
Reformation  Edition

Keeping the members of CALC connected. 

October 30, 2021

Canadian Association of Lutheran Congregations (CALC) 
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President's Message 

While our culture is more familiar with the connection between October 31 and Halloween, there is another celebration which takes place that day: Reformation.

The Reformation was made possible by a confluence of events: technological advancements (the printing press), political developments (the invasion of the Turks), and socio-economic change (the decline of feudalism and growth of capitalism). Corruption in the church as well as loss of focus on Jesus led to a Church that was in bad need of reform.

We live in a time not too different even if remote from the 1500s. Technological advances are being made every day. The world is in turmoil facing threats as diverse as a tiny virus or as complex as globalism and climate change. I believe that we are in need of a new reformation.

No, the truths as expressed in the picture above have not and will not change. But we are in need of a newfound zeal for the Gospel, a renewed vision of Jesus and His love for the world. As the Bionic Man said in the 1970s, “We have the technology.” And God has the power.

Pray the Lord of the Church to send workers into the harvest and to pour out His Holy Spirit on a dry and thirsty land.
                                                      Be strong in the Lord!
                                                      Pastor Jim
Online Worship 

Click the button below. You will be re-directed to CALC's website. Click on "CALC ONLINE" in the navigation pane at the top of the Homepage and you will be directed to an alphabetical list of congregation's with online worship services. Click and enjoy!!!
The National Council and president will be assembling a series of committees to help engage our membership and move the work of the Kingdom and our church body forward.
  1. Events, Conventions, and Conferences: This committee would assist the Board of Elders in planning and implementing the AGM and other gatherings in areas such as theme, speakers, publicity, and venue.
  2. Missions: This committee would work to assist the Board of Elders in vetting mission organizations, distribute information, and help with the organization of missions within Canada.
  3. Theological Advancement: This committee would study the problems of contemporary life and society, study and respond to theological and scriptural questions posed by congregations, and so on.
  4. Media, Technology and Outreach: This committee would oversee all areas of CALC’s media and online presence as well as technological advancements.
  5. Constitutional Oversight: This committee would review and evaluate CALC’s constitution and bylaws as well as review any proposals for amendments.
If you are interested in working with any of these committees, please let the president or your pastor know of your interest.

The president of the Reformed Lutheran Church of Rwanda (RLCR), Jean Claude Maniragaba, was received as an associate member of CALC at our last convention.

CALC President Jim Bredeson is working to  arrange a visit by Pastor Jean Claude in late winter of 2022. At this point it is hoped that his visit will include southern Alberta and SW Saskatchewan, east central Alberta, and southern Ontario. Watch for further information!
There is still the thought of organizing a mission trip to Rwanda during the summer some time in the next couple of years (dependent, of course, on Covid).

New Contact Information for CALC 

General Inquiries: Please address general inquiries to: 
Pastor Hein Bertram, Secretary 
Telephone: 306-614-9227  

CALC's New Mailing Address
c/o: Victory Lutheran Church 
2793 Southview Dr SE, 
Medicine Hat, AB, T1B 2H1

Email Addresses for our President and Vice President:  

Pastor Jim Bredeson, President:  

Fred Schickedanz, vice-president: 

Helen Zacharias, CALC's Treasurer, can be reached by email at: and by telephone at: (204) 823-0270. She kindly requests that all benevolence cheques to CALC, and other payments to CALC made by cheque, be sent  to her at the following address:
Helen Zacharias, Treasurer  
890 Gilmour Street,
Morden, MB, R6M 1R9

Our Treasurer requests that the following email address be used to make e-transfers to CALC: 
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