This week's sermon:

"Inclusion & Exclusion: What Does the Bible Say?"

Galatians 3:23-29

Rev. Russ Boyd preaching

This Sunday we continue a 5-week sermon series entitled "Inclusion: Making Room for Grace" based loosely on a book of the same name by Eric H.F. Law. This week the sermon focuses on the idea that sometimes scripture seems to advocate for a more inclusive faith, while other times there are passages that sound more exclusive. How do we discern between the two? And is there a pattern that can help us better understand? Find out this Sunday as our series continues!

Click here for a preview of this Sunday's worship bulletin

Broom handle collection
(Mop/rake handles, closet rods also welcome!)

Gerald Marcell is continuing to help Mary Louise Phillips Elementary School with some woodworking projects (similar to the tote boxes he provided for Vacation Bible School). He is in need of wooden dowels for the handles, like old broom or mop handles or even wooden closet rods that are not being used. If you have some of these items, you can either bring them to church or give Gerald a call at 832-364-9896 and he will arrange to pick them up from you. And thanks in advance from Gerald and MLP Elementary.

Volunteer with the INA Food Pantry

Our partners at International Newcomer Academy have a food pantry located at 7616 Benbrook Parkway, and will need volunteers to help sort the food after it's delivered on Tuesday, October 19. They will also need volunteers on Thursdays to put together food bags to send home with students every Friday. Watch for more information on meetup times next week, and mark your calendar if you'd like to help out on those dates.

Note from Hope Goldman, Community Engagement Coordinator at Refugee Services of Texas:

"We have been gifted with so many donations over the past few weeks, and are now at capacity in our current storage situations. Therefore we are currently ONLY accepting:

- Gift cards (Wal Mart or general use VISA debit)
- Car seats (new)
- Checks or other direct donations to RST

If you would like to donate to help refugee families, email for more information.

Submit your 2022 pledge online!

Following Commitment Sunday on September 26, our Stewardship Committee and Treasurers began the process of building the church budget for 2022. If you have already submitted your pledge - thank you! If you haven't submitted your pledge, now is the time.

Click here to fill out a short pledge form, and let us know your commitment to the mission and ministry of Ridglea Christian Church in the coming year. God is calling us into partnership to transform our community as we grow in faith, and your financial commitment ensures our church will be able to fund the staff, facilities, and resources we need to fulfill God's call.

After hitting "pause" in March 2020 due to COVID, our weekly Tai Chi group has resumed meeting! The group meets every Wednesday at 10:00 am in the Worship & Wonder room for a seated Tai Chi session designed for senior adults. The side porch door provides a nearby entrance with a ramp for accessibility. If you would like to add some guided movement to your week, consider joining our Tai Chi group! No experience necessary, and the group collects donations to help offset the facility usage cost.
Throughout the pandemic our mission as a church has been to love God and love our neighbors in ways that keep each other safe. This has led us to learn how to be the church and worship in ways that we would have never imagined two years ago. We have learned that God is everywhere, and that nothing can stop us from sharing God's love!

 Our Leadership Team met in late July to discuss updates to our current policies and precautions due to rising COVID numbers in our community. The group determined that while our current precautions are still appropriate, we should encourage people to carefully consider if participating in worship, classes, and meetings via our online options is a better choice - particularly for those who share a home or have regular close contact with individuals who are not vaccinated. To help everyone think through their options for participating in church life, we have put together a consolidated list of our current policies and precautions, as well as our online opportunities for participation.

Click here to read a summary of our current COVID precautions and online options

From Taylor Condre, Ministry Intern:

There will be no youth group this Sunday due to the long weekend and fall break.

The youth are interested in serving dinner at Presbyterian Night Shelter. Unfortunately, PNS already has Sunday evenings planned out through the rest of the year. Would you be available to switch youth group from Sunday, November 14 to Saturday, November 13 so they have the opportunity to volunteer? Please respond to me at by this Sunday (October 10) so I can make arrangements.


The Disciples Sunday School Class is continuing their study of the book of Hebrews. All are welcome!

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 847 2487 3091
Password: disciples
The Open Door Sunday School Class is studying Bible passages related to the theme "Celebrating God" every Sunday morning at 10:00 am. All are welcome!

If you would like to join the class online via Zoom, please call the church at 817-738-0612 and let us know any time before 9:30 am on Sunday morning so that we can set up the Zoom meeting.

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 889 5684 6059
Passcode: opendoor
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