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Using the innovation adoption lifecycle to our advantage?

We at Metabolic Multiplier are excited for the coming year. We're seeing our teams mature from Innovators toward Early Adopters. We're...
  • Hearing clinician conversations shift from proving the science of metabolic health to its clinical applications.
  • Anticipating publications from several leaders in our space. They will explore the effects of lifestyle on metabolic health in more depth.File:DiffusionOfInnovation.png

How do we pave the way for early adopters?

One way is to listen to what clinicians are asking for. One request is for toolkits. Practitioners want short summaries of successful metabolic interventions.  

This fall, Metabolic Multiplier clinician teams will help innovators package their information. Where practicable, standardized formats will make it easier to widely adopt useful practices.  Clinicians and advocates want to collaborate to build on each others work rather than reinvent in isolation. 

Once developed, we will share these toolkits with leaders and organizations for vetting. This approach leverages the time of Innovators and Early Adopters alike.  

What toolkits will help clinicians?  Let us know what you think!

Team Meetings

Veterans & Military 

2nd Tuesdays, 10/12, 11/09*, 12/14*
@ 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm ET
*Dates tentative
Topic - Publications oriented to VA practitioners

Education – Europe & US midday team

2nd Tuesdays, 10/12, 11/8, 12/14
@ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm ET
Topic - Toolkit format, Polycystic Kidney Disease 


2nd Tuesdays, 10/12, 11/8, 12/14
@ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm ET
***via Google Meet
Topic - Toolkit format, Ketogenic Diet Therapies, definitions 

Clinical Toolkits

3rd Thursdays, 10/21, 11/18, 12/16
@ 9:00 am - 10:00 am ET
Topic - Toolkit format, Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction

AZ & NV Practitioner Meetup

Tuesday, 10/26, Nov & Dec. TBD
@ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Phoenix Time, 10pm ET
Topics - Planning an AZ meet up for consumers. Holiday tips?

Education - US evening team

1st Tuesdays, 11/2, 12/7
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm EDT 
Topic - Toolkit format, Stanton Migraine Protocol

Organizing Research***

2nd Saturdays, 11/13, bimonthly
@ 8:00 pm - 9:30 am ET
Topic - Tag organization. Research downloads
***Time adjusted to accommodate South Africa's rolling power cuts. Make sure you're on list.
All team meetings are subject to change so ask to be on each list.
We welcome active attendees with constructive input.
In an effort to optimize your time most are small-group working meetings.
We invite larger groups for to vet work-product periodically.

Take care!
Cecile Seth, MBA & Christie Barnett, APN

Cofounders, Metabolic Multiplier 

A grassroots movement exploring the effect of lifestyle on metabolic health

P.s. Have you seen 9 curated metabolic health research portals save you time? All shareable research downloads? on T2D, Obesity, CVD, NAFLD, Hypertension, Menopause, ASD & ADHD?  Thanks to Sarah Rice (Organizing Research) & Nutrition Network!
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