What's New on the Matrix?
9th-12th Grade
Explore protein, discover the role of amino acids, identify sources of complete and incomplete proteins, and make fresh mozzarella cheese.
9th-12th Grade
Explore dietary guidelines, compare and contrast historical food guides, and discover how to apply principles of MyPlate.
*Revised to reflect the new
2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines.
See the New Companion Resources!
November's Featured Resources
Grades K-2
Discover how fresh fruits can be preserved by drying grapes to make raisins.
Grades 3-5
Explore different types of weather and discover how weather conditions can impact farms.
Grades 3-5 and 6-8

Make fresh mozzarella cheese and discover a career as an artisan cheesemaker.
Grades 6-8 and 9-12

Explore the process of fermentation in the creation of ethanol and observe the role enzymes play in the creation of biofuels.
Elementary Book
A fascinating slice of American history to discover the customs, manners, and eating habits of the Pilgrims.
A collection of maps and graphs to discover where your Thanksgiving dinner foods were produced.
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