The Story of Telling

Your invitation to join The Story Skills Workshop


Hi <<First Name>>,

Every day we make decisions because we hear a story that resonates with us. When we choose to support a tree-planting charity, buy our morning coffee from the same cafe or stop eating meat, we're buying into a story we care about.

The ideas we care about spread when we invest time developing the skill to tell a story about them. And those stories, in turn, give others a reason to care.

Nobody is a born storyteller, like any skill, storytelling is a skill you can learn with practice.

In collaboration with Akimbo, I created The Story Skills Workshop to help people like you become better storytellers.

In just 30 days, you'll learn a simple structure for telling stories that equips you with this skill for life. You'll also have a safe space to practice them, giving you the confidence to use stories effectively every day in your life and work.

Here's what some past Story Skills students say about how the workshop helped them:

"This workshop is magic —take it, and engage in it fully, and you will get so much more out of it then you can imagine. Your understanding of stories and their structure will improve, your writing will improve, your ability to give feedback will improve, your belief in yourself will improve, AND, you'll make new friends—who intellectually challenge you, provide constructive criticism, and are just good people. Do it! Do it now!"

"I've always been a good writer but felt that my public speaking skills were not as good. I took this workshop to find my voice and gain more confidence in public speaking. Being able to tell compelling stories is essential to success in the business world and meaningful relationships in our personal lives. I would highly recommend this workshop experience to those seeking to become the best versions of themselves they can be."

"As a former journalist, I always felt confident about my storytelling abilities, but this workshop allowed me to push through the mindset of an objective observer and into one of empathy. This workshop has helped me become a better marketer, better storyteller and even a better person."

Today, I'd like to invite you to join the Story Skills Workshop at the special discounted rate of US$285.

I hope you'll consider joining us.

Here's to spreading our ideas, making deeper connections and using our stories for good.


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