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The Journal of Integral Theory and Practice includes some of the most interesting and insightful thinking by integral experts in applied integral metatheory we’ve seen anywhere.

Each week we will continue to release exclusive JITP articles, available only to supporting members. Click here for a full listing.

An Introduction to Integral Life Practice
by Adam Leonard

Integral Life Practice — the conscious exercise of body, mind, and spirit in self, culture, and nature — uses the AQAL Integral map to orient the many growth techniques invented by humans throughout the ages. Practitioners achieve vertical and horizontal health through a cross-training synergy where growth in one area beneficially impacts other areas.

An Integral Life Practice module refers to any accessible component of the human being capable of development. Four essential modules in an Integral Life Practice include the kinesthetic, psychodynamic, cognitive, and meditative. When creating their Integral Life Practice, beginners often go through the simple process of scanning their current practices, identifying gaps using the AQAL map, evaluating their commitment, choosing new practices, and practicing together diligently. Finally, we recognize the paradox that ever-present Awareness is the absolute context for all the relative development fostered by an Integral Life Practice

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Consciousness as Embodied, Embedded, Enmeshed
Sean Esbjörn-Hargens

Consciousness is all too often understood purely in subjective terms. An Integral approach recognizes that subjectivity is only one of four dimensions to consciousness. This article proposes that consciousness (subjectivity) cannot be understood independent of its co-arising with bodies (objectivity), cultures (intersubjectivity), and systems (interobjectivity).

The Meaning of Integral Criminology and Criminal Justice
John J. Gibbs, Dennis Giever, and Randy L. Martin

This document was produced on the basis of a meeting that took place in March, 2001. There are some revisions reflecting activities and developments that have occurred since that meeting. Our intention is to suggest, in an introductory way, how the Integral approach could be applied to contemporary issues in criminology and criminal justice. We explore issues of the War on Drugs, the death penalty, and juvenile justice as illustrations.

Introducing and Understanding Integral Art
Matt Rentschler

This article briefly outlines a general definition of art and the main approaches of art theory andpractice. It then illustrates how those approaches coherently fit together via the four quadrants of AQAL theory. The article concludes that Integral Art preserves the important truths of these approaches (while negating their more extreme versions). Therefore, nothing short of an Integral approach will suffice in both tuning artists to their fullest expression and reminding critics of their widest embrace.

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