from the Academy of Interactive & Visual Art!
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Almost Thirteen
Last year, the world lost Hayden to suicide in the middle of COVID stay-at-home orders. Since his death, his family has poured their hearts into making "Almost Thirteen," a short film with the mission to prevent youth suicide.
Join us on Oct. 20th at 7 PM CT for Youth Incarceration & Mental Health. We will speak with formerly incarcerated people and experts to explore mental health needs and alternatives to incarcerating young people with mental health needs.
Mental health is often not discussed in Hispanic households, making the search for resources and professional Latinx therapists a challenge. Check out this guide to Latinx Therapy: Resources,Questions to Ask Potential Therapists, and More, and hear from experts on everything you need to know to get started and find the right therapist for you!
From the loneliness and isolation of lockdown to the sadness of missed milestones, many of today's youth are facing unique challenges. Watch our virtual discussion with Louisiana Public Broadcasting discussing challenges youth face adjusting to a "new normal."
Join us on Oct. 27th at 7 PM ET for "Spotlight on LGBTQ+ Youth Mental Health." This event will focus on creating and maintaining safe spaces for LGBTQ+ youth, allyship for all ages, and resources for how to support LGBTQ+ youth mental health.
Check out the National Alliance on Mental Illness' Compartiendo Esperanza video series! To help Hispanic/Latinx people get the mental health support they need, NAMI offers three-part video series that explores the journey of mental wellness in Hispanic/Latinx communities through dialogue, storytelling, and guided discussions.
Use #WellBeings on social media posts to contribute your story, messages of encouragement, and favorite mental health resources to Well Beings Community Story Wall.
Support for the Well Beings Youth Mental Health Project provided by Otsuka, Kaiser Permanente, Bank of America, Liberty Mutual Insurance, American Psychiatric Association Foundation, One Mind, Movember, National Alliance on Mental Illness, Dana Foundation, Dauten Family Foundation, The Hersh Foundation, Mental Health Services Oversight & Accountability Commission, John & Frances Von Schlegell, Sutter Health, Robina Riccitiello, and Jackson Family Enterprises.
Partners include CALL TO MIND at American Public Media, PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs, WE Organization, Forbes, PEOPLE, Mental Health America, National Council for Mental Wellbeing, The Steve Fund, and The Jed Foundation.